Let Me Be Reborn

107. Happy Sara12

* * *

"I love how hot Western kids are." ’

It was the idea of receiving Sarah's active fellowship.

I had no choice but to rely on it because my InfoWindow skill was not updated. If she lacked affection for me or hated the one-night stand, it could have ended with a reckless attempt.

But I was convinced when I saw Sarah on her butt rubbing it against her tailbone. She's hotter than she looks.

Squeeze squeeze! Squeeze!

I still look very satisfied sucking on things I buy. It is very active to suck the object with a delicious amount of food and the whole head.

I've been siphoning for a long time and suddenly the phone rings.

That's not my phone. ’

“I think it's mine. ”

Sarah reaches out to the side table and picks up her phone. Then he checked the name that came up on the screen, and showed it to me.

“Oh, it's Rachel. ”

The name shown on the sender is HyeEun's English name. I think I was looking for Sarah when she didn't come back.

“Should I not answer it? ”

Sarah asked.


If you don't answer the phone, Stephanie and Hye will surely go out looking for her. That's what happened on the street earlier, so if you lose contact while drinking alone in a bar, you might scour the entire hotel.

Then the most dangerous place is Sarah's hotel room.

Where she and I are tangled up.

When I had finished judging, I told Sarah:

“Just answer the phone. ”

“What do you say? ”

She doesn't look good.

As soon as you come to Korea, you enjoy one-night stands with your sister's friend's brother?

When you think about your relationship with your awkward sister, you can't reveal it. Of course it's the same for me.

“Tell him I went for a walk. Around the hotel.”

“Got it.”

I got up in front of her head to make her easier to talk to. She corrects her posture, then straightens her voice and answers the phone.


Why are you answering your phone so late? Didn't you get my text?

Because it was quiet, Hye-Eun's voice flowed out clearly beyond the handset.

“No, I got it. ”

Then why aren't you coming? Where are you right now?

“Yeah, I just came out for a little air. I'm gonna sober up. ”

Alone? Dangerous · · · ·.

Don't worry, it's near the hotel. There's a lot of people around, and I want to see the night. ”

I don't want to. Have you seen Stephanie?


Yeah. I heard you went to the convenience store downstairs and you still haven't come. I was wondering if you were with your sister.

“Well, I didn't see it. ”

Okay, I'll call you back. Don't come too late.


Sarah hangs up the phone and takes a big breath.

“Phew. She's right next door, and she's lying. I don't want to offend you. ”

“But I can't tell you the truth. ”

“But still · · · ·. ”

“Anyway, it's settled. Let's continue. ”

I slammed Sarah's ass on the side.

After understanding her intentions, Sarah immediately switched to the overturning position.

Is this some kind of universal language? ’

I grabbed her by the waist and slowly pushed the object in. My sturdy object, still hardened into Sarah's hole full of water, was sucked in.



“No, it's okay. ”

Sarah's pelvis was huge. I looked down from above and saw two giant watermelons adjoining one another.

‘I knew it was a white horse. ’

I whipped him with a light spanking.

Boom! Boom!


“Shall we run again? ”


Puck Puck Puck

Sarah's enormous buttocks also excelled at reflexes. If Domestic Mountain (?) was a cheap bed spring, she had the resilience of a luxurious trempoline. For the ancient cushion that bounced off of me, I shoved a god or even more.

All in one piece.

“Haha! Mr. Dou Hoon. ”

“Why? Does it hurt? ”

“No, I'm excited to spank you. ”

I thought, "Yay!” I want to shout.

* * *

He rode a white horse for a long time in the next room.) When he finished bathing, HyeEun sat alone on the couch.

“Why haven't you heard from him yet? ”

I finished the call with Sarah, but Stephanie's still on the news. Looking at the clean watch, it was over 30 minutes after I went to the convenience store to buy snacks.

‘Tsk. I guess I'll just stay with my brother for a while.' ’

Sarah left for a night stroll alone, and Stephanie went out for snacks, too. As a result, if you knew this was going to happen, you wouldn't have to kick the lesson out of the bathtub.

She remembers what happened in the bathtub and suddenly the two balls are hot.

In fact, I asked him to shove my back and taught him a lesson as a joke. If it was his usual lesson, he would have been terrified. However, he dared to enter the bathroom to learn what he was thinking.

‘I feel like my brother has changed. ’

She felt a subtle change in her lessons.

Although now separated from him, he has lived with him for over a decade. The lessons he remembered and the lessons he now clearly felt vague.

"Can an army transform a man like that? ’

Without a fairy tale story written by a rat, the military is the only logical guess.

‘No, maybe the way I looked at you changed. ’

She accidentally uncovered the mystery of RH blood type and realized the reality of emotions that had plagued her all her life. His mental illness, which he thought was the worst Sister Complex ever.) This, in fact, was an emotion for very normal reason. It was natural for both of them to be attracted because he was not actually his older brother.

In front of the cruel truth that the person who thought he was a family for a lifetime might not actually be a family, Hye Eun felt relieved and sad. After reviewing his love for the lesson underlying the relief, he went to Korea too far.

And the moment I saw him again after a long time, I knew for sure.

That she still loves him.

With reason, not with you.

‘Ha. There's still a brother in the next room. · · ’

HyeEun wanted to see the lessons. No, I wanted to hold her. I wanted to practice everything I imagined during puberty.

"Let's go see the real brother. If I'm not in this room, who are you gonna call? You can go back then · · ·. ’

She took off her sleeping gown and changed into comfortable churning pants. Above, only a white t-shirt was worn on the knob.

‘The tip is slightly shiny · · ·. It doesn't matter, it's right next door, right? ’

Not wearing underwear is highly intentional.

She wanted him to be excited to see himself.

I wanted to get excited and make it unbearable.

The moment she opened the door and was leaving.


Suddenly the bell rings.

Someone's back.

It's time! ’

HyeEun replied with a disappointing expression.

“Stephanie? Or Sarah? ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

However, the man who pressed the bell had no answer.

"Are you? ’

She carefully opens the door.

“Who are you?”

“Can I talk to you for a second? ”

The man standing outside the door was the first person I had seen.

No, Rubberneck looked like a man who wore sunglasses indoors and threw pranks at himself.

Seong-min Ko, the successor of Sam-hyun Group.

“Oh my!”

Hye Hye, who is in a Nobra state, was furious and closed the door, but one day, Seongmin pushed his footstool through the door.


Through the gap that was not completely closed, Hye-in grabbed the handle of the door and shouted.

“What are you doing?! I'm calling the police! ”

“Call me.”


“I think we should call the police. You must be Stephanie, right? ”

HyeEun lowered her voice because she felt something strange as she spoke about Stephanie's name.

“Well, what? ”

“Stephanie just stole my wallet. ”

“What? No way! She would never do that. ”

“So how do I know Stephanie's name? Should we just call the police now, or should we have a nice conversation? ”

“Sh, where's Stephanie? ”

“I've kept them from escaping. This is my room."

“What? Then why aren't you answering your phone? ”

“You mean this? ”

Seongmin put out her cell phone through the door.

The product or case was Stephanie's.

Hye-eun asked.

“Who are you to take my friend's phone? ”

“Oh, you know what? ”

Seongmin said in a relaxed voice.

“You might be an accomplice. ”

“I beg your pardon?”

“You're the one who first saw me anyway, Lee Hye-in. It's reasonable to doubt that it's a coincidence, isn't it? ”

The naturally placed horse, Seong-min continued to explain towards the absurd grace.

“First we have to stop them from getting it right. Even if we keep him in a room, we can't let him get to us. ”

HyeEun became increasingly angry with the myth of the saints, both under and without end. Besides, no matter how wrong you are, you confiscate people and confiscate their phones.

This is a felony.

“What the hell are you talking about? I'll call the hotel staff right away. ”

“Suit yourself. Well, then I'm suing your friend based on the footage from the CCTV. For embezzlement. ”

“Well, what's in it? ”

“Apparently, they both believe they're students, but don't you know that the Tentacle Boy recognition is less than 14,000? ”

With the attitude and the use of professional terminology that was still justified, Hye Eun greatly shrunk.

She asked in a much smaller voice than the first time.

“· · · What exactly did my friend, Stephanie, do to you? ”

“Ha. Good head. Pretend you don't know. ”

“Don't be sarcastic! ”

“Fine. For now, I'll follow the guilt of assuming innocence. It's quicker to see the footage from the hotel security room than to explain it in words. ”

Sungmin reproduced the CCTV footage using a smartphone camera and pushed it into HyeEun.

* * *

The angle of the camera was pointing to the entrance of the convenience store.

Leonard saw Stephanie as a figure among his guests.

Fast-forward footage passes, and Stephanie comes out with a black envelope. Then the screen froze.



“That wallet in Stephanie's hand. ”

Looking carefully at the video taken on the smartphone, Stephanie's hand held a purse I had never seen before. Seongmin took out a wallet that looked just like the one in the video from her back pocket.

“This is the wallet. I spilled it at the convenience store. ”

“Stephanie might have picked it up to find her owner. ”

“Do you really think so? ”

The camera changed and the background illuminated outside the hotel building.

Stephanie reaches into an unlikely place with a black bag in her hand and wanders around. Then he opened his wallet, took out a bunch of cash, put it in his pocket, and threw it on the floor.

That was the end of the video.

“Ahh · · ·. ”

“See? What? Looking for the owner? Is that all you get when you see him throw his money on the floor? ”

“Poetry, it must be a mistake. ”

“Of course it's a mistake. Unless you two witnessed Stephanie dumping her purse while I was walking by. ”

“How much is it? We can make it up to you. ”

HyeEun opened her purse with a bloody smile.

“Do you guys have that much money? ”

There were several white checks and a pile of 50,000 won cash in his wallet. Seongmin took out a check from the back and handed it to HyeEun.

“Count it. How many zeros are there? ”

HyeEun was surprised when she counted the zero on the check she received.

It was a cashier's check for $10 million.

“Ten million won. Fifty thousand won is twenty. A hundred million won in total. You guys carry more than 100 million won? Why would the kids in the house do that? ”

“W-what kind of cash is so much · · ·. ”

Seongmin asked again, looking at HyeEun's embarrassed face.

“Decide. Do you want to come with me to the police station for embezzlement, or do you want to have a nice conversation?" ”

“Now, wait a minute. Now I've got all my money back. Then a sinner. ”

“Huh. You sound just like your friend. ”


“Does that make you innocent? Did your friend pay the taxes on his own? You threw up on me by accident. That's the proof. ”

Seongmin pushed the smartphone again.

“It's all in here. ”

HyeEun was unable to concentrate on the sudden situation. No matter how strong and smart she was, she was only 18 years old in high school.

“What do you suggest we do with the conversation? ”

“Just follow me. Honestly, I don't want to feed only high school kids anymore. ”

“Now, wait a minute. I'm gonna go change. ”

Seongmin smiled at the grace that was covering her breasts.

"Heh heh. Could that be a Nobra? That looks good. ’

“Yes. Come out as soon as you can. If you wait long enough, you might change your mind. ”

Hye Eun, who closed the door, sat down on the floor, relaxed her legs.

‘What could Stephanie possibly do with that kind of money? ’

I resented my friend, but I can't ignore it.

Stephanie would still be trembling with fear.

‘Yeah, I found the money, so I might as well just say the right thing. He doesn't seem like a very bad person after all. ’

Hye Eun left the room wearing a cardigan on white tea.


Angry Fire Column