Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 491: I don’t know it.

The people in the operation room gradually dispersed, but the director of the forest was rejected by Zheng Ren after dinner, but did not leave, and remained in the operating room of the operating room.

He wants to see if Zheng Ren is really going to do TIPS surgery.

With the previous incident, Director Lin has already believed that Zheng Ren will do TIPS surgery, but still wants to witness the miracle.

Inside, neurosurgery is doing angiography.

As long as you don\'t make the mistake of making people cry, the angiography will end in twenty minutes.

This time is the time to draw feelings.

"Old high, where are you looking for such a big hand?" Director Lin’s voice was not small, but he did not deliberately loud.

Say this kind of face-to-face words with the most appropriate volume.

People who are a little thinner can\'t say anything like this.

Gao Shaojie has a little bit of excitement. "This is not Wang Qiang, the director of Haicheng Second Hospital, who asked me to go to the surgery. It happened to meet Zheng’s TIPS operation in the Second Hospital of Haicheng. I took a look and was shocked. I moved my mind."

"Good luck!" Director Lin smiled.

"That is." Gao Shaojie is not polite. I am lucky, but it is real, otherwise why others can not meet Zheng.

The level of people is high, and the character is good. When they are so busy, they simply don\'t take credit and sit quietly.

As long as the ability has arrived, any shortcomings can become advantages.

If there is no skill, Zheng Ren will be considered to be dull, stupid and so on at this moment. But now, it has become the best evidence of good character.

Su Yunjing quietly sat next to Zheng Ren, playing with a mobile phone, the black hair floating in front of the forehead.

Neurosurgical angiography is particularly fast, after all, it is just a angiography.

Any surgery that is a little longer and may be troublesome will not be done in front of Gao Shaojie who has already scheduled an operation.

The professor who had undergone surgery and had a big mistake in the neurosurgical band group also slowed down. After confirming that he was escaping from life, instead of dreaming, he came to Zheng Ren and bowed with respect and respect.

He did not say anything to express his gratitude, nor did he say that he would like to invite Zheng Ren to go to dinner and so on.

The waist was bent for about ten seconds, and Zheng Ren couldn\'t sit still.

This is like saying goodbye to the body.

He stood up and raised the professor of the neurosurgical band and smiled: "Small things, don\'t care."

"I still have a dizzy mind today, Teacher Zheng, yes, I will thank Haicheng in the next day." The professor of neurosurgery finished, and he even licked three cockroaches. Then he turned and left to send the patient.

"High teacher, take the film over, I will tell you about the nuclear magnetic precautions of this patient." Zheng Rendao, "The first operation, I and Su Yun do, you look first. Later, I will give you a handle. ”

Gao Shaojie was overjoyed, and there was a feeling that it was difficult to make a positive result after going through the nine hundred and eighty-one.

He quickly inserted the nuclear magnetic dispersion film of the patient already prepared into the reader, and then sideways, please Zheng Ren.

"Here, the 180b pulse in the SE sequence is symmetrically applied to each of the two sides symmetrically to the same diffusion-sensitive gradient pulse." Zheng Ren pointed to a point in the nuclear magnetic image with his right index finger, and explained it.

"The principle is that when the proton moves along the gradient field, its spin frequency will change, and as a result, the phase dispersion will not completely re-converge during the echo time, which will cause the signal to fall. Imaging with the same imaging parameters twice is this. In the intermittent period of two imaging, you try to drop a gradient pulse in your mind and then outline the image."

Gao Shaojie met with Professor Zheng Ren and Dr. Rudolf Wagner to discuss the nuclear magnetic dispersion images of the liver. They also studied it carefully for several days and received the selfless teaching of Zheng Ren.

There is a certain foundation, Zheng Ren said so, Gao Shaojie has begun to follow the virtual configuration described by Zheng Ren.

Director Lin was silent again.

What are you talking about? Is it human?

The director of the medical department is clinically born.

If you are not a doctor who has been working in the clinic for more than five years, you will not be able to do the job of sitting on the crater.

However, even if he was clinically born, Director Lin could not understand the dialogue between Zheng Ren and Gao Shaojie.

He was suddenly lost.

Unclearly, this kind of thing, Director Lin never felt that it would happen to him.

At the moment, he really has this feeling.

Gao Shaojie’s waist, which is usually very proud, bends slightly and maintains a curvature. Director Lin feels that this is Gao Shaojie’s involuntary embarrassment.

But shouldn\'t it?

Don\'t say Gao Shaojie, I don\'t know when I am embarrassed.

Just a surgery that just "fished" the guide wire proved that people have this value!

Lao Gao’s luck is really good.

It seems that he did not stay in the Imperial Capital that year, and consumed all his bad luck.

Director Lin was thinking about it. Gao Shaojie’s constant questioning, Zheng Ren answered patiently.

Professor Liu stood next to the director of the forest and looked far away at the nuclear magnetic dispersion of the liver.

Director Lin whispered: "Old Liu, do you know what they say?"

It is silence to answer Director Li.

"Old Liu?" Director Lin stood up and touched Professor Liu.

"Ah?" Professor Liu thought of entering God. He didn\'t realize that someone would touch himself. Like a ghost, he was shocked and stunned.

Professor Liu’s strong reaction shocked Director Lin.

"What are you doing, a surprise." Director Lin is not happy.

"Director Lin, I..." Professor Liu was hesitant.

"What\'s wrong?" asked Director Lin.

"I don\'t know what they are doing..."

The original professional people can\'t understand it! Director Lin is very happy.

It’s not that he can’t keep up with the times. He thought about it. He took a picture of Professor Liu and said, “I know TIPS surgery is particularly difficult. You have failed a few months ago.”

Professor Liu was so sad that he said: "Director Lin, don\'t always shorten it."

"Do you expect Zheng to do it?"

"I am sure that I can do it, or else I will not stop in the Haicheng even the specialists, and let me help the patients." Professor Liu said.

"Well? What happened?" Director Lin asked if he didn\'t know about it.

Stopping the specialist consultation is a big deal for the professors in each department. If the hospital is forced to stop, the professor can find the relationship in the province, and it takes time to make an expert consultation.

Take a proactive stop for a day. If there is something big at home, you can\'t get away from it; or if you are seriously ill, you won\'t get out of bed. Generally, it won\'t happen.

Professor Liu did not understand a few days ago, but today I saw Zheng He knew why Gao Shaojie had to stop the specialist consultation.

He simply told the Director of the Department about the incident, and Director Lin meditated.



There are book friends who have jumped, and the explanation is placed in the last chapter.

This is the real case, the issue that Concord Pan Jie gave to solve. The whole process, the description of the book is no exaggeration. 3-4 hours did not toss out the micro-guide wire, Pan teacher took the stage, 3 minutes to solve. This is the most fascinating thing I have encountered since I was a doctor. Moreover, Mr. Pan’s face value is high, long legs, high value, praise.

Just five chapters, write one thing, no broken chapters, ask for praise~

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