Lightning Degree

Book 12 Chapter - 14

First of all, the person who smiled and greeted lightly was a man of volcanic wave.

"Long time no see, Yang. Have you been doing anything?"

The eyes of the long-time writer who was greeted turned to Saldo Island.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Kwak. It's been about five years?"

Salinity replied with a quaint look.

"Long time no see, Jang Moon-in. How was everything?"

"Hahaha, I'm stuck in the door and looking for some work.

What's the big deal?"

Yang Yu-joong responded with a nice smile. Then the Binggum laughs lightly.

He said.

"Hahaha, that's too much humility. He's the head of the old faction.

Responsibility is never small and light. a crowd of hundred degrees

How can you say it's small when you're supporting your shoulders? Such

Did you take a difficult step here because of the fish?"

"I've got a lot of people to carry the future of Baekdo, and I'm curious about it.

You have to be able to. That's why I took the liberty of coming here."

I didn't say right now that I wanted to examine the sword of the bingo sword. That's.

It was a story to be told in private time.

"Hahaha, I see. Welcome. Then let's eat inside."

It's no longer polite to have a volcanic wave writer on the road.

I invited Jira inside. The moment the long man was about to say yes!

"Wait! I still want to see something."

With a sudden cry, a gust of wind swept through the country.

The dust flew steadily and disturbed the clock. Sooner or later, the dust clears up.

An in-young suddenly appeared in the hall, leaving the volcano camp behind.

Naturally, people's eyes were drawn to it.

The advent of this rude uninvited guest who dares to stand in the way of a long man of volcanic waves.

Angry Lee Kyung-young burst into an angry cry.

"You are rude! How dare you..."

"Are you trying to stand in the way of a man of letters? Apologize with your life!"

Lee Man-young, who was about to do so, had to shut up due to the violent restraint of the elder of the prosecution.


Elder Geomryun and 12 other elders are very concerned about this unexpected event.

It was obvious that he was panicking. But it's more absurd than anger.

It was more of a nonsense, and a distraction. Yang Yu-joong, a long-term writer, is...

When he sees a masked man, he cries, "Oh, my God!"

Pointed at the forehead with.

The nerve of standing in front of a long group of volcanic waves.

Isn't that crazy? The masked man is a man of faded purple and ill-dressed.

Lie was wearing an antique long sword with a long history.

The mask alone was made in a hurry.Masked men now have quivering ice swords and salinity, but volcanic waves.

I wasn't swinging my sword out of the blue. Besides, the volcanic wave camp.

The atmosphere of was also strange.

"Who are you? You're the only one who's in a hurry.


"Your name is..."

He didn't answer quickly and dragged on.

"Right away?"

More and more eyes are on the ball. Do you have any concerns, or go to bed.

A masked man who's been thinking for a while about whether or not he's forgotten his own name.

Soon after, he straightened his chest and shouted proudly.

" call yourself a plum mask!"


At that moment, a long volcanic wave, Pungmae Gum, Yang Yu-jung, was hit by a penetrating glass.

Grabbing his belly like a human being, he coughed up a squeezing sound of his lungs.

Plum Blossom Mask!

It was the worst sense of naming with a strong sense of urgency.

"You're a master!"


At the same time, Ryu-yeon and the old man smiled at each other.


"I'm, uh, coriander, am I?"

The only thing that came back after carefully asking about the statue of Namgung was the rain forest.

Just like that!

"This has made things even more interesting, yes!"

The exciting look on Ryu-Yeon's face like a spectator.

It occurred to me that the gray-haired old man never lost.

"How dare you!"

Salinity resented by the rudeness of an unannounced masked guest.

I took a big step towards the old man. Trying to make an example of it.

But contrary to what I thought, his feet were nailed to the ground.

I didn't budge.


Contrary to his mind, the cold-hearted body who is tired of life in the stronghold...

It was refusing to approach. And then the salinity is that the masked man...

I realized that I was a master with unimaginable blackness. The author is

The body is strong enough to detect a danger signal and send him a stop signal.

I looked to the side, and I saw that the hands of a sword-like swordsman, a baboon, were the same as those of a bing sword.

It looked like it was itching. Having already read the spirit of the opponent as the same swordsman.


"So what's your business?'

"Just because there's a strong swordsman here, I'd like to say that as the same swordsman,

I'm here to check my sword!"

The voice is strong and powerful, coming directly from the power failure.

It was a voice.

"Well, in such a radical way..."

The voice of the long writer was somber.

"It's not too late now, so shouldn't we stop him?"

"But this could be a good opportunity."

"But at least it's..."

Among the 12 elders, there was a small voice and a divided opinion.

I did lip makeup.

"Who is that strong swordsman? I can deal with it, depending on the circumstances.

There is."

Binggum seemed to think of it as himself, of course. It's not wrong.

And the Bingkum himself, with a masked swordsman with a funny name,

I wanted to mix the sword. The blood of a frozen swordsman is a lightning rod.

It melted away in the wake of the Sirloin Magimer, and now it's time for this Blessed Woman to die again.

It was about to boil up in excitement.

I feel like I still need to improve my skills after I met the Throne Mage.

It was a bingo sword that was going on. I thought there would be no one like this masked man against him.

But the masked man's answer was to shatter his expectations.

"I'd like to compete with him formally."

The masked man's hand pointed to one side. That's where Ryu-Yeon stands.

It was.

"Eh, me?"

Ryu-yeon pointed his finger at his face. Then, if you get plum mask.Silver shook his head.

"Me, then?"

Subsequently, Namgung-sang pointed to himself.

"No, not you, next to him!"

"You mean me?"

Mo Yong-hwi asked back. Again, he shook his head.

"No, you're great, of course, but next to him. I'm a little short.

The one with brown hair."

In hesitation, Yoon Junho moved his finger carefully and pointed at himself.

He said he wouldn't be the famous swordsman even if he had two skies.

I was deciding. But his neatness was wrong. And then the mask.

The human head was greatly nodded.

"Yes, you are. What I'd like to mix with the sword is another one.

It's you, not anyone!"


A startling cry burst out of Yoon Junho's mouth.

Since when has Yoon Junho been a famous swordsman?'

I've never heard of it! The idea of unwavering control in everyone's head.

The look on Bingkum's troubled face tells me that this is a matter for him.

It was unexpected, and it was obvious that it hurt my pride.

"What are you doing? If you're nominated, you should get out of here."

Rainfall to Yoon Junho with a face that looks like blood has been sucked into the ground.

The kite spoke casually.

"Do I have to go out? Even if I don't... "

Then Ryu-Yeon shook his head hard.

"It's a terrible thing to stand up to someone so aggressively courting you.

Hey, get out of here!"

After saying that, he pushed Yoon Junho's back. Yun Junho is unconscious.

He stepped out of the fence of the formed man and set foot at the scene of the incident. Behind the back

Looking back at it, Ryu-Yeon gestured as if he wanted to go quickly. Go back and do it again.

It was clear that he would be thrown out. Hundreds of eyes caught him in one body.

All. The only place I could go was the front because the back was blocked.

Blushing like a girl hesitating and shy.

Whirlpool among the students of the volcano who saw Yun Junho walking out.

These are the people who are worried about how Yun Junho was on the volcano.

Radish knew it well. His apricot sensitivity and his admission to the Catholic Academy two years ago.

was so famous that there was no one who didn't know. among other things

It was Lee Man-yeong and So Yoo-kyung who were even more shocked.

Lee Kyung-young, a volcano student, counts his own snowball as if he's seen a goblin.

I rubbed it coldly. 1, 2, 3, 4.

I rubbed my eyes so hard that my eyes turned red, but in reality,

There was nothing different about it.

"Oh, my God! What a stupid thing to do! How can you be such a crybaby idiot?

Can a jerk be stuck in there?'

It was beyond astonishment. In his eyes, there is still a glimmer of distrust.

It was full, but walking out of the crowd, he was a volcano.

It meant being elected as a branch delegation.

But soon he's completely taken the leap forward in his absurd thinking.

I've decided.

"Oh, come on, that can't be true. Well, yeah, maybe the delegation's next.

I'm sure he followed me to. Yeah, sure. Don't tell me the sky won't fall.

The ground didn't crack, the stars didn't fall, and that's what happened.

It can't happen. Hahahaha..."

The volcano branch delegation hasn't had a servant since ancient times, but that's Lee Kyung.It was none of Young's business and it didn't matter at all. Soyou-kyung

The death penalty, Lee Man-young, seems to be silent without even looking at him.

I stared at Yoon Junho. Into her clear, dark eyes.

Stem aspiration passed like a meteor.

When there was no way to go after being pushed out of the back by others, the drainage camp was blocked.

Like a long-time striker, Yoon Junho had no choice but to step forward.

How do I do this? How do I do this?)

He just wanted to run away if the situation allowed him now.

The oath before the rising sun is already ruined in his head.

It seemed to have flowed into the waves of the angles. But running away was not acceptable.

Because he is crying and eating mustard in front of an unidentified masked man.

There was only one.


From a distance, I thought he was a very scary man at first, but go.

It felt very familiar when I went close to it. I don't know what to do.

To Yoon Junho, the masked man asked in a gentle voice.

"Has the tender heart hardened to the hammering of smelting?"

It was a question that the teacher seemed to ask his student. Sounds scary from a distance.

His voice sounded very caring when he thought so.

"I don't know yet."

replied Yoon Junho. That was not a very reliable answer.

"I don't know... then we'll find out soon enough."

The masked man still spoke in a soft voice.

I think I've heard it before.'

It was a sad but very nostalgic feeling. But before my eyes

The energy from the standing is so powerful that it prevents me from looking back on my memories.

I was doing it.

"What the hell are you up to?"

Yang Yu-jung, a long-winded volcano, looks unconvincing.

He shook his head.

"Well, I look forward to your kind cooperation."

Yun Junho holds the sword right in the middle and points down the edge of the sword, then foreclaims.

He took something and bowed politely.


The masked plum mask gave a short answer and nodded. And then win

I explained the side method.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm just curious about your skills.

I'm afraid people might think I'm eating you. First of all, senior.

I'll give you ten seconds for Dory. I attack after that. If

If you touch the hem of my clothes, you'll win. that

If you don't..."

From the hollow of the mask with a crude plum pattern embedded in the forehead.

There was a flash of light.

"You'll have to risk your life!"

A sharp, stabbing killing ran through Yoon Junho's entire body. Attachment

It was a terrifying living that words could kill. Just listening to it is Yoonjun.

It was entirely favorable to Ho. But that's how much a masked man is himself.

It was in line with the story that he was confident in his skills.

The long-winded man shook his head with a skeptical look.


"That's absolutely impossible. With his current skills, he'll never win.

There isn't."

And the rain started.

Yoon Junho Plum Blossom Mask ())

"It's been a long time since I've seen the height of such splendor."

Binggum was amazed.


Salinity answered briefly.

After the fight with the Bireo twin horses, the tenacity to attack became more intense.

There were two people who had. I felt that their current skills were not enough.

It was thrown.

"You're a shy old man. Hide your face with a mask. Courage.

I can't believe you did it."Ryu-Yeon was sleeping and watching and said something in a ridiculous tone.

"I don't know if that's exactly what you said. He's been like that for a long time.

There was no noodles."

The old conference man said as if he had known him for a long time.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it is!"

After a brief glimpse of the old man, Ryu-Yeon goes back to his head with a "mmmmmmm..." sound.

His eyes were turned to Lam's presence.

At first, I tried to play with a good sword, but my opponent took it lightly.

Yoon Junho, who felt he couldn't control his opponent at his own pace, is a modifier.

With all this herbivore, they started attacking masked people again. But a netting

The dense black screen left no room for his metamorphosis to burrowed

In its exhaustive defense, Yoon Junho despairedly renounced the attack by a candlelight.

Next, he tried to attack his opponent with herbivores that focused on power.

It was beyond his capacity.

It's already been seven seconds. It's easy for a masked man to eat every herbivore.

He passed the examination of Moon Junho. The masked man who sheds the candle of Yoon Junho.

The sword of was surprisingly subtle.

No matter how many different ways Yoon Junho attacks, everything will be fine.

I didn't budge as if I had stood. You look so natural, man.

I think Lam can close his eyes and block Yoon Junho's sword.

I even thought about it. Yoon Junho gritted his teeth every second.

However, it was a heavy load.

As such, the gap between the two was clear.

"This is going to be a disadvantage?"

"I guess so."

Ryu-yeon responded by tapping the ground lightly with a cane.

"It's not like him. It's a small attack. Honesty and cowardice combined.

I can't believe he's trying to win the war!

Yoon Junho seemed to be swinging his sword quite desperately, but he was a masked man.

I couldn't get through the tight sword. Besides, I don't focus on one thing.

Go, the attack was too miscellaneous.

"Why don't we lose?"

This time the old man asked. Ryu-Yeon shook his head.

"Not yet. I'm not fully committed yet."

You're not using your power? You're not using power?"

"That's right."

"But why? Are you looking down on me? You don't look like a young man to look down on.


As the old man said, a man who looks down on his opponent will bite his teeth like that.

No, Ryu-Yeon replied bluntly.

"You look down on yourself more often than your opponent does. I'm good at devaluing myself.

I'd say there is."

"Then why? That masked man is a man who can win while preserving his power.

Of course, even if you use all your might, you won't be able to win this game.

We can win for the most part. So why not go all out?"

Then Ryu-Yeon replied as if it were a matter of course.

"It's not that I don't use my power, I can't use it."

"Hey, hey! timid Junho! If you want to win, bring back that sense.


Ryu-yeon, who's been watching in silence until now, shouts out loud.

I said it.

"Sense of the time!"

It's the dreaded, frightening blood horse that Yun Junho himself was tracking down Yi So-yi.

That was the day when I fought and won against the delegates.

'The sense of the time, the sense of the time, the sense of the time...'

That day, he was oblivious to his fatal weaknesses, sword in the trance.

Yoon Junho brings back the sense of life at bay.I turned my head around with all my might to make a bet. But here's one thing.

There was a matter of fame.

But what was the sense of the time?'

I've been struggling to think back, to think again.

But no matter how hard you squeeze a memory frame, a drop of achievement...

It didn't come out. He still doesn't remember a word of it.

It was nothing short of a blank sheet of paper.

"Ki... I don't remember. What should I do?"

Yoon Junho looked so embarrassed, crying in his Bolmen voice.

I looked around Ryu-Yeon with a clear face. Ryu-Yeon momentarily left-handed Earl.

I covered the burrow and looked up at the sky. My head's been pounding, but I'm just gonna hang in there.

I did

"I don't remember your bad hair, but I'm sure your body remembers it.

So believe in yourself! Be brave. If you don't have the courage to do that,

What's the point of carrying a blue sword? Cut it in half right now.

You should've switched with me!"

Ryu-Yeon's rebuke doesn't count Yoon Junho's indecisive mind.

It wasn't very relentless.

"You can't remember the head, but your body remembers it?"'

There was no time to keep selling.

Chaeng, Chaeng, Chaeng!

The enemy attack was still continuing. Yoon Junho believes in Ryu-yeon for now.

He decided to take a chance. This decision was quite reckless.

But the courage was praiseworthy enough. Even though he doesn't know.

I think so.

But Ryu-Yeon has never lied in his memory.

When it comes to his problems, the truth he sees is no filter.

The only point was that it was spewed out without teeth.

"What, you were only this good at it?"

The masked man bawled, treating Yoon Junho like a child.

I had nothing to say back. And it was unbearably embarrassing.

"Was the sword of a volcano this bad?"

No matter how timid and soft-hearted you are, you can't say anything insulting to Samun.

I couldn't stand it.

"It's my responsibility to be poor. Do not insult the sword of the volcano.

Oh. The Darkness of the Volcano is infinite."

Yoon Junho again fixed his eyes on the masked man, twisting the long sword.

I grabbed it vigorously as if I was throwing it away.

"Then prove it to yourself! If I don't, I'll kill myself.


The sight of a masked man's eyes was bombarded with terrifying flesh and his predecessor.

I've penetrated God.

A pure and dense life!

At the moment, Yoon Junho was convinced. It was like an absolute hunch.

"I'm dying!"

Suddenly, it became dark as if it were covered in darkness. It's so stupid in my head.

I couldn't think of anything. His death is already confirmed.

I didn't think any struggle would work.

Are you going to give up like this? And at that moment, deep in his heart,

The most basic desire buried firmly in the place opened my eyes. It lives and

The ego was a struggle of pure life.


A loud shout burst out of his mouth. At the same time, his hearing.

At the end of the sword, a splendid red sword burst out like a firecracker, hundreds of cows.

Red plum blossoms burst into bloom. Sooner or later, a gentle hawk.

The scent of flowers spread throughout the hall.

"Well, that's a scleroscope!"Poongmae Gum Yangyu Middle School is like a volcanic wave, and now Yun Junho is like a short fantasy.

I know what a remarkable state it is for him.

There was, and the elders were all amazed.

Moon Junho's Red Sword overwhelmed the masked man.

It was hanging out. The masked man's faded purple suit is here like a mop.

It was very ugly because it was in tatters there. Just now, Yoon Junho

It was a great achievement by the sword. But I'm faced with such an ignorant sword.

The fact that his wife doesn't have a scar on her skin means that the masked man has a high speculum.

It was an eloquence to be on the horizon.

And Yoon Junho was looking at the masked man in surprise. Just a minute ago

I'll forget about the trick that prevented God from attacking Yun Junho.

Because it was an unforgettable herbivore.


He's the strongest defense herbivore of the Plum Blossom Test.

A herbivore you've been teaching me dozens of times.

It's gonna be, this original trick is for sure.

Yoon Junho, who had been absent for a while, rushed to retrieve the sword in front of the masked man.

I fell flat on the floor. Put your hands in front of you, put your forehead on the floor, and go dou-rye.

He took ( 것이다). And then he's got a teary voice, and he's gonna stop him.

I shouted without a break.

"Yoon Junho, an invincible student of the Volcano faction, has a good understanding of Master Tae!"

Tears blushed and tears fell to the ground.

It's no wonder the volcano camp was buzzing and there was panic everywhere.

It was a result.

Exploding the sorrow of "As expected," the long-winded man touched his forehead, and the elders...

Moon Junho blamed for his carelessness. Still, the disciples of the volcano.

In addition to delegations from Cheonmu Hakgwan, Jungwon Pyo-guk, Jungyang Pyo-guk, and others.

The buzz among the spectators was hardly abating.

Especially Yoon Junho and Lee Kyung-young, who are also on death row, now have a jaw.

I was so shocked that I couldn't care less whether I fell out or not.

"Uh, how could he do that?"

You've come to have a remarkable military capability to follow? I can't believe it!'

The word "truly" did not follow through because of the trauma. Direct piercing

I watched it from beginning to end with Lynn's eyes, but I can still believe it.

No, I couldn't help but notice his gaze from Yoon Junho.

No, it's probably more accurate that you were staring at me like you were eating.


"The crybaby jerk..."

I've had a history of bullying him for being a crybaby idiot on a volcano.

It was Lee Kyung-young who was leading the bullying of Yoon Junho.

It was.

"You're just a disgrace to a volcano!" He was so mean.

Throw it.

But now he's back in gold as a delegation to the volcano branch.

He was still the third apprentice to fail to enter the Chunmu Academy.

The moment you think of it, you feel so miserable and pathetic.