Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 55: What did you say?

The silver-clad Park City ushered in the first ray of sunshine in the morning, the cold air slowly receded in the golden light, and the chattering sound opened another lively day of the Christmas Film Festival.

Lehmann got up early as he did yesterday. Tonight, there is a party waiting for him.

For Hollywood, many networking opportunities are established at various parties, and after the Oscars every year, the Oscar night hosted by "Vanity Fair" is the top party in the film industry.

Sundance certainly doesn\'t have the same weight as the Oscars, but as long as it\'s a film festival, there\'s always something like that.

However, these parties are held very privately, and there is no certain way to get invited, and even many filmmakers who come to the exhibition will not know that such parties exist.

However, George has already arranged everything. For him, or for Europa Films, it is obviously extremely beneficial to make some contacts in the Hollywood film industry.

Of course, this was also very beneficial to Lyman, so he agreed to George to attend such a party.

As evening approached, Lyman returned to the hotel room to take a shower again, then put on a light blue formal suit and set off with George.

The party has a limit on the number of people, so apart from the two of them, Thomas and others stayed in the hotel.

This was an official Sundance party, so there were a lot of people coming and going.

Lehmann took a glass of champagne from the waiter and took a sip. The feeling of alcohol eased his nervousness.

To be honest, he has never come to such a party before. Before, he wanted to make contacts, and it was all done at a wine party. He has never been in this kind of place like this before—

The surroundings were full of people in formal suits and evening gowns, and there were few familiar faces, most of whom had never met before, as if he was standing at the crossroads of the Avenue of Stars in Los Angeles. But no one will notice who is generally. It\'s just that this is not an outdoor crossroads, but a rather grand party scene.

The fragrant clothes, the feasting on the temples, the feasting, the drunken gold fan... The atmosphere full of luxury and publicity whizzes towards the face, and slowly lurks and entangles, like a piece of quicksand, making people fall into it unconsciously.

"Go, go over there."

George is obviously a lot more relaxed. He has represented Europa Films in such venues a lot, and he has trained him proficiently.

Passing between the two groups of people talking, George gestured to the front left with his eyes: "The person opposite Robert Rayford is Kevin Durant, the distribution manager of Warner Bros. Pictures, I have seen it before. On the one hand, I still have some impressions of him.”

Lyman nodded and accepted George\'s popular science.

They had been searching for Robert Rayford in the crowd before. After all, he was the founder of the Sundance Film Festival and had communicated with Europa Films, so it was obviously suitable for him to have a good relationship in this scene.

Of course, the location is now known, but it is not the best choice to find the past directly, they need a suitable time to insert.

In the circle that Robert Rayford was in, in addition to the two people in the center, there were four or five people in the periphery chatting eagerly.

But George did not reveal their identities, and it is estimated that they would not be powerful figures, or would be able to help them.

The center of the circle is undoubtedly Warner\'s distribution manager Kevin Durant, and everyone else seems to be talking around him.

Lyman watched carefully, and finally waited for the crowd to show signs of dispersing. George, who was on the side, saw this and began to step forward. He was also preparing to take the initiative to attack. Holding a champagne glass, he stepped forward and followed. Behind George, but less than two steps away, the road in front of him was blocked by a figure.

A tall, slightly fat figure walked out from the side, blocking Lehman\'s way, "I didn\'t expect that we would meet here."

Standing in front of him is a face that makes Lyman extremely disgusted - Harvey Weinstein.

Although Leiman was a little surprised why this guy seemed to recognize him, he was only slightly surprised. Soon he controlled his emotions, regained his composure, and showed a polite smile, "Really? Then It\'s such an honor and pleasure to meet you, Mr. Harvey Weinstein."

In Lyman\'s simple greeting, the irony was obvious, because he didn\'t even stretch out his hand, obviously he didn\'t want to get to know Harvey.

Harvey didn\'t expect Lyman to stab himself as soon as he came up, but who is he, dealing with this kind of scene is just a pediatrician, so he laughed slowly, "I\'m also very happy to meet you, Lyman. - Mr. Rust."

Saying that, he took the initiative to stretch out his right hand.

Although Leiman was unwilling, he also didn\'t want to lose his way, so he extended his hand and shook hands with him.

Looking at the rather young face in front of him, Harvey also sighed in his heart.

He has never paid attention to such a newcomer in the directing industry, but he still needs to make friends by accident.

This is Sundance, the place where Miramax Films rises. They never miss the film festival every year.

They also knew the list of participating films for this film festival early. At first, they didn\'t know that Lehmann was also here, but "Three Silly Bollywood" has received numerous praises since its premiere.

When Harvey sent someone to investigate the identity of the director of the film, he discovered that he had had a relationship with Miramax.

Even at last year\'s Venice Film Festival, he even showed his company\'s subordinates, not to mention his first film debut, which was released by Miramax through the North American channel.

Harvey suddenly had an impression of this man. People are always like this, the memory needs to be activated to be clear. He still remembered that day when someone came to the door and said that there was a problem with the signing of the release terms, he ruthlessly refused to negotiate.

As for this talented director-the first film brought Miramax a profit of more than 3 million US dollars. Although the second film did not win the distribution rights, it was also known through investigations from various channels. After deducting the production cost of the film, Europa Pictures will earn more than 30 million US dollars in this film.

That\'s 30 million dollars. Miramax has worked hard for a year, and the income is half higher than this.

So even though he knew that the relationship between the two parties was by no means good, or even bad, Harvey took the initiative to find him.

He needs to see if he can win over Lyman and make him the second "Quentin Tarantino" to be tapped by Miramax.

"What\'s the matter? Mr. Harvey-Weinstein, if it doesn\'t really matter, I have to leave first, my companion needs me." Lyman frowned slightly and said this deliberately. He really didn\'t want to have any contact with Miramax, this company made him sick. This is true whether it is the way of doing things or the reputation of the person who speaks.

Harvey burst into laughter, "Are young people always so anxious?"

Lehmann shrugged and said as a matter of course: "Time is a very precious thing, and I don\'t want to waste it."

Harvey heard Lyman\'s ridicule again, and the smile on his face not only did not fade, but even brighter, "Okay, then let\'s get down to business, that\'s why I came to you."

The straightforward words responded from another angle.

When Lyman heard that Harvey was really looking for him, he couldn\'t help thinking in his heart: What could it be?

Fortunately, Harvey\'s next words gave Lyman the answer to his doubts.

"Is the North American distribution rights of "Three idiots in Bollywood" still in the hands of Europa Pictures?"

Every year, Miramax seeks cooperation or deals for projects in Park City, and Harvey is decisive and has a keen sense of smell. Decisions are often made between lightning bolts and flint, and then rush to other publishers before they realize it. the result you want.

This is also one of the important factors that Miramax is now able to dominate in the independent film circle: wide distribution network, selected, slow layout.

The Weinstein Brothers can start from Sundance at the beginning of the year, continue to find movies at major film festivals throughout the year, wait until the end of the year to select seed players, concentrate resources on public relations for the awards, lead the international A-level awards season, and even It is to become the biggest winner of the Oscar~www.novelhall.com~ The credit for this, Harvey is definitely the most, his eyes are always very vicious, otherwise he would not bet on investment films from the time when "Reservoir Dogs" was unknown , and Quentin was able to win so many awards later, and it was all his work.

An excellent director of postmodernism was born in this way.

Lehman raised his eyebrows and looked at Harvey with interest.

He heard that right, Miramax wants North American distribution rights for his films.

Wow, I have a great sense of accomplishment, so excited, so happy.

After being able to cheat once, in the constant jokes in Lehman\'s words, he still asked for cooperation.

It can only be said that it is indeed Harvey, he does not care about any barriers, everything is based on interests, even if he slaps himself and ridicules himself, he acts decisively, all of which show the aura of a hero.

Miramax really didn\'t rely on luck and pure vision to get to where he is today.

However, how can this be?

Lyman is no longer the man he used to be. The right to speak is in his hands, and now he has the final say.

"I\'m sorry, I can\'t speak at Europa Films. I\'m just a small director, so I can\'t worry about such a big thing."

Is this reason enough for refusal? Harvey Weinstein...Sir!

In fact, so far, the North American distribution rights of "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood" have not been released. In this market, Europa Pictures can\'t really get involved because it is an outsider. However, Pyra, who has always cooperated with Meng Pictures has already made some intentions.

However, for the sake of future consideration, George also came here with the question of whether he could find more beneficial release terms.

Cooperation? How can there be no competitive pressure. Europa Pictures thinks so.