Lightning Degree

Book 12 Chapter - 13

Looking through Hyorong's whole body from top to bottom with sharp eyes,

The old man nodded soon.

"Oh, yes, of course! By the way, a very handsome, burly young man.

It'll look much better if you decorate it. Little lady, you young chinchin.

Don't worry too much because Gu will be back to his old self soon. Lee Jeong

I don't look like I'm going to fall in trouble! Not cancer, not cancer!"

Lee Jin-seol clasped Hyorong's hand at the old man's warm words. That look

There was a faint smile around the old man's mouth watching.

"Come on, then, let'sir! Don't sleep tonight, take the moon and the stars as your friends.

Come on, come on.

The old man, who cried out loud enough to overshadow the young man, answered Ryu-Yeon.

Before you hear it, you take a cane and start stroking through the crowd.

I'm already embarrassed to refuse, and he offered me a free drink.

Neither was Ryu-Yeon to refuse.

"Then let's go before we miss it."

Then he took the lead in walking. I can't help but think about it.

It was Ryu-Yeon, who was leading the party.

Nam Gung-sang spoke with wonder to Ryu-yeon.

"Unusual. The old man who always looked down on me.

How can you be so polite when you say so?"

I have nothing to say if that's polite, but in the eyes of the Southern court, even that is...

It must have been an unfamiliar experience. But no matter how much it is,

It was an image of a male palace that showed his feelings too honestly.

"Because that old man deserves such treatment. What are you really doing?

The power behind that old man's shell? What a surprise

Why is a crying man in a place like this......, hiding himself? That

The old man is probably the strongest man I've ever met since I came to the river.

It's me!"

Ryu-yeon could see it naturally. No matter how deep you hide it, hide it.

Even so, his eyes could not be deceived. But I don't know why are you here?

It was an unsolved mystery even for Ryu-Yeon. Ryu-Yeon is the best male archer.

I've never seen someone so full of admiration.

"Well, is he really that amazing? I think it's just a review.

You look like an old man."

Just like that!


On the forehead of Namgung-sang, Albaem exploded as if he had waited. Ryu-yeon is just...

I clicked my tongue as if I was doing it.

"Tsk, tsk, courtesan! Gung-sang, when are you going to grow up? You're the old man's true heart.

If you can stop a sword for a second, I'll call you a courtesan.

I won't."

The eyes of the Southern Palace were wide open as if they were amazing.

"Oh, you're saying he's that great? Never like that

I can't see it."

The ambassador's proposal was tempting, but he was the one to implement it.

I didn't have the courage to.

"When did you begin to doubt the words of this ambassador? Grown up a lot


Ryu-yeon raises his fist once again, and the male archer is conditionally reflective.

cringed at

"Oh, no, it'sorry. How dare I..."

Namgung-san, who turned pale, lolled his hands. The 'suspicion' that ensues.You can embrace something in your life.The word ' means to live a long, healthy life.

I swallowed it inside me. The truth is that he's the only one in the world who knows it.

It's all you have to do.

"Tsk tsk, you lack faith. We don't have enough beads! Still ten more years of training.

I've got to."

Ryu-Yeon has been berated for being pathetic. That's why Nam Gung-sang...

I had no choice but to be intimidated.

"But no matter how hard I try, I think he's such a great man.

It's not easy.

No matter how hard I try to find the hidden strength Ryu-Yeon said,

I couldn't feel a hint of that.

"What are you doing, not coming soon?"

The cry came from quite a distance. Suddenly, I came to my senses, and it's already Ryu-Yeon.

The group walked from the front, leaving him alone in the middle of the market.

Namgoong-san chased after him in a hurry.

Friend the Member for Central and Central.

- Site of Visitor

Plum Blossoms located in the middle of Boulevard Samgeori with an unexpected companion after an outing

When I returned to the front of the guest glass, one side of the village was noisy.

The curious people of the village are already at the center of the uproar.

I was running. Nature Ryu-Yeon's party's attention was also drawn to it.

It was a procession. A few burly brown horse warriors.

He was leading the procession. The cart and the cart that follows it.

They're armed with bayonets walking together, protecting Re.

Lureboa, it was clear which name of the country was voted.

They're planning to flag each cart to show their affiliation and identity.

I was putting it in. Lotus and sword embroidered on a blue background.

Ryu-yeon and his crew know where the flag stands.

It was here.

He's got a grand figure leading the procession at the head of the ticket.

The middle-aged man was Jang Woo-yang, the eight-year-old state prosecutor of the Jungyang Pyo Bureau.

"It's a little late."

Ryu-yeon, who was watching, murmured to himself. But at the time, Ryu-Yeon's...

The eyes were slightly wrinkled. Ryu-Yeon's head is slightly crooked.

The Satgod people running alongside Miss Jangwoo were never in their party in the first place.

It was a man who used to be. It's been less than 30 times since we broke up.

I remembered clearly because I didn't fart.

Judging from the silver beard swaying in Satgat's shadow, the old man...

It was clear, and it was like a beard I remember seeing one day. Somewhere in the past

I felt strongly as if I had met him or not.

"Who is it?"

Ryu-Yeon is ruminating through the pages of his memories for a long. That's when

Once the tumult of the poem began to rise on the other side of the boulevard.

It was the West Boulevard, which was exactly the opposite of the Joongyang Pyo Country procession.

Moreover, this murmur is much louder and raucous than in the Central Bureau.

The sound of dozens of wagon wheels rolling on the ground like the sound of waves.

It rang softly. The thickness of the sound coming from afar is enough to reach from the other side.

I could feel that the coming procession was unusual.

Jang Woo-yang raised his right hand at the center of Samgeori, and he went to Jungyang Pyo-guk.

I slowed down this step. Miss Jangwoo, with her son following her, said,

Walking slowly, waiting for something to come.

It was not long before the gentle sound of the waves began to resonate higher and louder.

With the sound of a few horses' hooves, the sound of a large number of people's steps was heard.The sound of the army's march is full of energy.

It was threatening.

On the other side of the western boulevard, they came through the streets of crowds.

It looked similar to Jungyang Pyo-guk. Put it on the outside.

It was equally clear which country voted for. But they're a medium.

It's more colorful and more powerful than the voting of the Bureau of Voting.

It was.

The man in the lead looked very young, wrapped himself in colorful gold.

A shiny sword inlaid with gold and silver.

He was riding a snow-white horse with a kick.

"Does he want to brag about his money?"

Ryu-Yeon looked at the golden lad with disapproval.

Money isn't there to brag, it's there to save energy.

For Ryu-Yeon, who has a theory that 'is what's going on!' that's a luxury.

It was an interesting and insignificant facade. The sword is covered with gold and silver jewels.

This is because the sword technique does not become strong just because it is embedded.

Their black flag fluttering in the wind is a golden bull.

There were a lot of different symbols. Golden yellow embroidered with gold thread on a black background

The cow was the official seal of the Jungwon Pyo Bureau, the most prominent country in the country.

All the monks guarding the cart have a straight waist and a large body.

It was magnificent, full of energy from the whole body. It's a very common sign.

It was a rare prayer.

"Hahaha, it's a waste of manpower to use people like that as a marker.

What a waste of money it is to hire people like that as a marker.


The old conference man murmured as if he didn't understand at the meeting. What are they?

If you go out into the world, you can go to any country and make it easy.

It was the kind of people who were. More and more Ryu-Yeon people are tying up plum cups.

Both sides of the vote, which was approaching, stopped at the same time.

The road was narrow and the procession was large. I mean, it's hard for two matrices to pass at the same time.

It was the fact that the road was too narrow. North Boulevard was left, but no one...

He didn't seem to want to go in the direction.

"This is going to be fun!"

With a smile hanging around his mouth with an exciting look, Ryu-Yeon is a bee ahead.

I focused my attention on the mess. From now on, a battle of pride between the two countries.

Ryu-yeon, who felt the war clouds rising, was once a silver-bearded old man.

I decided to reconsider later.

A young man on a white horse and a bandit who seemed to assist him.

A man walked out together. As if he were determining his position, the bandit was a young man.

It was sitting behind a half horse race.

Miss Jangwoo looked back at her son and said.

"That's the small soup. You get out!"

The opponent was a small country owner, but the owner himself could not deal with it. No matter how many

Even if the power is smaller than that of Wonpyo, it is now one of the four representative countries of the Middle House.

It was a medium-sized country that rose to the status quo. To be ignored or to value oneself.

There was no devaluation. Of course, behind this behavior, there's a kind of victimization.

I couldn't deny that it was working either.

So-cheon, the successor of Jungwon Pyo-guk, took over as the son of Guk-ju instead of Guk-ju.

Pyo's face frowns slightly because of the displeasure of being ignored.

I lost, but it quickly unfolded again.

"Hahaha, long time no see. Jongpyo-du."

On top of the horse, Jang Woo-gang ordered Jong Mu-yun, the small lord of Jungwon Pyo-guk.

Said drunk. The sons and daughters of the same state owners in the same business.Even if they're sons of the state, they'll either call each other "so-guk-ju" or "prince" or "so."

It is not called 'Hyeop' but is called 'Pyo-du' without exception. 'Status Actual' Table

It's more of a symbolic meaning than two.

"Long time no see, Jang Pyo-du. How are you doing, Kook Joo? father's

It's the first time since the last 70th birthday, isn't it?"

To this little lord, the river was nothing but a passing wind.

Sheep. Greetings from Jang Woo-gan are received half-heartedly.

He opened the conversation. He didn't care about the Jangwoo River.

"At that time, I was treated very well, thank you."

I couldn't help but answer what was asked, so I reluctantly answered.

Jang Woo-gang's face was red as if he had heated up coal. Miss Jangwoo

I stopped my son with a wink. You're still a young man, though you're self-critic.

There was a sense of lack compared to the tomb.

His son, Jang Woo-kang, was unseemly well-off. Tooth

Jangwoo thought he couldn't escape from the shadow of the midfield.

Yang feels his enthusiasm for his children's education flaring up, and the tribe.

I told my son that I should teach him a more thorough and rigorous education.

I did my stuff.

"And what about him?"

Jang Woo-yang, standing next to Jongmu-yun, was much taller and had a solid body.

He pointed to a warrior spewing out an unrelenting spirit. based on one's spirit

BoA was at least two of the leading figures. He's been criticized for his own thread.

Jongmu-yun introduces the book in a hurry.

"Oh, you're late for the introduction. This is Sakpungdo, the leader of our Central Bureau.

Songbook, Song Pyo-du."

Only then did Miss Jangwoo look surprised.

"Oh, one of the eight votes of the Central Bureau. I've heard of your reputation."

"I'm flattered."

Songbook returned the favor politely. But for some reason, a rather blunt voice.

It was a midway ticket that is currently recognized by Zata as the number one country.

The bureau has eight members located above all of its representatives (including the states of Bunta).

There was a general lead. One man, one man, and one man, to be recognized as first class.

It was well-known for being so high and strong. The national treasure of most small and medium-sized countries.

They were much higher-ranking people in the tea ceremony industry.

They're the so-called "Dream of the Pyoons."

Once they're on the trail, they'll never fail.

They were outstanding people (for real or not).

"I've heard that these days, unless it's a class act, they don't even come forward at all right.

What a treasure trove he's carrying.'

Miss Jangwoo was not comfortable with her stomach. I was curious, but I didn't mean it myself.

I couldn't even ask. It's a competition with the Central Bureau for voting speed.

It wasn't about winning at the value of the goods.

The other thing that bothers me is the big shot in the industry.

Secretariat, leaving all the conversations to Jong Moo-yoon.

It was the fact that Rum was half a step back. Plus, all the profits are...

No complaints were found about leading the situation.

"I'm so impressed in my heart that I can truly serve him.

You think it's Eonada? Or is it simply a mid-way ticket country's camouflage?'

But even if Jongmu-yun has one of the eight midfielders as an aide,

I was confident without any contraction. He's still not good enough for his son.

I couldn't help but compare myself. The enthusiasm for education than it was just now.Righteousness and aspiration soon doubled.

Ms. Jangwoo, who was briefly infatuated with education, went around the country to vote.

While looking, I suddenly found something strange. Gikwang in his eyes.

It flashed.

"Huh, there must have been an accident, huh?"

I've examined the Central Bureau's marking and found no problem with the front-line.

It seemed to have, but the cart was tanned here and there, and the flag.

Several airways were black at the end.

Jongmuyun said, scratching his head.

"Hahaha, I was in trouble. I was caught in a big forest fire on my way here.

Because I threw it away. I almost blew up all the targets. About this much

I don't know how fortunate it is that it ended with minor damage."

He was smiling outwardly, but he wasn't.

There you go.

"Why? You must be angry that all our objects have not been lost."'

It was a different heart than it seemed, but he wasn't as young as he was.

It didn't show up on the surface. Already at this young age, not the same on the outside.

He was successful in making a double play. This martial arts business

It was a necessary feat for a man to do something.

It was pretty common for Miss Jangwoo.

Why didn't all of them disappear then? That's too bad, too bad.

Whoa... if there was a little more fire...

But the words that came out differently from what I thought were good at.

"Oh, my God. That must have been a great pleasure. What a disaster that could have been.

If I had tried a little harder, I would have been sitting on the street, knowing nothing.

I feel like I threw it. Hahaha!"

Miss Jangwoo shows a formidable level of training.

But the last attack, too, shows skill, shows that Miss Jangwoo is more capable.

Jang Woo-yang's sly words make one of Jong Mu-yun's temples flutter.

It fluctuated lightly.

"Better than that, I heard rumors that I met King Noklim on the way.

I heard, is the surprising rumor true?"

Jang Woo-yang was briefly taken aback by the intelligence capabilities of the Central Committee. Then these guys

It wouldn't have been easy to get information because it was going in the opposite direction.

Due to.

"Hahaha, that's what happened. You can avoid any kind of vote-guk.

When you meet King Green Forest in the mountains, you escape without any damage to the target.

I'm just proud of our representatives for coming. Sooner

There will be no strong man who doesn't know his incredible achievements and proven credibility.

It is."

The 'some votes' included, of course, the mid-term votes. Not only that

Miss La Zhangwu has made a secret contribution to their achievements.

He turned it around and boasted. He's proud of his country.

For this arrogant little state, it was nothing short of infuriating.

"Hahaha, your country has never been caught by that terrible green king.

Since you died, good luck must have reached you. Thank you to heaven and earth.

I've got to do it."

If it wasn't luck, it wouldn't be possible, so don't mess with me.

I said it politely in a roundabout way.

"Tsk, Jong Pyo-du is still young. In this world, results matter.

No matter how loud the narrow-minded they are, they're babbling.

Even though our Jungyangpyo Bureau met with King Noknim, it carried the object safely.

The truth remains the same."

"Jang Kook-ju has won. Tsk, why don't you talk to me?

I don't know if you're doing..."

Changhong received Ryu-Yeon's comment."It looks like old ginger is a spicy corporate."

The confident smile on Jang Woo's mouth is in Jong Mu-yoon's eyes.

was seen as a mockery. His fist trembled with humiliation. Living

He had to put up with the surge.

"Old raccoon!"

"Fox-like a fox!

The gaze and gaze collided and sparkled. There's no sign of a fight yet.

It wasn't off, it was burning.

"Hey, how long are you going to keep this old man on this street?


As the flames of the two men were rarely extinguished, they rode next to him.

An old man wearing a satchel burst into complaints.

"Oh, my God. I'm sorry, Roh. I'm ashamed of myself. But this young man

Your friend blocks the way and rarely lets you go. I can't help but be rude.

I've committed a crime.

His attitude showed a sign of sincere respect and respect throughout his body.

In a way, he's shaking a lot. He'since he's so old.

I was having a hard time. Then Jongmu-yun's eyes naturally turn to the old man.

That old raccoon is such a respectful old man.

I was wondering if.

"Hey, young man. Don't open your eyes there. Pupil

We're going back. Young people these days are getting more cheeky day by the day. the aged

I don't know how to respect. Isn't that right, Jang Kook-ju?

The old man secretly calls Miss Jangwoo.

"That's right, Mr. Roh. You have a good opinion."

He responds as if he had waited. I feel like I chewed a bug.

Looking at the expression on her face, Ms. Jang-woo smiled brightly, looking very refreshed. bad luck

Thanks for the old man at the speed of sound.

This young man, unfamiliar with humiliation, bawls at shame.

I wanted to, but I didn't dare. He's the national sovereign of a single country, and he's been...

Jangwoo, who is competitive and dares to win the reputation of Jungwon Pyo-guk.

Yang is such a respectable figure that he couldn't have been.


"What are you so gawky about? Get out of the way! We're people who have a long way to go.

The world."

At the urging of the old man, Jongmu-yun almost screamed and swallowed it.

Then he tried to force the skin of his bone-piercing face and then he forced it.

said with a smile.

"Ha ha, the little man who voted for us, use his kindness to get out of the way.

Wouldn't it be much more efficient and easy if you gave it to me?"

Was it called the Eonjung Remains? In Miss Zhang's ear, the word is a central sign.

China, which is no match for the country in terms of size, obviously knows the subject.

I was told that I should step down.

"Hahaha, why do young people not know so much about manners these days?

Tsk tsk, when did the kids of the Joongwon Pyo Bureau become so rude?

I don't know how much you pay for the thousand votes show in front of me.

It wasn't without bangs. That's the way heaven treats John.

Are you Rechider?"

"Well, do you know my great-grandfather?"

Open your mouth wide enough to make your jaw drop, and your voice trembles.


"Huh, was that your great-grandfather? I've known him since he was following his father.

I used to come to our mountains often."

Now I was so surprised that I no longer had the strength to panic.

"No, Mr. Roh..."?

"What a curious young man. I don't have a name to teach you.Ask your great-grandfather later."

"Well, he died ten years ago, didn't he?"

"Oh, yeah, it was. You forgot, didn't you? Then I'll keep messing with you.

Why don't you ask the world?"

It was confusing whether it was a joke or not. Closer to Jongmuyun.

The old man whispered in his ear.

"People call Nobu, ... You probably don't... "

I was going to say "I don't know," but before that, the reaction popped out.


After hearing the old man's short whisper, Jongmu-yun was pulled out of his soul.

I was so freaked out that I thought it might be a crab. Falling back in a faint. Falling back.

It was a miracle that I didn' You must have been quite surprised.

"Who is it really?"

Ryu-Yeon was still confused and troubled.

"As expected, clearly, certainly. That grandpa! Someone I've met somewhere.

It's the same..."

Ryu-Yeon muttered in a small voice. I'm getting more and more worried.

It was as if.

"I certainly didn't meet you in my previous life, but I wouldn't put it that way to put it.


It was certainly not a sense of deja vu. It was definitely a relationship of the present.

"What's going on?"

Like Ryu-Yeon, the conference looked closely at the war of nerves between the two countries.

The old man said.

"Oh, nothing. I've seen that old Satgat before.

I feel like I'm getting better."

"Certainly, you're saying that, Nobu met him somewhere.

I feel like I've seen it."

It was the sincerity of the old man. I've never met that old satgat before.

It felt like there was. But Ryu-Yeon and the old man's suspicions.

Exploring contemplation was broken by another tumult.

Call me plum mask!

As the two countries growled in the way of the boulevard, the other side of the three-way street.

There has been a murmur of noise again.

"It must be a noisy day here and there."

The cause of the disturbance was immediately known. Some villagers say, "I'm a volcano!"

Volcanic waves are here!' he shouted.

If you're a student there, you'll see it every day.

I thought, "What a fuss, it's not rare?" But the procession...

It was enough to make a scene.

"That's a lot of power. There's a wave of people moving."

The old man at the meeting confessed his honest feelings. They work on North Boulevard.

Walked straight. Twelve elders and them, including long-time volcanic writers.

About 30 officials who carried out the walk through the road. Plum Blossom Patterns

The 30 or so volcanic disciples in these embroidered robes are all prestigious.

As a student of the medical school, he was giving off energy like a spear knife. Among these,

Lee Management and Soyou Gyeong were also involved.

Twelve Elders, including the Long Writers, is not the same as the entire volcanic wave.

It was an empty camp. The furrow of years on the face of a gray-haired old man.

He felt infinite years of experience, and his waist was undaunted by the weight of time.

It was upright, and the whole body was filled with the scent of plum blossoms.

It was.

Around the evening, he wore a twilight-like purple robe on the horizon.

The old man, wearing an antique sword, is the current volcano.

It was Yang Yu-jung, a Korean traditional sword with waves.

Yun Junho was surprised to see the man of the temple and ran to say hello.

He tried, but Ryu-Yeon snapped him dry. A little more.I meant let's turn it on. Yun Junho is Ryu-Yeon's hand holding his shoulder no matter what.

I couldn't shake my ears, so I had to do what he told me to do.

It was.

The front door of the Plum Blossom Cup opens, including binges and salinity.

Delegations from Cheonmu Hakgwan walked out. A volcanic wave long man who came to visit.

All those on horseback in the central and central provinces of Eulan-yang were stunned. Horse

A long man of volcanic waves is green enough to welcome him with a cheeky seat up there.

It wasn't up there. Everyone, with the utmost courtesy, is to be courteous and a decoy.

He opened the way while intoxicating himself.

The group of volcanic waves stopped, and only the long-lived Yang Yu-jung walked forward.

Then Binggum and Salinity walked out together.

"Hahaha, it's been a while. Government officials!"