Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 94: Tentative schedule

Work is important, but also ensure a certain rest time.

So after the killing feast ended, Laiman also gave himself a two-day leave.

Most of the filming staff of the crew also broke away from the cooperative relationship after receiving the remaining remuneration. Except for Thomas, Ryan and a few actors who needed post-dubbing, there were not many people involved in the post-production work.

In the past two days, after Lehmann and Ryan returned to Cannes, they stayed at home, and occasionally went out to have a meal together to relax the heavy pressure accumulated during the hectic filming work.

The days when I no longer think about things every day are still very leisurely, especially after more than three months of noisy and noisy.

There are times when people really need to stop and give themselves a little time to groom.

After a good two days of hiding, the two returned to Paris to meet Thomas, ready to start furious post-editing.

Europa Pictures has been notified.

In the simply decorated conference room, Luc Besson sat in the chief position and looked at a financial statement on the conference table.

Naturally, what was recorded in the document was a list of furious shooting expenses. As a producer, it was easy to know the details.

Nicolas Cage\'s salary is 12 million, Joe Bernthal 500,000, Eva Green 10,000...

Luc Besson glanced at this item of salary expenditure for actors and staff. In addition to the salary of the actors, there were also the salary of Thomas and other filming teams...

There are also 7 million expenditures for the three positions of producer, director and screenwriter.

Film costs, room and board costs, the cost of renting the venue... Luc Besson quickly saw the end. After the shooting stage, the total cost of expenditure was more than 48.7 million.

Well, it\'s a little better than expected, and there\'s still more left.

With this in mind, he closed the document in his hand and put it aside, smiled and said to Lehman: "I didn\'t expect the final shooting cost to be lower than the original project evaluation budget."

Lyman shrugged and complained: "Of course, with Jonathan Gavin watching, I wanted to waste a little while shooting, and I didn\'t have a chance to implement this idea. This guarantor found a treasure."

Even after so many days, the thought of Jonathan\'s verbal torture during the filming still left Lyman with lingering fears.

"Haha, he was not invited by us, but requested by Paramount Pictures. After all...you know, they have a share of this project." Luc Besson threw the pot out with a smile and said not back.

"Don\'t talk about that, what are you doing with me today? I have to hurry up and do furious post-production." No one knows what Paramount Pictures thinks, but it is nothing more than ensuring the safety of the flow of shooting funds. Presumably, at this time, they also got a detailed report of shooting expenses.

"Well, we need to confirm when Fury will be finished."

Today, he called Lyman over for a small meeting, just to tentatively set the release date of the movie.

After all, the shooting work has been successfully completed, and the corresponding publicity work can be carried out simultaneously with the post-production.

In this way, when the actual release is in theaters, the publicity work can be done about the same.

It can not only leave enough time to let the audience know the exact release date of the film, but also expand the influence of the film so as to attract interested audiences from all walks of life to the theater to contribute to the box office.

After thinking for a while, Lehman gave the answer, "It should be completed before November, or about mid-October if it is faster."

Lehman, who has already cut two films, has a lot of relevant experience. What\'s more, Fury is actually not much like the Three Silly Riots in Bollywood. It is mainly plot and does not involve a lot of post-production special effects. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

In addition to editing the original film, the main work is just the regular input of some soundtracks, sound and pictures and narration.

It\'s not time consuming to make, just meticulous.

After getting Lehmann\'s answer, Luc Besson nodded and said, "Then our schedule is quite generous. We can not only catch up with the Thanksgiving schedule, but also try to go back a little and wait until Christmas."

Layman was all right, he spread his hands and said, "You can arrange it."

"Okay," Luc Besson said earnestly, "Ross, please tell us about the release plans of other film companies."

Hearing the words, a middle-aged man at the conference table stood up with the documents that had been prepared for a long time.

"This year\'s schedule will be very lively." The middle-aged white man named Ross opened the document and introduced: "On November 15th, Warner Bros.\' Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets will be released, and the production cost is known as 100 million US dollars; on the 22nd , there is 007 of MGM United Pictures: Die Another Day, with a production cost of 142 million; on the 27th, Columbia Pictures\' Eight Nights of Madness, an animated comedy, with a production cost of 34 million..."

Then there are the criminal biography movie cat and mouse game starring Leonardo DiCaprio, the traditional epic masterpiece Lord of the Rings 2, the sci-fi movie Star Trek x and so on...

Before and after Thanksgiving, as the most popular schedule at the box office, which has always been recognized by the market, there will never be a shortage of blockbusters and first-line superstars. Of course, the law of the market will always be that good movies stand out, the weaker ones drink the leftover cold soup, and the bottomless ones that are doomed will always be the same, no matter what time period it is released.

"It\'s a little gratifying thing," Roston paused, then analyzed his point of view, "Our work belongs to the war theme, which is the only one for the entire Thanksgiving period that follows, so it\'s not that we don\'t have one. competitive advantage.”

Lehman nodded silently. This is indeed an advantage with clear characteristics. The audience will have their own needs. Therefore, if there is no one to compete and divide the market of war themes, as long as the propaganda is proper, this part of the advantage will be firmly grasped. , and not too afraid that the film will fail.

Luc Besson also thought about it in his heart, and then asked: "Then when do you think it will be better for the release?"

"Eight Nights Crazy is a cartoon, and the main audience is different, so you can skip it first."

"The fan base of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is too broad, and it is easy to attract the attention of most audiences. It is necessary to avoid it." Qiqi\'s novel was first published on the whole network

"The Lord of the Rings 2 must not be hit hard. The market response of the previous game was too strong."

"Although the cat-and-mouse game is starring Leonardo DiCaprio, it focuses on the award-winning route, which is not a big threat..."

In the conference room, the executives of Europa Pictures analyzed for a long time, but Lehmann only heard it: If Fury wants to schedule Thanksgiving around November 25, there are too many opponents, which is not suitable, and it has to be moved back. It\'s best to play against the cat-and-mouse game.

But what\'s the point of this arrangement?

As we all know, the fourth Thursday in November every year is Thanksgiving. It is the most important traditional folk festival every year in the United States, and it is also the beginning of the so-called Christmas season in the traditional sense of the American film market.

The reason why this entire one-month schedule is so important to everyone is that it has two important meanings: one is that the audience market base is large, and it is easy to create a good box office; the other is to attract the attention of the Oscar judges.

Early next year will be the much-anticipated Oscar selection, and the list of films for the competition list is the films that were released in the United States from January 1st to December 31st of the previous year, so many popular Olympic films will be selected at the end of the year. It was launched so that it can compete for the Oscars with the most enthusiastic attitude.

After all, the biggest advantage of choosing to release before the end of the year is to impress the Oscar judges, and it is usually easier to get attention than movies released at the beginning of the year in order to get Oscar nominations.

Therefore, if you move back and compete with the Olympic theme such as cat-and-mouse games, you will indeed have an advantage.

However, at the end of the year, it is not a good prime time for commercial film screenings~www.novelhall.com~ At that time, everyone needs to buy gifts for family and friends, and also dress up the house for Christmas, which will cause huge losses. Part of the mass base of potential box office spending.

This is also why at the end of the year, the cinema will be dominated by films that focus on adult themes and intend to compete for Oscars and other films.

Because they don\'t care about box office data, as long as they can win prizes, all their efforts will be rewarded, which is the most effective way to realize fame and fortune.

Fury naturally can\'t do this, it needs the approval of the box office market.

"I suggest that it be released on November 22, avoiding Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in the front, and Lord of the Rings 2 in the back. The two-week screening time in the middle is just right for Fury. We need a quiet time period, to prove the quality of the film." Lyman slowly expressed his opinion.

For a while, the conference room fell into silence, and everyone was thinking about the feasibility of this proposal.

"007: Die Another Day is the 20th installment of this series, or the 40th anniversary of this special agent-themed film. I heard that 20th Century Fox and MGM United Pictures have already started cooperation, and will also seize To promote this point and attract the audience popularity accumulated when the previous series were broadcast, I don’t think it would be a wise choice to play against this film.” An executive of Europa Pictures was the first to object. Views.

"Then why don\'t you do that? Compete with The Lord of the Rings 2, or really go to the end of December for release. At that time, you think the market can still accommodate the cost of a production and the cost of publicity will reach 100 million. commercial work?"

The executive was silent, and in his heart he was also not optimistic that Fury would get any good results when it was released at the end of the year.

This is the limit of market capacity, regardless of whether the film is good or not.

How to do it?