Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 8: many affairs

The subdivision and specialization of the film industry is one of the important signs of its maturity.

Generally speaking, in a regular production crew, each crew will undertake different tasks, such as the production team, the photography team, the art team, the recording team, etc. It is very detailed. And there will be a division of labor under each group, which will be refined to the position responsible for food ordering every day, and there will be a special person in charge.

One radish and one pit, such as "Titanic" such a giant work, even more than 400 crew members.

However, this only refers to the regular crew. For independent films, there is not such sufficient funds to support such a huge crew, and there is no need for so many positions to maintain the daily operation of the entire crew, so the configuration will be relatively simple. There are even some independent films, which are made by the director alone, and are dubbed as "one-person crew".

"Buried Alive" will be a minimalist crew. If it weren\'t for the troublesome filming work, Lehmann wanted to do it all by himself, how much would it save on filming costs. But just think about it.

After the script was handed over to Ryan to perfect it, Lyman was not idle either.

In addition to spending some money to publish job advertisements in local newspapers and magazines in Cannes, he also went to Caen University and the surrounding art colleges to post job advertisements, hoping to seduce interested professional students.

In addition, there are all kinds of behind-the-scenes workers that need to be used. In some places, interns can be used, but for the most critical types of work, such as videography and makeup, which require a lot of experience, it is more reassuring to find skilled workers.

To this end, Lehmann went to the major studios again, and posted recruitment advertisements in prominent places outside.

After everything was ready, Lehmann sat in a cafe called "Sweetheart" and waited, and the interview location stated on the job advertisement was this cafe.

Soon the first interviewee appeared.


A young man with a large backpack sat in the car, looking curiously at the surrounding buildings through the car window.

Because the interview location is in the center of the town, there are many people and vehicles around, so the speed of the taxi is very slow.

"Here, 8 euros."

"Here." He took out the change from his pocket and paid for the fare. Then, the young man opened the car door and walked towards the "Sweetheart" cafe.

Laiman had been sitting in the cafe for more than ten minutes at this time. Because it was noon, there were not many customers.

There was a cup of coffee in front of him, but he didn\'t want to drink it, his eyes kept paying attention to the situation at the door.

After a while, a man came in at the door. He said a few words to the waiter, and the waiter led him over here.

The door was slightly spaced from where Lyman was sitting, and he looked at the young man without a trace.

The other party was probably in his early twenties, with a height of about 1.80 meters. The most impressive thing was the large backpack he was carrying, which looked quite heavy.

In general, other than being very young, there is nothing to see.

"Hello, I\'m here to apply for a job." The young man took the lead in saying, "The photographer of the crew."

Lehman stood up and stretched out his right hand, "What\'s your name?"

"Thomas Wright, just call me Thomas." The young man took two steps and shook it in Lyman\'s hand.

"Thomas, right? Please take a seat first." Lyman gestured for the seat opposite.

When the man sat down, Lehman also sat back in his seat and introduced himself, "My name is Lehman, and I\'m the director of this movie."

Then he said, "You\'re here to apply for a photographer, right? I have a file of film production information here, you can take a look first."

Having said that, Lehman took out a series of filings and put them on the table in front of Thomas, "Our crew is regular, because we need to shoot a movie, we need to hire some professionals."

Can you be better at fooling people if you win the trust of others first? The things he prepared in advance are not useless.

Seeing that Thomas was seriously looking at the film\'s filing, when he saw the last one, Lehman said again, "You may have a problem with applying for the film crew\'s photographer."

In the country of France, I don’t know how many crews are formed every day. After reading all the materials, Thomas confirmed that the crew was real and wanted to form. Just as his guard was cleared, he heard Lehmann’s words. .

"What\'s the problem?" Thomas asked suspiciously.

"You\'re too young, can you tell me what kind of photographer work you\'ve done before?"

"I am a student of the Photography Department of the Paris Art Institute. I have just graduated. I have worked as a photographer for many academy works, and have very rich technical experience..."

After talking so much, Lehman was not moved at all. He grasped the point of the words and asked directly, "That means you haven\'t officially worked in the crew, right?"

"That\'s right." Thomas nodded, agreeing with what Lyman said.

"Then why did I hire you as the photographer for this film? You are still a rookie and have never proven yourself." Lehmann asked calmly.

"No, I have proof." Thomas took off the large backpack he was carrying, and took out a stack of documents and a lot of photos from it, "This is the work data and some group photos of my photography at the academy, as well as my personal You can take a look at the usual photography.”

Ryman didn\'t take over these things, he just glanced at them briefly, and said, "These are not enough for me to choose you as the film\'s photographer, so that\'s it, you just graduated, right? , has not officially worked on the crew yet."

"That\'s true, but I think I can be a cinematographer," Thomas admitted. He fought again.

"I have to be responsible for my work. It\'s too risky to choose a novice rashly." Lehman continued, "However, I can still hire you."

Hearing this, Thomas was obviously relieved.

"But it\'s a photography assistant position. I can only treat you as an intern, given your qualifications."

This means that there is no salary. Thomas understood what the film industry said. He shook his head and said, "Sorry, I can\'t do it. I can\'t accept this condition."

"But have you ever thought that an intern is also a good opportunity. He can let you know the whole process of filming a movie, and I will see your specific performance later and let you receive a suitable salary." A little visible hope is the most terrifying thing.

Sure enough, when Lehman finished saying this, Thomas was obviously hesitant, maybe he was struggling in his heart.

Of course, at such a critical moment, we must strike while the iron is hot and break through our defenses. Lehman then said: "My studio will shoot this movie soon. If you miss it, you will have to look for another opportunity."

Seems like it\'s really feasible? Hearing that the film would be shot soon, Thomas was somewhat moved. He bit his lip and swallowed the rejection. After thinking for a moment, he said in a low voice, "I agree."

He looked at Lehman, and then asked, "Then when can I start working?"

"Today is Sunday, in two or three weeks, you leave a phone call, and I will notify you when the time comes." It seems that Lehman thought of something, and he added: "Of course, if you want to see what the film crew is If you plan to build it, you can follow me in the near future."

It would be even better if he could share some errands. This is also a temptation for Lehman. It doesn\'t matter if he can succeed or not. He doesn\'t plan to pay a salary anyway, so he will pay for his meals. It should not be too labor-intensive, and the food for errands should still be provided, and people should not invite him to dinner with their own pockets.

But Thomas didn\'t think so. On the contrary, he felt that Lehmann was promoting him and asked him to learn from the experience of building a crew. His face couldn\'t hide his joy, "Thank you, thank you for giving me this opportunity, I am now You can start working.”

Lyman restrained his inner fluctuations and said very confidently, "You will not regret this choice." He replied with a polite smile.

In this way, not only the camera assistant found, but UU reading www.uukanshu. The work raised by the com crew was also helped to share.

But Thomas is really satisfied with the choice he has made now. His family background is okay, and he has extra money to support himself, otherwise he would not be able to learn photography skills. Isn\'t there an old saying, "Photography is poor for three generations, and a DSLR destroys a lifetime." Photographic equipment is very expensive. He can choose this path because his family has thin assets.

The reason why I still want to fight for that salary is undoubtedly to prove my major, not a so-called internship. Money is never Thomas\' first appeal. He wants his ability to be worth that salary. .

After all, if you can\'t even achieve the most basic independence, how can you talk about being famous in the circle of photography.

But he has also graduated for a while, but he has never been able to really join the crew. The world is never short of people with dreams and talents, and the competition in the photography circle has greatly exceeded Thomas’s expectations. Therefore, after listening to Lehman’s words today, he is no longer obsessed with the issue of salary. It is not a big deal to solidly enrich his industry qualifications, and to witness the preparation work of the entire crew to satisfy his curiosity.

What\'s more, didn\'t you promise him that if his work performance was good, he would be paid appropriately? Thomas thought to himself.

All of this prompted him to make today\'s decision.

Alas, the poor child, who hasn\'t received the beatings in the real world yet, is so naive that he even believed Lyman\'s polite words.

In fact, no matter what his photography skills are, Lehmann doesn\'t plan to pay a salary. If the film can be released, the effect is not bad, maybe he can give a share in his conscience, but now is the time to save, every penny counts To spend where it should be. Promises are just a joke.