Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 81: Nicholas

"Fury" is about the friendship in war, and it is about the cruel humanity under war.

Then, how to shoot realistically without appearing contrived, in addition to striving for the texture of the sets and props, it also requires a group of actors to have a very dazzling performance.

Especially the protagonists have a lot of scenes, and they need more camera shots.

In the living room of the hotel room, Lyman was sitting on the sofa, thinking carefully about who would play the "sergeant".

The temperament should be appropriate, the audience should have an eye for it, and the remuneration should also be considered...

He scratched his hair in distress. Lehmann had been making selections for a long time, but he still didn\'t know who to invite.

He stood up and walked to the balcony, taking a deep breath. In the distance, tall buildings in the center of the city towered.

As soon as the field of vision is widened, the slightly annoyed mood is relieved a lot.

My mind is very confused now, so Lyman decides to go downstairs and go for a walk.

After thinking about the role candidates for most of the afternoon, I don\'t know how many brain cells were killed. This is really a kind of torture.

After going out the door of the hotel, I followed the sidewalk all the way.

The streets are lined with shops of all kinds, and cars drive in an orderly manner on the road.

Slowly, I don\'t know how long it took to relax, and the sun was about to come to an end.

At dusk, he was standing on a square, and the surrounding lights were already lit for illumination.

He looked up at the sky, the sunset in Los Angeles was so beautiful at this time.

The faint sunset light dyed the entire cloud layer next to it golden, and a red light jutted out from it, extending farther into the distance.

The well-defined sun also lost its usual majesty. It hung bright red on the horizon. Its light, as if it had been swept away by someone, was no longer dazzling, but very soft.

Not long after, the sunset in the distance slowly began to fade, and it seemed to melt into the twilight.

Slowly, the sun finally fell to the horizon, the twilight was even thicker, and the sky took on the appearance of a greenish daisy.

"It\'s beautiful!" At this time, Lehman\'s heart was filled with a very peaceful and comfortable taste.

The slight cool breeze, the interweaving of pedestrians, and the gradually bright lights create a very peaceful atmosphere.

On the billboard in the corner of the nearby square, a promotional poster for a movie was frozen.

Lehmann suddenly became interested. Thinking about it, he hadn\'t seen other people\'s works for a long time.

When I came to the nearest cinema, there were not many people lining up to buy tickets.

He walked to the ticket window, where a middle-aged white man sat.

"A "Windtalker"."

"Hall three, seven o\'clock."

Pulling out the money, paying $10, and saying thank you, Lehmann walked down the aisle to Cinema 3.

The capacity of this theater is not large, and the number of seats is estimated to be only more than 200. At this time, it is already 6:30, and the number of audiences is probably around the first floor, sitting sparsely.

There are few people, the only good thing is that the movie has not been played yet, and the theater is very quiet, but this is not a good thing for the market box office of the work.

Of course, this is none of Ryman\'s business, and he didn\'t shoot "Windtalker" anyway.

After sitting for a while, the movie finally started.

Lehmann had some expectations. In his previous life, he had only heard about how miserable the film was, how much he lost, and how it hurt Director Wu Baige to escape back to Hong Kong Island, but he never watched it.

I happened to see the movie\'s promotional poster in the square, and I also thought that it was also a work on the theme of war, to see if I could learn some experience.

After half an hour, Lyman felt bored; after another ten minutes, Lyman felt a little bit wanting to leave; after another five minutes, he finally left the theater.

As he left, he also paid attention to the audience at the scene.

I found that just after the movie was halfway through, I had already walked a lot, and some of them were sleeping there. Only a few were still fighting with their brains and bodies and insisted on watching the movie.

It really deserves to be a movie that made the CEO of MGM Home Entertainment Pictures step down. Lehman has not finished it yet, and he just thinks it is a bad movie.

It is a Hong Kong Island gunfight-style movie that is the favorite of director Wu Baige, dressed as a war movie.

What impresses him most now is the scene in the movie where Nicolas Cage kills a RB soldier with a pistol dozens of meters away.

Guns are deadly, and you don\'t even need to aim, it\'s just like shooting.

Director Wu is still discussing fate in the movie. The American people don\'t believe this either. People believe in God. Hey!

Lehman groaned wildly.

Now he finally knows how "The Wind Whisperer" cost 120 million to make, and the North American box office is less than 40 million, which is directly miserable to MGM.

When filming a war scene, neither to create a sense of reality nor to film some big scenes.

Literary dramas and fighting dramas are not enough, who would like to buy it?

Lyman, who felt that his mind was polluted again, hurried back to the hotel, not even interested in taking a walk.

Who is this tm looking for to reason with? If I knew it earlier, I would not be curious. I went to watch a bad movie that has been proven by later generations, and I blinded myself.

Sitting on the sofa and taking a sip of coffee, Layman gradually came back to his senses.

Nicolas Cage? For some reason, his appearance in "The Wind Whisperer" suddenly appeared in Lyman\'s mind.

A psychologically complex naval officer ordered to protect code-interpreters.

Could he play the "Sergeant"? After thinking about replacing Brad Pitt, Lehman has been considering a more suitable candidate.

"Brave the Dead Island", "The King of War", "The Wind Whisperer"...

Well, although "Wind Whisperer" is a bad movie, it is not caused by the problem of the actors.

One general is incompetent, and the three armies are exhausted. "Wind Whisperer" was screwed up, and director Wu Baige had to bear the cauldron, simply because he was not suitable for the depiction of big scenes in this war context, and the later "Peace Wheel" can also prove this.

An actor with natural acting skills, military temperament, charismatic personality, good market appeal, and experience in similar roles, etc.

This series of harsh conditions, Nicolas Cage can meet.

He looks very friendly, attractive, and won\'t overwhelm guests. It seems that he is indeed more suitable for this role than Brad Pitt.

He is not a handsome guy in the pure sense, but he can impress the audience, fascinate the fans, and make them willingly spend money to watch his movies. Isn\'t that enough?

Of course, that\'s enough. Once this thought arises, it won\'t go away.

However, Lehmann took it into consideration.

It\'s still 2002, not 2008. Nicolas Cage has not yet suffered an economic crisis, and his salary seems to be a big problem.

Unlike Brad Pitt, who has emerged as an A-list star in recent years, Nicolas Cage has been well-known for more than a decade.

With the addition of many awards such as Cannes Best Actor and Oscar Best Actor, and his performance experience covering various types of films, plus commercial action films can also be played, he won an actor seat in the Hollywood A Cafe Club early.

But if I didn\'t try it, I felt a little unwilling.

Yes, he was not reconciled, he felt that the movie "Fury" needed to match an actor like Nicolas Cage.

Think about it, what kind of sparks will come out when the acting schools get together.

It\'s really looking forward to it.

The more Lehman thought about it, the more he couldn\'t hold back the restlessness in his heart. He couldn\'t guarantee that Nicolas Cage would be willing to appear in this movie. After all, he didn\'t lack a film contract, but Lehman was mentally prepared. He was going to try his best to impress that movie. Guy, the man who likes acting, can\'t help but abandon the identity of the Coppola family, change his name to Cage, and work hard alone.

He\'s going to try, no matter if he succeeds or not.

Thinking of this, Lyman called CAA\'s Kevin Howian.

As a senior executive of CAA, his knowledge and intimacy with actors are definitely higher than him, and he will also have a way to know the contact number of Nicolas Cage.

"Hi, Mr. Kevin."

"Is something wrong? Lyman." Kevin Howian was a little puzzled, and the director never took the initiative to call him normally.

"I\'m looking for you for something. I want to ask you for help to find out the contact information of Nicolas Cage. I have something to talk to him about."

The other end of the phone became silent~www.novelhall.com~ After a while, Kevin Howian\'s voice came, "In principle, we are not allowed to disclose customer information, so I just found someone to tell me I contacted Cage in his name, and after he learned the news, he was willing to talk to you, you can write down his private phone number..."

Lehmann opened the drawer, took out a piece of paper, then held a pen and began to listen carefully.

While reciting in his heart, he copied it on the paper.

After repeating the correct number and confirming that the number was correct, Kevin Howian politely hung up the phone after Lehman thanked him.

Now, everything is in place.

Under the soft lighting, Lyman sat on the sofa and first looked around. The living room was quiet, really quiet.

He held the phone in his hand, pressing the keys one by one, pressed Nicolas Cage\'s private number, and then pressed to dial Jian.


The bell rang, disrupting the surrounding quiet atmosphere.

After a while, the phone was connected, and Ryman said, "Hi, Mr. Cage, I\'m Ryman, please forgive me for taking the liberty to call you at night."

"I just found out, I\'ve been waiting for you to call. Director Ryman, I have seen your work, which is very good, so don\'t be so polite, just call me Cage, my friends like it like this Call me." Nicolas Cage\'s magnetic voice came clearly from the phone.

"Yes, thank you. Cage," Ryman smiled and said hello, and then he opened his mouth to make it clear: "I recently prepared a movie called "Fury." I really hope to invite you to play Male protagonist." His tone was full of sincerity.
