Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 54: So be it

What will happen? Will the show be good? Will the critics love it as much as the audience...Those thoughts are swirling in Ryman\'s mind right now. He has been thinking about this since he woke up in the morning.

The curtains next to the window were drawn, so the outside light could not penetrate, and the indoor lights were also turned off, so the bedroom was completely dark.

On the soft hotel bed, Lyman stared at the ceiling with his eyes open, unable to see anything clearly, but he didn\'t want to close his eyes and fall asleep again-he slept very early last night, and his body\'s energy was fully recovered. recovery.

The thoughts in his mind are still swaying one by one: for a while he was thinking about the successful scene that was shown yesterday, then thinking about whether something would happen under this situation, and then thinking about what would happen to him after the movie ended. Do you want to take a good rest? After all, I have been working hard for so long, and I have never done anything unrelated to the movie, but on second thought, I don\'t know what to do. In his last life and in this life, his wish has always been to direct a movie. It seems that he has no motivation to leave here.


Lyman sat up all of a sudden, lifted the quilt, turned on the light switch installed on the wall, and found his shoes to put on.

I really don\'t know what to do.

He first walked to the window, opened the curtains, and looked at the scenery outside.

Well, there\'s nothing fancy, just the same.

He turned around and walked to the bathroom, took care of his physical needs, washed up, and then went back to the bedroom.

Picked up the mineral water on the bedside cabinet and drank some to relieve the thirst caused by not drinking water for a long time.

Then, groping out, he walked to Ryan\'s room.

If he also wakes up, maybe the two of them can chat and express their sadness.

"Dong dong!"

Lyman knocked on the door heavily and called out "Ryan".

There was movement in the room, and when the door was opened, it was Thomas\' face.

what! Am I going wrong.

Looking up at the house number, that\'s right.

He hesitated to walk in, and saw Ryan sitting casually on the sofa in the living room.

Why do you say it\'s chic, because this guy has a lot of newspapers next to him, he\'s flipping through it, he\'s drinking a can of coffee, and eating cakes that look good and full of patterns.

Lehman took advantage of the situation to sit on the sofa at the other end, and moved the plate containing the dim sum a little so that he could easily reach it.

After Thomas finished opening the door, he also sat on the sofa, flipping through the newspaper in his hand.

"What are you looking at?"

Ryman asked.

"Ha, the evaluation of our movie is really interesting." Ryan\'s mouth had an irresistible smile.

Thomas nodded affirmatively after hearing this. It seemed that he also agreed with Ryan\'s statement.

"What did you say?"

"They praised how well the shots were shot, the storyline was smooth, and the details of the pictures were in place." Thomas seemed to be very excited about the compliments he received as a cinematographer. Speaking of which, when "Buried Alive", he never paid such attention to these.

Also, he used to be a soy sauce, and the movie was brilliant. For him, there was no sense of accomplishment that rose from the bottom of his heart. He was more happy for the happiness of Lehman and Ryan. As for himself, really Nothing to be happy about. But now, it\'s this movie, and it\'s different. He has been deeply involved in it. There will be a considerable sense of recognition for other people\'s evaluations.

Layman watched the two of them read the newspaper with relish, and couldn\'t help but burst out of curiosity in the depths of human beings. He quickly took out a copy and watched it.

Speaking of which, he has been pondering this matter since the end of the screening yesterday and when he woke up this morning.

Curiosity can\'t stand it!

"Ryan, did you buy it?"

While opening the newspaper, he asked blindly.

"No, I got it from the hotel. They have all kinds of newspapers."

She acted like she had nothing to say, and when she finally turned to the page of her own movie, she stopped her activities.

highly recommended!

Ryman rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was wrong.

Taking another look, the movie critic\'s recommendation index box in the newspaper still outlines the option of "strongly recommended".

Bad movie, bad review, average, recommended, strongly recommended!

"Three idiots make trouble in Bollywood" is located in the last position.

Lyman stared blankly at the bright red check, and did not leave his sight for a long time.

He knew to a large extent in his heart that the evaluation of "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood" would never be too low. After all, after the movie was watched by the audience, the effect was displayed. In addition to his own aesthetics, no matter what. Not bad.

But the unique rating of this newspaper is still unexpected - yes, among so many participating films, only "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood" is the only one that is highly recommended to be selected.

Slightly excited, she took other newspapers to read the comments.

Although the scores are not the same and the selection methods are not the same, they all give a very positive statement.

I really didn\'t expect it to be like this.

Lehman comforted himself in his heart: You can\'t be proud, arrogant soldiers will be defeated, it\'s not the time...

He leaked to himself: This does not mean that "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood" is really so much better than other movies - it is only the first day, the audience base is not too large, and film critics have seen it Not much, not a complete review.

Moreover, generally speaking, people who start evaluating a movie on the first day can be considered to be very concerned about the work, or fans of the director of the movie.

But Lehmann\'s reputation is not enough. It\'s not that he underestimates himself. He is only a newcomer in this industry, so how can he attract the attention of film critics?

So, it must have been paid, no wonder it was so biased.

Europa Films is still powerful and can control the wind direction of the entire film festival. Well, yes, that must be the reason.

Lehman ate a snack and forced himself to calm down.

To be honest, so many people are optimistic, how can it make people feel so comfortable.

It must be cheating, I can\'t be blindly arrogant, I have to live, don\'t laugh.

Lehman\'s heart is very rich.

He didn\'t care about those reviews, and started to concentrate on checking the content of the movie reviews below.

"A Brief Talk About Three Silly Bollywood", "We All Pursue Excellence", "Dawn in the Dark", "The Failure of Indian Education", "Program Learning and Outcome Learning", "All is Well". .....

After reading the articles one by one, I found that these film critics are quite interesting.

It\'s quite personal.

Analysis of the film from various angles in all aspects, and even some people have different views: from the film to the sadness of the entire Indian society; from Lancher\'s withdrawal from school to the dean\'s regret; from two suicide incidents, Analyzing why students in India are under too much pressure, and in turn bragging about the American education system; there is also talk of Chato and Rancher, the screen images created in two different directions are pushed back to the philosophy of life, saying that it is necessary to How to choose your own life path...

But without exception, basically every film critic gave the film a high rating after saying a lot of truths.

It\'s really strange. After watching it for a long time, Lehmann didn\'t find anyone who said this movie was bad.

He found one of the film critics with the worst reviews, and gave them an average rating, and then he said on the content of the film review: "I watched the whole film with patience, in fact, I don\'t like movies with such a theme, and I also reflected it in it. I’m not interested in the phenomenon, but the director’s shooting level is still there, so let’s give a qualified score.”

cut! It is estimated that he received a red envelope from Europa Films, and he is not interested and bored after watching the movie, and he has reached such a level that he does not give a low score. What kind of movie critic is that.

Lehman looked at it and shook his head: I don\'t like it myself, and I ask others to like it. Is it so objective?

What\'s the point of flinching? Isn\'t it as tiring as Raja in the movie?

Thinking like this, he decisively threw the newspaper aside and stopped reading.

Finally, after reading all the newspaper content, Lyman got up and stretched his body.

"Phew! Ryan, Thomas, let\'s go." Lyman said.

"Where are you going?" Thomas replied with an expression immersed in the world of joy~www.novelhall.com~ His eyes were reluctant to leave the newspaper.

Ryan felt much better. He folded the newspaper in his hand, held it in his hand, and then asked, "What\'s the matter?"

"Don\'t you want to eat lunch?"

With so many newspapers, it was already past 12 noon, and it was only when Lehman looked at the time that he discovered it.

Speaking of which, those snacks were already eaten by the three people in the middle, and now my stomach is starting to feel a little hungry.

"Well, let\'s go." Ryan said, stood up, and walked out the door first.

Lyman followed closely behind, and Thomas was behind him. He also followed Ryan\'s example, holding the unread newspaper in his hand, and quickly followed.

When they came to the first floor of the hotel, George and Kane had already eaten.

"Hey, man, did you sleep well last night?"

When George saw Lyman greeting him, he also stopped to eat. After chewing the food in his mouth and swallowing it, he said politely, "Not bad, how about you? Are you up now?"

Lehmann was also inside the hotel, ordered a lunch, went to George\'s side, and said, "I got up early and slept early last night."

Thomas and Ryan also sat down at the dining table one after another. Their behavior of looking down at the newspaper quickly caught George\'s attention.

"What are the two of them doing?"

"Oh, look at the comments of those **** film critics." Lehmann whispered in his heart and pretended to be full of casualness.

"I also read a few newspapers, and they spoke highly of our movie and said it was a big hit." George said objectively: "I\'m right, we really have a show this time, and the publicity effect is good. It\'s definitely good."

"Um..." Lyman said vaguely. He didn\'t want to make himself too proud.