Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 93: Cage boss

Lyman lay on the big soft bed with a light quilt and stared out the window with wide eyes.

The weather outside doesn\'t seem to be very good. It has been gloomy and gloomy in the morning, giving people no feeling of warmth at all.

The light is also a little dim, and just looking at it makes me feel cold.

The weather in Paris in September is very changeable, and the temperature also fluctuates.

I forgot to read the weather forecast last night, took a shower, and fell asleep without paying attention.

But looking at the outside like this, it is estimated that the temperature is quite large.

But what does this have to do with him.

The hotel installed a heating system, lying in the room, did not feel cold at all.

And I finally took a vacation, and it was rare to have the opportunity to sleep in. Getting up so early seems a little sorry for this rare vacation.

Continue to sleep for a while.

"Oh, why can\'t you sleep?"

He closed his eyes and pretended to lie down for a while, but his drowsiness did not covet his body at all.

I really can\'t fall asleep, just lying down like this makes my body uncomfortable. live to suffer.

While complaining in his heart, Lyman lifted the quilt and got up, put on his clothes, stepped on his leather shoes, and walked to the bathroom on the right side of the door.

After taking care of the physical and physical needs of the individual, he opened the door and went downstairs.

As soon as they reached the stairs on the first floor, a voice came from the main entrance hall.

".... When did Nicolas Cage come?" This was Heath Ledger\'s familiar voice.

"I should be there in the afternoon. Didn\'t he say that he would not be absent from the finale banquet of the crew?"

This is Thomas answering.

"Hey, Meimei is comfortable after a good night\'s sleep. Some time ago, I was exhausted."

Well, Ryan\'s voice.

Lehman walked to the lobby of the hotel and saw a few people from the crew sitting on the sofa for rest, chatting and looking for topics.

A few people are a little familiar, but not too familiar, it is embarrassing to death.

Fortunately, Lehmann came over in the scene where the atmosphere of awkward chat was flowing.

Ryan glanced at him, "Are you up? Have you had breakfast?"

"No, let\'s eat together at noon and morning without delay." Laiman smiled and said, "What are you talking about?"

Taking advantage of the situation, he sat next to Ryan, with Heath Ledger and Thomas on the left, and Joe Bernthal, the leading actor of the crew, on the right, a little past Ryan.

"How to arrange the killing of the youth banquet?"

Ryan asked.

"With George and Sandy, Europa Pictures will pay for it, and we\'ll just go play."

Well, after he came, the chat atmosphere was still awkward.

The main reason is that people don\'t know what to talk about, let\'s talk about movies, and post-production hasn\'t started, so if it\'s supposed to be released sooner.

Let\'s talk about everyday things, big men get together, who can talk about this.

Ryan wanted to talk about **** and talk about women, but he didn\'t know the temperament of the rest of the audience, so luckily he didn\'t speak.

Otherwise, Lyman would definitely be the first to bring him down.

Only bb, but you act.

Finally, it was lunch time, and everyone sat together and ate delicious food, so that they would not continue to sit and chat.

"You put the banquet in the bar?"

A black Mercedes-Benz commercial van calmly parked in the parking lot on the basement level. Lehmann recalled the situation he had just seen with many bars, and asked George in the driver\'s seat.

"Yeah, we just packed a whole package, which is more suitable for the crew to hold a carnival."

"Yes, that\'s the way it is." Ryan, who was sitting behind, also expressed his very positive opinion.

Lehman waved his hand and said helplessly, "It doesn\'t seem fair to the ladies in the crew."

"I consulted a lot of people for their opinions, and it was the unanimous suggestion of everyone that I made the choice. Believe me, they will like it."


Several people walked through the wide parking lot and entered the bar under the crew package.

"Look, I\'m all set."

Lyman looked around, and it was indeed not bad.

The area of ​​this bar is not large, but because the dance floor is very wide, it has a different feeling. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

Part of the crew didn\'t come, and everyone knew that it was because they were partying at the bar, and they didn\'t invite friends and company, so it didn\'t seem crowded.

Laiman and others came relatively late, and there were actually quite a few people inside.

Everyone was drinking all kinds of wine, chatting, or jumping on the dance floor for a while. The atmosphere was very good.

Ryan and Thomas on the side are hilarious, well, Thomas doesn\'t count, he was dragged by Ryan to join the army.

"Hi..." A crew member spotted Lyman and came over with two wine glasses.

Lehmann was kind and toasted with him.

"What\'s your plan next?" George asked casually after the man left.

"Let\'s wait until Fury is finished post-production."

"Um..." Before George could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a voice from the side.

I saw Nicolas Cage also came to the bar, surrounded by a large group of young women with different hair colors and even different skin tones.

Cage said, "Okay, let\'s go play by yourself."

After speaking, he found Laiman here and walked over quickly.

"How is it? I was afraid that many people in the crew would not be able to find female companions, so I got off the plane and found a few more people."

There was a chorus of laughter all around him.

"Are you familiar with Paris? How can you find women anywhere?" Lehmann was a little helpless.

"Of course, this is the strength of the service company I mentioned, but it is not only useful in the United States. How is it? The conditions are good." Nicolas Cage\'s tone was full of pride.

These women have long legs and slender waists and tall statures. They are probably not models or some small actors, Lehmann guessed.

Well, in fact, there is no need to guess, how can there be a good family to do this.

"How can a party be without women?" Nicolas Cage pointedly said: "It\'s like an indispensable condiment, understand, indispensable."

"It seems you are very experienced."

"Of course it\'s more experienced than you." Nicolas Cage put on his big-name airs, "For so many years, the best way for me to relieve stress is this. I don\'t know how many Hollywood actresses I have seen. , you may not see a fraction of mine."

"You are very good at blowing, you have been taught." Lyman quipped.

"Didn\'t you find out? Laiman, the general environment of this circle is like this. Don\'t look at those media reports of cheating, they have to write about it, it seems like it\'s incredible, but in fact, who is really moved? ." Cage said unconcernedly, "If you have pressure, you must release it, or you will suffocate yourself sooner or later."

"Come, for false love, cheers."

Lyman poured two glasses of stout and handed it to Nicolas Cage.

"Respect this **** love."

The two touched each other and drank their beers.

Lyman looked at Cage, poured another glass, and handed it to him, "Is there something on my mind? Or stress? Or both."

Nicolas Cage immediately wanted to deny it, but when the words came to his lips, he didn\'t know what to say.

"relationship issue?"

Seeing that he was still calm, Lyman continued, "Are you tired?"

Lyman felt it from the very first moment he spoke.

Cage is not very happy, the smile on his face is quite similar.

As for the **** talking about women\'s words, it\'s more like a vent. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

"Oh, Lisa Marie and I may be over. We went back yesterday and had a big fight with her." Cage said nonchalantly, and drank another mug of dark beer.

Lyman continued to fall and patted him on the shoulder, "I think you\'re right in saying something. If you are under pressure, release it and don\'t hold it back."

The two of them toast, drink, and fill up.

Indulge in the pleasure of alcohol.

Cage\'s mood gradually improved, and he joked: "Many people say that I am an acting genius, a gifted actor, and some people say that I rely on Coppola\'s surname, and I am completely lucky. What do you think, Lyman, what am I? Evaluate."

Sometimes it\'s hard to answer jokes, and that\'s how Lehmann feels right now.

The tone of play is funny, why is it not a problem.

He thought for a while, faced Cage, looked into his eyes, and said seriously: "That\'s because you\'re not successful enough~www.novelhall.com~ One day, when people all over the world talk about you, they will only be Recognition, they must have only one meaning at that time, you are an acting genius."

"Cheers for better success." Nicolas Cage raised his glass and gestured.

"Well, for success."

Lyman touched his glass.

"I can\'t wait to see Fury released." Nicolas Cage put down the empty glass and said to himself: "If it can succeed, it can slap those film critics in the face."


"It\'s not possible," Nicolas Cage looked at Lehman and said word by word, "It will definitely succeed, I believe in you."

"I can\'t fail," he said.

It seemed that the Wind Whisperer had a great influence on him, and his pressure suddenly increased a lot.

Also, the amount of loss was close to 50 to 60 million US dollars, directly losing a Fury, no wonder it happened.

Don\'t you see, Comrade Wu Baige has lost all the foundation he has accumulated in Hollywood in the past, and he has no place to stand for himself. After returning to Hong Kong, he has never set foot in Hollywood again in this life.



After the wine was exhausted, Lehmann looked at his watch, it was very late, and the number of people in the bar kept decreasing, "Go back, I\'m going back to the hotel."

Greeting Nicolas Cage and seeing him nodding casually, they also bypassed the crowd who were still revelling, and the two walked towards the outside of the bar.

George had already ordered a part of the Europa film crew to drive, and the Chevrolet engine rang, throwing away the hustle and bustle of the night.

The sun rises in the east and dies in the west, and it is always high in the sky. What hurdles are there to overcome?

No matter what, tomorrow is always a brand new day, isn\'t it?