Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 85: Humanity

As the preparatory work for "Fury" is on the right track, many things require the director\'s personal participation. He is exhausted during the day, and after sleeping soundly at night, he will become a lively man the next day. And then squeezed dry...

Repeatedly, over and over again.

After July, when the weather in Los Angeles started to get a little hot, Lyman and Ryan, Thomas, the set crew and the scene crew and Jonathan Gavin, the sponsor representative, rode to California and Nevada. A wilderness area at the junction, to investigate the location required for the first stage of shooting.

The two commercial vehicles were parked on a half-hill slope. Lehmann got off the car and walked to the top of the slope. He glanced at the very wide wilderness field not far away, and then looked around. The excess weeds and other things had already been cleaned up. pass.

"Edward." Lyman greeted the head of the set team, and pointed to the slightly low-lying field near the west.

"There is no problem with setting up the scenery. We have cleaned up the surroundings. When the time comes, we will press out a few traffic marks in advance, sprinkle some water, set up some tents, and make it manually." Edward said confidently.

"That\'s good."

There are several main outdoor scenes in "Fury", the battlefield where the Allied and German troops had several head-to-head encounters, the logistics station of both sides, the town where Germany was hit by artillery fire, as well as streets, street battles, and so on.

You don\'t need to worry too much about the latter parts. Because of the arrangement of the scenes, it is estimated that it will take a month before the crew will fly to the UK and Australia for location shooting.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to film the literary drama and some of the stories that happened in the first half of the march.

Next, the group began to discuss the specific layout of the Allied Forces\' garrison and the surrounding environment and terrain, such as the opening direction of the camp, the planning of the area, and the arrangement of the troop rest tents...

These are all very rigorous and professional knowledge, and Layman, a layman, doesn’t understand it. Of course, the people in the set and props team don’t understand it very well, which requires the use of military advisors to give hands-on command.

Although the content of the movie depicting war is false, he does not want the film to have common-sense set and prop mistakes that are ridiculous and generous, and he wants to restore the entire battlefield factors as closely as possible.

In a word, the more realistic it is, the better. This is also the effect Lehmann wants.

Until the sun began to move westward, the fieldwork was almost done, and the relevant requirements were communicated in place. Lehman and his party took two more commercial vehicles and rushed back to the Warners studio in Los Angeles.

Lehman suddenly saw an acquaintance as he passed the gate of the studio.

"Hi, Eva, why are you here?"

"I\'m here to try on the clothes and see if they fit." Eva Green\'s eyes were filled with joy when she saw Lehmann.

She had just finished fitting, and she was still thinking of looking for him, but she didn\'t expect to meet him when she was leaving.

"Thank you, Lyman, for giving me such a chance to perform." Eva said sincerely.

"Uh...you\'re welcome."

It\'s just a small character who can show his face. It\'s only a little better than the trick. If Eva Green didn\'t come here today, Lehman would have forgotten that he arranged it casually during the audition.

After all, "Fury" is a real men\'s play, not to mention female protagonists, not even high-level female supporting roles.

What Eva Green got was the only two characters with frontal shots among the people who fled after the war, and the other was a baby, expressing cruelty.

War, but no matter if you are a woman or a child, all are treated equally.

But Eva Green doesn\'t think so, she is very grateful.

That night, I was thinking of showing my closeness, and it might be helpful when I return to China, but I didn\'t expect that the opportunity would come so quickly and so suddenly.

Even if it\'s just a small role, it\'s a scene with an investment of 50 million US dollars, which is unimaginable to her.

"Want to go to my house for a cup of coffee? It\'s almost evening." Eva Green offered to invite.

Hey, how are you talking nonsense, it\'s only after 4 o\'clock, and the crew members haven\'t got off work, how come it\'s almost night.

"Sorry," Laiman naturally knew what was waiting for him after he agreed. He was not stupid. He couldn\'t hear such an obvious hint. Although he was a little tempted, he still shook his head firmly, "I\'ll have something else to do later. , but also to improve the shooting plan, I can\'t make time, next time."

A hint of disappointment flashed in Eva Green\'s eyes, but she still smiled and said, "It\'s okay, we\'ll have an appointment next time."

After speaking, he politely turned around and left Warner Bros. Studio.

Lyman looked at her back, shook his head, and continued to firm his mind.

I\'m so tired that I\'m dying of exhaustion. I have to work hard at night. I have ten kidneys, but it\'s not enough.

People, you don\'t pay attention when you are young, but when you get old, you can only look away and be sad.

Remember, remember!

Lehman, who had experience and was born again, thinking of making a good movie, quickly joined the crew without hesitation.

Speaking of small roles, he really doesn\'t care.

Except to beware that CAA wants to package and intervene and reduce his power and prestige in the crew, the rest is basically arranged in a similar situation.

What about the rational use of resources for those who are slightly close to you? This is in Hollywood. Oh, no, it\'s a normal thing to put in the entertainment industry all over the world, and Lehmann is quite not shy about it.

The same is true for Lara Heath Ledger playing Norman as a recruit.

Using an acquaintance and acting skills can also be competent for the role, why not? If Aamir Khan\'s looks were not too different, Lehmann would have thought of giving him an important role.

As a director, who does not have his own royal team, even the crew members can cooperate for a long time.

These characters whose roles are not very important and can show their faces are simply not suitable to be given out as favors.

In life, who has no personal relationship, just like Lyman did to Eva Green, some characters also have human relationship in it.

For example, the candidate for the German commander was an actor recommended by Sandy, and the commander of the Allied forces was a French actor whom George found. This is a tacit understanding of everyone.

Anyway, for these characters who show their faces but do not have prominent roles and do not affect the overall situation, the decision of the relationship between the two countries is often the most important.

Even so, there is one rule that everyone will take the initiative to follow. No matter which actor enters the crew through whose relationship, it is certain that it meets the basic requirements and image temperament of the role.

If a beautiful actress has no acting skills and does not meet the role setting, no matter how hard she tries, it will be of no avail. Even if she manages to squeeze in, she will be temporarily replaced by the director or producer.

This is the truth. Is it an unspoken rule? Which industry does not have it? It\'s just that the entertainment industry is the most popular.

But this kind of human favor transaction is also carried out under the default rules of all parties.

Besides, it\'s really not good, hard fortresses, there is definitely more to lose than to gain.

A production project with an investment of 50 million US dollars has huge flaws in the role or simply leads to failure. That kind of responsibility cannot be borne by anyone.

If you don\'t measure it carefully, it is estimated that you won\'t be able to stay in this circle for a long time.

The audition results for those roles, Lyman and George and Sandy, and even sponsor representative Jonathan Gavin, were all approved.

If you don\'t really try it, who knows if you can do it.

Even Heath Ledger, who was specially approved, had specially changed into costumes, played the show, and tested his acting skills.

Not to mention the actors who have a relationship, they have all been tested.

In fact, Lehman tried hard to invite Nicolas Cage, not because of his strength. He has more than ten years of film shooting experience, especially war-themed dramas. There are several in total. role, can be described as easy.

It is not impossible for newcomers to use it, but it depends on the specific situation.

Let\'s talk about Eva Green, her acting skills are young, but she has some foundations. It is far from the amazingness in "Dream of Paris" in later generations. It\'s only a few years less~www.novelhall.com~ It\'s just a distance Opened a lot, it can be seen that tempering this kind of thing is indispensable.

Walking into the set, the heads of various departments of the crew were busy. When the actors who were sent to the Marine Corps for special training in the Marine Corps camp finished their training, the preparatory work must be done.

Otherwise, it would be too long to delay the shooting schedule, and maybe there will be some delays in the plan.

If you want the filming to go smoothly, the preparation work should not be too labor-saving. The more effort you put into it, the more perfect it will be, the better it will be.

After Lehman finished the discussion with Ryan and Sandy, he went to see the work of the costume department, and asked twice to meet the shooting needs as soon as possible, and then go to see the progress of the props team.

Blank bullets, tracer rounds, gunpowder and several fairly complete tank originals were neatly stacked, just waiting for the shooting to start.

"When will their tanks, weapons and various equipment arrive?"

Naturally, they were referring to the army.

"Part of it has already been transported to the nearest military base. When the filming work needs to be used, communicate in advance and they will ship it."

"Contact a lot, don\'t delay, the crew will have needs right away, let them get ready as soon as possible."

"Okay, I will supervise the relevant progress more."

"That\'s good."


As night fell, the crew began to leave Warner Bros. Studio after their day\'s work.

After Leiman finally told the heads of the relevant departments, he also returned to the hotel.

Take a hot bath, and then lie down on the comfortable big bed.

After a while, he fell asleep.

He was really tired and really wanted to rest.

Oh, good night...