Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 86: all knowledge

On July 15, the weather was fine.

As the center of the Hollywood film industry, California welcomes film crews of various film and television dramas to shoot here almost all the time, and now it has welcomed a new crew.

In the next two weeks, Lehman will be building the location - which has now become a military camp, and will start shooting "Fury".

On some muddy dirt roads, there were traces of wheels running over them, and on the flat ground with a little weeds, there were dozens of tents at this time, and the periphery was surrounded by fences and iron wires.

When we got to the scene inside, there was a lot of people talking.

Hundreds of people are busy around, some people are setting up cameras; some people are setting up lights to check the brightness and color of the light; some people are helping to unload props...

Five or six large trucks came in and out, and there were more than ten military vehicles and more than ten commercial vehicles parked in the open space next to the camp.

Lyman stood in the shadow of an awning, listening to the information reported by various departments while arranging the shooting.

"Director, the tank is here, how do you arrange it?" A crew member ran and said.

"I gonna go see."

When he said this, the actors standing or sitting next to him were also very moved, including Heath Ledger, who all followed behind Lehman.

"Hi, Lieutenant Colonel, thank you for your hard work."

Against the sun, Lyman, who was standing at the gate of the camp, pointed to the transport vehicle, "Can you drive all the tanks in?"

"Of course, just tell me where to put it."

Lieutenant Colonel Logan, the liaison officer assigned by the Pentagon to the crew to be responsible for all military technical support matters, nodded and said, "How to arrange it?"

"Four cars came in and put them on the open space at the southeast corner of the camp, and the remaining M4A3E8 model was just put at the door."

Because of the funding problem, only 8 tanks could be driven. Five tanks belonged to the Allies, and three belonged to the German Army. The rest were either scraps that could not be driven and reported for repairs, or were built with prop models.

Of course, the current scene shooting only needs five vehicles, and the transporter has already arrived.

Driven by the M4HST artillery tractor, it was parked according to the position.

All of a sudden, many staff members of the crew put down their work and came to watch the excitement.

This thing is the prestige and the romance of a man.

"Director." A member of the prop team holding a bottle of spray paint stood next to the tank parked at the entrance of the camp, and shouted to Lyman not far away, "I\'m going to start spraying."

"Oh." Lyman walked over, patted his shoulder, pointed to the flat position of the tank\'s right sloping abdomen, and said with a smile: "The letters fury are sprayed on this area, remember to be consistent and not overlap. ."

The staff smiled and pressed the spray paint. In one go, a dark black English word "Fury" appeared on the tank, and he continued: "Okay, wait for the spray paint to dry a little, then paint it and make it old. , and it will be effective if you deal with it.”

This M4A3E8 Sherman tank is naturally the one driven by the protagonist group, and "fury" also corresponds to the title of the film "Fury".

Similarly, the models of the remaining 4 tanks are M4A4, M4105HVSS, M4A1E4 and the M4 variant of the platoon leader (thickened armor and equipped with artillery suspension system).

In fact, these are the series of Sherman tanks, but at that time, new models of tanks were produced every year. Fortunately, the five tanks were directly arranged with different models.

As for weapons and equipment, not to mention, they were all mainstream at the time.

M101 howitzer, submachine gun Thomson M1A1, M1 carbine, M1 Garand, the best rifle during World War II, M18 Hellcat armored vehicle, German MP44 assault rifle, M3 half-track trailer, M2 60 mortar, MG42 general-purpose machine gun , Colt M1917 revolver and various anti-tank rocket launchers.

For the authenticity of the shooting, the most precious and most valuable Tiger tank was also invited out of the mountain.

From a historical point of view, only six Tigers exist in the world, and they are stored in six different American, British, French and Russian museums.

And Lehmann directly used the trophies of the Tiger tanks captured during World War II, at a daily rental fee of up to 450,000 US dollars, to date, the only German Tiger tank that can still be driven (this number 131 belongs to the Tiger tank). The Type I tank, repaired and maintained by the Bavington Tank Museum in the UK for so many years), was lent for field shooting.

Of course, this tank is not here yet. After all, the rental fee is so high, and only when it is needed will it be invited out of the mountain.

For this reason, the related location shooting scenes were also moved to the UK, just for the convenience of transportation.

This is really an antique. Comparing the amount, it is even more expensive than Nicolas Cage\'s performance.

However, it was all worth it.

If you don\'t take pictures of real people, how can you vividly and truly restore this story that happened on the European battlefield?

"Every department is ready." Ryan came over and said quickly.

"Well, I see." Lyman returned to the shelter, greeted Lieutenant Colonel Logan who was sitting on the lounge chair, and picked up a bottle of mineral water that had been unpacked next to him. After unscrewing the bottle cap and taking a sip, he turned around and walked to the director\'s monitor, picked up the loudspeaker, and shouted: "Five minutes, it\'s about to start, check the studio facilities and layout."

The crew entered the final preparation before filming.

The protagonists such as Heath Ledger and Nicholas Cage walked to the "Fury" tank parked at the door. Under the command of the dispatched tank team members, they became more familiar with the situation of the tank, and then practiced their positions.

The group performance composed of dozens of veterans was also led by Sandy, and they were familiar with the positions that they needed to use when shooting at the meeting, so as not to steal the spotlight and become a suitable background for shooting.

In this crew, apart from the big-name Nicolas Cage and the gradually famous Heath Ledger, there are no other well-known actors, plus Jonathan Gavin\'s idea, group acting this item , also minus a large amount of capital, and even came with a piece of good news.

Because of the filming plan, the military representative also invited Lieutenant Colonel Logan to lead the team. It can be seen that the military is very satisfied that the crew can think of those veterans.

It can be said that it has relieved the financial pressure and gained additional benefits.

Even though the expenditure on actors is reduced to only 30%, it is still a little nervous.

No way, although many real guys don\'t want money and are funded by the military for free, but you still have to pay for the maintenance.

Those armaments are big money-paying households, and the actors\' food expenses can\'t be too bad, right?

Most of them are veterans, and there are several leading actors in the crew, so the treatment cannot be reduced.

As for the loss of film and the deliberate aging of clothing, it also requires money.

In order to create reality, Lyman really made a big deal this time.

Five minutes passed in a flash, and director Ryman nodded to the waiter who was waiting, watching him put the signboard in front of the camera, and then he said, "Fury, location scene No. 23 Field, Act One,-"

A total of two cameras were used to arrange the camera positions in the outdoor scene.

One was installed on the left side of the camp gate, and the other was in the center of the camp, supported by high rails.

The camera lenses of the two cameras just crossed over, forming a 45-degree space shooting angle.

Thomas and another staff member of the camera team each operated one. Since the lighting conditions on site were very good, there was no additional lighting, and only reflectors and shading plates were used to adjust the brightness of natural light and the desired light and shadow effect.

Nicolas Cage, wearing a tank suit with goggles on his head, stood in the "Fury" tank, showing half of his body from the opening.

His body was covered in blood, and his face was even blackened by artillery fire, which set off the extra white and tender skin around the eyes protected by the goggles.

A veteran who had just left the battlefield stood up in a good image.

And such a war drama that pays attention to details and must be real, naturally put a lot of effort into the costumes of the characters.

Foot cavalry soldier boots, UU reading www.uukanshu.com wearing a tanker jacket, M1938 leather gloves, M1 helmet, tank cap (this cap is not bulletproof, so a steel helmet is reinforced outside, its function is to used to mount communication devices).

The headset used for communication is the HS-18 type, and the microphone inside the tank is the T-17 type (when fighting, the artillery fire is rumbling, you can\'t hear the words when you stand together, so the tank troops are equipped with these), inside Also fitted with an infantry radio.

As for the eye protection goggles, everyone wears the M1938 model. Only the "sergeant" played by Cage wears goggles produced by the German army, which means the captured spoils and symbolizes the image of his veteran.

Maya Meschede, the crew responsible for the costume design of the film, was even more rigorous. She even went to Berlin to find old clothes from the 1940s. From every button to every pocket, the distribution was as authentic as possible.

In the shot, the military vehicles driven by several group performers drove into the camp from far to near, followed by tanks driven by Nicolas Cage and others.

It is moving steadily, but it seems that there are some problems with the direction and speed, and it is almost out of the range that the outdoor lens can capture.

Lehmann also noticed this situation, frowned, and called out, "Cut!"

The busy crew immediately stopped, and everyone turned to Lehmann.

Lyman stood up from the back of the monitor and walked all the way to the position of the Fury tank, before he said, "What\'s going on? Did you notice that you were heading in the wrong direction? The cameras are almost out of reach."

"My fault, I\'m a little nervous, I haven\'t tried this." A service soldier in the driving position who was in control of the tank said apologetically, "I was a little confused just now."
