Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 7: Adapt the screenplay

Lyman sat in front of the desk with his legs crossed, surrounded by messy papers, and there were many handwritings vaguely on the thick stack of messy white papers.

Writing a screenplay is not an easy task, never has been, for which Ryman has a clear understanding.

Three days have passed since I confirmed the movie to be shot that day.

For the past three days, Lehman stayed in his room every day to do this, but he still encountered a lot of difficulties. The writing of the script didn\'t go well, even though Lyman had a memory image of the film in his head.

He lacks corresponding life experience and social experience.

He knew neither the background of the Iraq War nor the details of life as an American real estate contractor. There are bound to be some logical fallacies in the plot portrayed in this way. Lyman didn\'t want to be ridiculed by the audience when the movie was released, and even common sense problems could be wrong. This is a blasphemy for the light and shadow art of film.

And the biggest highlight of the movie "Buried Alive" is the sense of realism that is so frightening to the point of despair, as if there is such a person buried alive in the world, the cognition presented to the audience must also convince them that this is true . If it fails to do even that, the film is a failure. That kind of fierceness between documentaries and feature films is the most needed feature of this film.

Maybe he should ask someone for help. He can still handle the basic framework of the script, but filling in the details is not what Lehmann can do now.

"Ryan, do you have time?"

"Yes, I\'ve been very busy recently." Ryan\'s voice came out clearly on the phone.

"Then come over to me, I have something to do, and I want your help."

"I\'ll be right there..."

When the writing of the script encountered difficulties, the first thing Lyman thought of was his friend Ryan.

The predecessor\'s first directorial debut was the script written by Ryan, and he has this ability.

"Dong dong dong... Lyman, I\'m here." With a knock on the door, a friend Ryan\'s voice came from the door.

Lehman opened the door, and Ryan greeted him enthusiastically, "What\'s the matter with me? Have you figured it out? You want to go to the beach with me to chat with beautiful women."

"No, I came to you because there is a script that you need to perfect." Lyman pouted, dispelling Ryan\'s unreliable thoughts.

"Script? Are you going to make a movie?" Ryan looked puzzled. Didn\'t Lehman say he was going to work some time ago, why is he suddenly going to shoot a movie again?

"Cough cough..." Lyman blushed, but still explained: "I thought about it later, and filming is still suitable for me. I also pulled an investment that can be used for this new film. filming funds.”

"Pull investment? How much? In other words, why didn\'t you come to me to make a movie? I also have money." Ryan used a stunt in this round - a series of three questions, causing 100 damage to Lehman.

"450,000 euros." Lehmann answered the previous question first, and then continued: "It\'s not that I don\'t want to find you, but that making a movie itself means a risk. Remember how we had nothing last time?"

This sentence did not bring about the effect that Lyman imagined. I saw that Ryan said with a wicked smile: "You still have ideas about this, right? I already said that I failed once, don\'t take it to heart. , people, there will always be times when you fail, so why bother. Do you feel sorry for me, do you say? "

"Go away." Lyman frowned, realizing that things were not easy, he quickly shouted to boost his momentum.

"Okay, let\'s not talk about this. Let\'s take a look at the script and let me see what kind of story you want to tell." Ryan walked in and said, "If the money is low, let me know at any time. , I am the screenwriter of this film, and I am also obliged to make this film well."

The screenwriter of God TM is also obliged to make a good movie, and Lyman couldn\'t help being amused by Ryan\'s words.

Looking at his figure, Lehman was convinced that this was a person who was really good to "Lyman" and a real "friend".

After coming to the study, Ryan picked up the more than half-finished script on the table and read it carefully. Lyman sat quietly beside him, restraining himself not to make any noise in order to disturb people\'s thoughts.

After a long time, Ryan put down the script in his hand and said, "Will this story be too monotonous?" This was the first time he saw a movie with only one main character and most of the scenes in one space. When he was in college, the professor who took him also said that a one-man show is the hardest and the most difficult to shoot among all movie genres, but his friend Lehmann chose such a creative idea.

"Whether it\'s monotonous or not, doesn\'t it depend on the director\'s narrative method? Even if there are a lot of characters, aren\'t there works with monotonous and boring stories?" The confidence in the words is clear.

In fact, Ryan was just asking, he still respects Lehmann\'s opinion on the creation of the movie. The plot idea of ​​the first work also came from Lehman. He was responsible for turning ideas into words. , people who fill in the details and sort out the logic.

"It also involves the Afghan war." After a closer look, Ryan found the background of the movie again.

"Yes, do you have any information on this?" Because the original film was filmed in the next few years, and the Iraq War has already started, but it is still 2001. Naturally, the Iraq War cannot be used as the background era of the film. Mann also changed to the Afghan war. Anyway, do these two wars have the shadow of the United States? The plot of the protagonist being attacked overseas as an American real estate contractor seems very reasonable. Who made you an American?

"I don\'t know much about this, but my mentor probably has information, and I\'ll ask him at that time." Ryan immediately thought of a solution. He then asked: "How do you want to complete the plot concept of the entire work?"

"I want to show all the complex psychological changes that the protagonist breeds in the desperate situation, from confusion to struggle, to self-denial, pain, despair, and finally the tenacity of doing everything possible just to survive. Therefore, it needs to be more A lot of details and words are used to establish the image of the character, so that the audience can have a very clear three-dimensional sense of this character, and can experience the whole process of change in the middle, so that they can feel the same."

Ryan nodded and understood Lyman\'s shooting idea. What he wants to emphasize is the emotional details that are magnified to the extreme in a closed space, so that the audience can always follow this change, so that the movie will not feel boring and uninteresting. In this way, the entire viewing process will become highly concentrated and have a great sense of substitution, which will become a kind of enjoyment.

"What about conflicts and contradictions? How to design?" The script given by Lyman was also very vague about the background of the protagonist, and the design of the background era was not given. Ryan knew that a large part of his work was in these two aspects. Perfect setting.

"The protagonist is an American real estate contractor, middle-class, and has an accident when he goes to work in Afghanistan. So to set a strong irony, that is the purpose behind the American war in Afghanistan, "Never The slogan of "Give up the life of any citizen" resounded in the sky, but he ignored the call for help after the protagonist was buried alive. After the protagonist got out of trouble, he demanded to block the news. This kind of ridicule of interests-oriented behavior requires Notice."

Citizens in the United States generally have anti-war thoughts. Since the "911" incident, this concept has become more prominent. However, the Washington authorities in the United States, who have completely opposite thinking, do not see it that way. They are also the world\'s largest war mongers. . "Buried Alive" is about a conflicted core of an attack in Afghanistan that is explicitly forbidden to tell what happened.

The people were already very disgusted with the war, and after it was reported that the American people working in Afghanistan were threatened with life, what would those people think of the war and how would the news media report it? The life and death of the protagonist is not important in this incident. The important thing is that the signs revealed here are that the Afghan people\'s disgust with the American people has reached its peak, so that the innocent will kill an ordinary American citizen~www.novelhall.com~ and it is still brutal killing.

Therefore, for its own interests in the region, the US government naturally does not want this incident to be exposed and hinder its international strategic deployment. Demonstrations are very annoying, but the American people and the media like to play with it, and they often make the Washington authorities disgraced.

"Is there anything else to focus on?"

"The protagonist\'s family can also spend a little pen and ink, which will make the audience more sympathetic to his experience, and let this emotion always take root in the audience\'s heart."

"For example, having a lovely daughter or something, or a sweet wife." Ryan understood what Lyman meant and replied immediately.

"It\'s feasible, but the camera will only briefly scan this aspect, and you don\'t need to set too much detail. This is destined to be a dragon role, and it may even be better to express it directly in the form of photos." Let the protagonist be trapped in a coffin, from Taking out a group photo in the wallet can also induce the audience to make up their minds in this area. Everyone is very skilled in using these lens methods. Many movies will also use this method to fill in the depth of the characters, and this way It also helps to save money.

"It\'s about depicting the family background in the form of photos." Thinking of this, Lyman said.

"Well, okay, what else should I pay attention to?"

"It\'s almost there, it\'s a one-man show, the background is interesting, and it can also attract the audience\'s spirit, so let\'s do it."

After discussing for a whole morning and having lunch together, Ryan left with the unfinished script manuscript. He had to go to his mentor to ask some information about the Afghan war in order to better describe the details of the movie. After all, the Afghan war was in place. What, it\'s still too far from France, and he won\'t learn more about the tragedy that happened in the country on the other side.