Let Me Be Reborn

108. Happy Sara13

Seongmin who was standing outside the door whistled against the wall. It's a habit he doesn't know when he's in a good mood.

A simple pose, but the force emanating from the superior luggage has unquestionably revealed the majesty of the former model. It reminds me of the arrogant interview of the parent actor who captured everyday life and became a photo.

"Hehe, things are going according to plan. ’

He had to have what he wanted to have in hand to get his temper off. I am thoroughly in denial, but I resemble my grandfather, who raised Gulag's company with his bare hands.

Early becoming aware of his grandson's persistent personality, he wanted to leave him a successor. Some said that they felt a debt to the saints because they felt guilty about their son who died at an early age, but in fact, they came from the excellent intuition of the senior citizen.

However, even the president of the Republic of Korea, who was called the greatest financial force, could not persuade his grandson.

The saints who believed that their grandfather's excessive expansion drove him to his death began to leave their homes when they were young.

to refuse his succession recommendation and to create his own life.

The old chairman regarded his grandson's rebellion as a young stray from his youth. So I took a bystander position as to how long to continue when I started working on the model.

However, thanks to Mother's superior genes, which are from celebrities, Seongmin began modeling with ease, and even the senior class president later walked unexpectedly. One day, I suddenly started writing a novel, and I became a best-selling author.

His book has been a huge hit since virginity, and in the last three years, all seven of his works have been made into dramas and movies, earning an unimaginable income.

Surprisingly, this was an accomplishment that I achieved by hiding my background thoroughly and only acting on a pseudonym.

The more grandchildren won, the more the chairman of the board burned.

I believed that if I worked on a model that was not worth much money, I would come back to Korea after being hungry and suffering in a foreign country. It was because I thought that I would not be able to bear the natural word of enlargement when I was born as the grandson of a Chamberlain.

Whenever I saw my grandson self-immolating as a novel publication, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. How timeless to write such a useless novel with such a good head. · · Of course, every time I saw him like that, I was more cheerful.

Seongmin, who was waiting for HyeEun to come out, made a smile on a bunch of checks that popped out of her purse.

It was because I remembered Yeong-seop's words watching the process when she abandoned her daughter, Kim Ah-young, last year.

Money in the end.

I beg your pardon?

You said it was an irresistible offer, and in the end, you're giving in to it.

Why don't you have a drink? If you lose a bet, admit it nicely.

Well, if that's your gift, I don't want to admit it. Oh, of course I lost, so I'll call you my brother. Brother Sung-min.

Son of a bitch.

That's even funnier if you're flattering yourself about the billions you've made. How can you spend so much money like you do now? You know it's a trick. After a while, I'm gonna inherit all of your grandfather's estate. There's nothing to be ashamed of if you spend all the money you earn because you have a strong back stomach.

Are you done talking?

No, I just want to say one more thing. That's not how you take a woman's heart. Who can't pay him off? Give me that money, too. I'll do the same.

· · · · · ·.

Make your opponent really like you. Then I'll admit, whoever that is. But I can assure you, there is no woman in the world who can love the purely human constituents. If I'm wrong, I'll tell you about him for the rest of my life.

* * *

30 minutes from now.

The room that is the owner of the hotel.

Does it remind me of the bitterness of Yeong-seop last time?

Seongmin, who instructed me to change the check in his wallet to cash, suddenly changed his mind.

“No, stop it. I won't spend it this time. ”

“Yes? What are you talking about · · ·. ”

“Just go. ”

Seongmin got up from her seat.

You said I wouldn't steal a woman's heart if I didn't have the money. Young-seop, you're gonna have to yell at me for the rest of your life. ’

This time, he insisted that He would seduce him without using the power of gold. I wanted to flatten Yeong-seop's nostrils with a scrape of his stubborn pride.

‘Hold on. I have to deal with annoying roommates first. · · ’

Seongmin who was dying in front of Eun's room suddenly opened the door and quickly hid behind the corner.

‘Neither can you. ’

Seeing Stephanie leaving, Seongmin again approached Hye Eun's room. However, no matter how I thought about it, I didn't think of a sharp method.

I had already been tricked once, so if I was rejected twice, I would be hurt by my pride. It was not a strategically valid means to leave it.

‘You can't just barge in and do nothing. I'd rather strike first at her friend. ’

Seongmin ran towards the Huddak elevator. Fortunately, Stephanie dressed in churning is waiting in front of the elevator, just in case she hasn't arrived yet. He naturally followed Stephanie and recalled a trick he had used before.

‘That's right. We'll use it to lure us. ’

Seongmin followed Stephanie to the convenience store on the first floor.

Then she slipped her purse out in plain sight.


As expected, Stephanie picked up the wallet of the saints. Stephanie unwittingly opens her wallet and looks around at the 50,000 won inside and turns in horror.


He said there is less than 10% chance of losing his wallet and recovering it. At the very least, there is less than a 5% chance of remaining in cash.

Stephanie was not particularly conscientious. She takes her citizen's wallet and leaves the building. Seongmin followed her with a bloody smile.

As she pulls the cash out of her purse and throws it into the grass, the citizens suddenly appear.

“Excuse me? ”

Excuse me?

“I, Is that what you told me? ”

Are you talking to me?)


Sungmin, who worked as a model in New York, began to question Stephanie with a fluent English pronunciation.

“The wallet you just threw away, I think it's mine. ”

Stephanie, who was caught in the act, shakes her head in contemplation. I thought no one was watching, but I never thought I'd see that.

“Oh, no. ”

Seongmin picks up her purse that was thrown into the grass without a word.

“You just threw cash away from here, right? ”

“Well, you've got the wrong idea. It's not really me. ”

Seongmin put her hands on her waist and snorted.

“Ha. I see. I tried to move on to being a foreigner. · · · ”

Seongmin opened his wallet and counted the cash inside. The white checks were flat, and only 50,000 won of cash had disappeared.

“Don't you have 50,000 won in your pocket? That's exactly how empty it is. ”

“I-I don't know. ”

Stephanie was a jerk.

“Should I do a sweep? ”

“Oh, where do you go searching for a woman? ”

The lies that had already begun continue endlessly. Eventually, Seongmin called the passing hotel staff and explained to them.

“Hey, is there a CCTV set up here? ”

“Yes, sir, but the security room is restricted to authorized personnel. If it's because of something you don't know, you can report it to the police. ”

Seongmin whispered to the friendly explaining staff.

“I know. Can we stop explaining it and just look at it with authority as the dominant? ”

“Yes? Y-you? ”

“Ha, you don't understand. Call the boss right away. ”

“Shi, excuse me, who are you? ”

“I don't have to explain myself to you. ”

Since the conversation with the hotel staff was in Korean, Stephanie could not understand the conversation at all. She wanted to escape somehow, but there was nothing she could do because she was looking at the eyes of the people.

A moment later, an employee associated with the manager switched phones with Seongmin.

“Hey, it's me. I'm going into the safe room. · · · No, I need to check. ”

Sung-min, who threw the phone back at the staff, said.

“You got it? Show me. ”

The employee who switched phones led Seongmin to the hotel security room after she was scolded by the manager. As such, the citizens who obtained the evidence of the crime through CCTV drove Stephanie away again.

“Are you going to keep saying no? ”

Eventually Stephanie bursts into tears.

“Sorry, I accidentally quit · · ·. ”

Staff watching CCTV together next to him said to Seongmin.

“You want me to call the police? ”

“No, thank you. Let's not complicate things for no reason while you're still a student. They must have found the money. Why don't we teach them a lesson? ”


Seongmin took the weeping Stephanie to her room. Stephanie was scared that she might be dragged by the police and simply followed behind the people.

Sungmin's room was only two of the finest premium suites at Intercontinental, a five-star hotel. One room was more than 40 square feet, and the marble bathtub that was installed on the window was the size of a public bathtub.

“Sit here. ”

“· · Yes. ”

Seongmin sat Stephanie in the banquet hall with a luxurious rug. Stupefied by the comfort of the suite, Stephanie rolls her anxious eyes.

“Don't be so scared. ”

“· · Yes. ”

However, it was Stephanie who was forced to Oompa-Loompas because she had committed a sin. Seongmin went to the wine rack on the wall and picked up a bottle of wine.

“Would you like a drink? ”

“I can't drink that. ”

“Oh, was he a minor? ”

“· · Yes. ”

“So, what do you want to drink? ”

“Oh, it's okay. ”

Seongmin sat on the couch opposite with a relaxed expression.

“His name is Stephanie? ”


“Are you alone in Korea? ”

“Oh, no. With a friend. ”

“Haha. I'm so scared. You think I'm gonna call the police? ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Don't worry. I'm not that disapproving. I found the money anyway. Well, you're too young to make that mistake. ”

“I'm sorry. Wallet. ”

“Never mind. I just wanted to be friends. ”

“· · · Yes? ”

“No, it looks like I'm visiting Korea with a friend, but you don't have to ruin this for me. ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

“I went through a lot in New York when I didn't have any money back then. That's when my American friends did me a favor. You think you're paying for it now. ”

“Were you in New York? ”

“Yes, when I'm doing something else. Back then. ”

Seongmin acted differently than usual to ease Stephanie's tension. If his friend Young-soop, who knew him well, could not help but be astonishingly gentle.

“Haha! You're so funny. ”

“By the way, Stephanie. Looks like I've been off the hook for too long. I was just gonna say a few words. Do we have to go to your room now? ”

“· · · Yes? ”

Stephanie glances at her phone.

It had been almost 30 minutes since I said I was going to the convenience store. In the meantime, there are four missed calls left by Hye-Eun.

However, Stephanie, who was fascinated by the handsome people, did not want to go back to her room. Unlike the eunuchs and Sarah who appeared, she was always the type that wasn't noticed by men.

It was a shame to break up with such a beautiful man when I could have another pleasant conversation with him.

“I have to go. · · · ”


“There's nothing to do tonight even if you go to your room. · · ”

“But didn't you come with a friend? Your friend must be bored by himself. ”

“Oh! Can I invite Rachel here? ”

“Is your friend's name Rachel? ”

“Yes. Oh, by the way, that's an American name, and he's Korean. HyeEun.”

“What about Hye?”

“Yes, Rachel would love to come to this room. I've never been in a better room. ”

“Really? I don't care. We're done for the day anyway. But what if Rachel doesn't show up because she's scared? ”


“No, Rachel doesn't know me yet. Don't you think it's a little awkward coming into a stranger's room? ”

“Ahh · · ·. ”

Seongmin began to seduce the embarrassing Stephanie.

“Or how about this? ”


“Can I play a little prank on your friend? ”


“I mean, it's like a secret camera. ”

The usual prankster Stephanie liked to clap her hands on the suggestions of the saints. Especially the story of Seongmin that she could test her friend's friendship.

“If Rachel were your best friend, wouldn't you come here? ”

“She'll come around. Rachel is my real friend. ”

“Really? You sure about that? ”

“Of course! How close are we? ”

“Okay, so if you can act like you said and Rachel can really come in this room for you, I'll guide you. ”

“Go, a guide? ”


Stephanie remembered her brother, Dawn.

I'm sure he'll teach you to see Seoul tomorrow · · ·.

Seongmin wedges in front of her who hesitates.

“It's going to be fun. I like cars, too. ”

A key holder imprinted on a Ferrari is pressed against my finger. Even Stephanie, who didn't know much about cars, knew that the pattern was a luxury sports car brand.

"It would be so much more fun to hang out with this brother. You look rich, you have a car, and you're nice to me. ’

He only took care of his half sister Sarah and his sister, but he was not interested in her at all. Stephanie, who was disappointed by it, accepted the offer of the saints.


“Really? Give me your phone first. I'll be right back. ”


Angry Fire Column