Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 49: you are not welcome

It rained in the sky, on the day of the senior\'s funeral.

Everyone who came to pay their respects had a serious face, and the dean was not surprised.

Lanche looked at the distraught senior\'s family, and at the dean\'s figure, he decided to do something.

He walked to the dean\'s side. The dean looked up at him and said nothing.

The dimly lit shots and the no longer vivid images, under the shroud of the quiet atmosphere, even the audience knew what was going to happen.

Sure enough, Lancher believed that the dean was the real murderer, not some kind of **** suicide.

He was very sarcastic, "Mr. Dean, now everyone thinks he committed suicide, are you satisfied?"

The death of the senior has already made the dean feel a bit of guilt, but the dogma he has always adhered to does not allow others to violate it. Lancher\'s words are undoubtedly revealing something.

And he didn\'t think it was his direct cause that caused the death of the students. It was just that they didn\'t respect their studies. There is cause and effect, and that is what he has always believed.

The two faced each other, their eyes threatening.

The gradually increasing sense of depression made every audience feel uncomfortable. Imperial University of Technology has also become a place full of pressure, indifference, confusion, fear... All kinds of emotions revealed are slippery And the sticky crawled in my heart, and then danced with the camera.

But Bella\'s eyes were full of joy, and her growing anticipation made her have to adjust her sitting position in order to read each shot more carefully. All thoughts, all energy, all eyes were focused on the big screen in front of her. The tragedy that happened under the education system grabbed her heart, and every beat followed the three protagonists in the story. , step by step into the film.

More and more scenes are presented.

Lan Che was pulled by the dean to teach, trying to embarrass him, but he was humiliated by Lan Che with the words made up by the two students, and said that the dean\'s teaching methods were like those in a circus Tamer.

The dean was furious and could no longer bear Lancher. He decided to start with his roommate and isolate him.

He called and told Farhan and Raja\'s parents about the results of the first exam, and asked their parents to persuade their children to stop playing crazy with Rancher and affect their studies.

The dean didn\'t hide it either. After notifying the parents of both parties, he also told Farhan and Raja the news and persuaded them.

From the dean\'s point of view, these two children can still be saved, as long as they stay away from the deviant student Lancher.

Back at the dormitory, the two who got the news were unhappy. Seeing this, Lanche asked, and Fahan told the story.

After hearing this, Rancher decided to accompany Farhan and Raja to meet their parents.

They first went to Farhan\'s house.

His family is a standard Indian middle-class. Although there are pressures in life, it can support it. His father\'s wish is for Farhan to finish university, find a good job, subsidize the family, and make living conditions better. better.

But after receiving a call from the dean, knowing that his child\'s grades in school were so poor, the father\'s heart was full of fire.

He severely rebuked Fahan who had returned home, but Lancher, who was beside him, couldn\'t stand it any longer, so he opened his mouth to persuade him, but it attracted the same dissatisfaction from his father.

In his opinion, Lancher is only one of the reasons that affects his children\'s poor grades.

As for the hobby that Lancher mentioned, Fahan could be a photographer, and his father scoffed at it.

"I should have burned all the photos he took in the first place."

Farhan has been silent since he got home. Seeing that his father put all his photographic works hanging in the bedroom into a bag and threw them into the fire, he just stared blankly and remained silent. It\'s just that when leaving home, under the camera, the loneliness of the figure lingers, just like a person\'s spirit has been pulled away.

After that, the three came to Raja\'s house again.

Raja\'s family situation is even worse. His father is sick in bed, his mother has no stable job, and there is an older sister who has never been willing to marry her because she can\'t afford the expensive dowry.

The whole burden of life rests on Raja, and he is also the one who is most expected among the three.

The devout beliefs on weekdays are just a means for him to escape from reality.

He really hoped that God Brahma could protect him, but unfortunately, God does not love the world.

After returning to school, Raja and Farhan changed to a dormitory and lived with Chato.

They listened to opinions from all sides and managed to stay away from Lancher.

But what they didn\'t know was that Chato had a lot of problems.

I also like to take various brain-invigorating medicines or other nutritional products.

The audience in the movie hall burst into laughter again, several times in a row. Chatto grinds his teeth while sleeping at night, leaving Farhan and Laga speechless; after taking supplements, he always likes to fart and pretends to be innocent; the night before the quiz, he secretly buys A large number of pornographic magazines came and were secretly stuffed into the dormitories of various students...

The familiar humorous scenes mixed with the sense of playfulness of the plot came to the face again, Bella was no exception, and the corners of her mouth also raised a radian.

Raja and Farhan were completely defeated by Chatto, they returned to Rancher, and the three lived together again.

The camera picture became bright again, recording the campus life of the three of them again.

The problem student Lanche has also restrained a lot. At least the dean thinks so. He thinks his method is very effective.

It seems that after the death of the senior reaches the climax of the conflict, the film will end so peacefully.

The three of them learn from each other on a daily basis, talking and laughing.

"It will never end like this."

Bella was certain of this in her heart - the thinking about the education system revealed by the director earlier will never end in such a sloppy manner. So far, this film can only be regarded as a standard work, not how good it is. The director must have ambitions, he is brewing something.

Sure enough, the film once again entered a dramatic climax.

By chance, Lancher saw the question booklet for the final exam in the dean\'s office. He thought about the expectations of Farhan and Raja\'s parents and the gloom and depression after the last exam. A thought flashed through.

He decided to show this booklet to his two roommates, and then returned it immediately.

He did what he said, and while the office was empty, Lancher neatly took the test questions and returned to the dormitory.

Raja and Farhan knew that Lancher was taking such a risk, and they agreed that he had done something stupid and asked him to return it immediately.

Seeing that the two roommates had no intention of cheating, Lancher also knew that he was confused, so he put the test booklet back in its original place.

But the dean\'s memory is really good. The next day, when he came to the office, he found that the test booklet had been touched.

He asked the cleaning college staff and learned that the desk had not been cleaned.

So, the dean had a guess in his heart.

In the past, Lanche\'s existence made his heart always have a lump, but the dean didn\'t have any good way to fire Lanche. Now, maybe it\'s an opportunity.

The dean thought so, and called Raja.

As soon as he opened his mouth to say this, Raja\'s face changed.

In Laga\'s view, Rancher\'s behavior can easily be seen and exposed. Now that the dean talks about this matter, Laga feels that the dean already knows.

And the dean sitting opposite Raja, seeing Raja\'s reaction so fiercely, thought to himself that there must be something tricky.

Under his pressure, Raja\'s face became more and more ugly.

The dean suddenly said, "As long as you prove that Lan Che did the act of taking the test booklet yesterday, I can no longer hold you accountable for your peeking behavior and give you a chance."

Raja still didn\'t speak.

The dean added, "If you don\'t do this, it\'s okay. I will notify your parents to take you back. You don\'t have to come here to study."

This sentence almost made Raja collapse, but he still held back and didn\'t say it.

The dean asked him to think carefully, so he picked up the textbook and went to class. In the huge office, only Raja was left alone.

Raja\'s body slumped on the ground, thinking in his mind.

In the camera, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and his eyeballs kept rolling~www.novelhall.com~ Then, he seemed to have thought of the expectations of his parents, his brows were furrowed, and there was a hint of hesitation on his face.

Then, he struggled, became angry, and then fell into peace.

He was still thinking about something.

She stood up numbly, walked to the window, lowered her head and looked at the ground.

The dean\'s office is on the third floor, high above the ground. The deep fear of heights made Laga take a step back unconsciously.

This close-up is very long, and the audience\'s attention has been caught on it. So they could see that Raja\'s eyes were getting darker, and the whole person was getting more and more lifeless.

The audience is guessing, guessing what choice Raja will make.

Is it to betray his friend Lan Che, or to keep silent, bite the topic to death, and wait for the punishment from the dean.

No one thought that Raja would choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building, and neither did Bella.

In her opinion, the character Raja likes to escape from reality and live in fear. He bears all the pressure of his family, himself, and himself.

Moreover, he is afraid of heights.

But Raja figured it out.

He didn\'t want to see the disappointed eyes of his parents when he was dropped out of school, and he didn\'t want to betray Lanche.

He doesn\'t have many friends, and because of poverty and distractions, no one wants to approach him. Lancher was different. He was like an angel, who appeared in his dark life, and he cherished that time very much.

Maybe this is also a kind of relief, he is really tired.

Laga slowly closed her eyes, and a serene smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

He jumped out of the office.

The camera was pulled very slowly, and everyone could see that his body hit the ground like a pebble.

The blood spread out, making people feel unstoppable chills in their hearts.