Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 48: 1 story

"If pens can\'t be used in space, then why don\'t astronauts try to use pencils, it can save a lot of research costs and not have to spend so much trouble."

Lanche\'s words made the surrounding students laugh.

The dean felt very shameless, but he didn\'t know how to refute it, because he had never thought about this issue.

"I\'ll answer you later." He said hesitantly and ended his speech.

"He is the only one who is different." The narration sounded, and the camera came to a classroom.

The teacher was teaching a lesson above, and the students were listening carefully. The teacher suddenly asked a class question: "What is a machine?"

A few students raised their hands to answer, but Lancher didn\'t raise his hand, but his smile caught the instructor\'s attention, and he asked suspiciously, "What are you laughing at?"

Lancher saw the teacher look at him. Although he was a little confused, he answered honestly, "Professor, my childhood dream was to study engineering, and I am very happy to have realized my dream."

"Don\'t be so happy, tell me what the machine is?" The professor was a little impatient.

"Machine is what reduces human labor."

"Can you speak more clearly?"

Rancher stood up. "Any tool that simplifies work and saves time is a machine."

Chatu on the side heard Lancher\'s answer with a very disdainful expression on his face. He felt that it was a wrong decision for the professor to ask him to answer this question, and he hated this a little bit as early as the morning when Lancher embarrassed the dean. Self righteous guy.

Corancher\'s answer went on, "It\'s hot, press a button, and you\'ll have an airflow, an electric fan, that\'s a machine... a calculator, that\'s a machine... a communication tool, a machine. "

When Chato heard this, he became more and more dissatisfied.

The professor standing on the podium was also very confused.

Rancher seemed to give an example that was not convincing enough, and he added: "It\'s like a small zipper for trousers, and it\'s also a machine."

He pulled the zipper on the trousers he was wearing with his hands and kept loosening it. This action made Chatto and the professor very angry, while the rest of the students were amused and laughed.


The moviegoers were also amused by Lancher\'s actions and couldn\'t help laughing.

On the screen, the professor couldn\'t help but smashed it with the chalk in his hand and said, "Then what is the definition of a machine?"

Lancher looked innocent, "I just answered you, professor."

"Do you write like this when you take the test? Or when you take the test, you pull your pants up and down, idiot, who else would ask this question?" The audience burst into laughter.

Chato couldn\'t help raising his hand again, stood up, and gave a set of answers defined by textbooks, which made the professor praise him.

"Excellent! Very good, please sit down."

Corancher had a different opinion, "I said the same thing, but it\'s more concise."

The professor sarcastically said, "If you like to talk less, just study art or sports."

When Lancher\'s disapproval of cramming education was revealed for the first time, he was ruthlessly suppressed by the professor.

"Are you smarter than a textbook?"


Seeing that Lancher still wanted to entangle this issue, the professor interrupted directly: "Go out."

With a finger, he pointed to the door.

"Why?" Lancher was still puzzled.

"Say it simply, go out." The professor imitated Lancher\'s concise tone and spoke again.

Roommates Farhan and Raja both looked at Lancher with sympathy in their eyes, while Chatto smiled and was very sure of the professor\'s actions. The other students only regarded this as a farce. , It\'s over after laughing. As for Lancher being kicked out, they don\'t care.

Thinking that it was over, Ke Lancher walked to the door and turned back.

The professor was helpless, "Why are you back?"

"I dropped something."


"A kind of analysis, summary, organization, record..." A long list of professional terms was spoken, but neither the professor nor the students could understand the meaning of the words.

"What are you talking about?" the professor asked.

"It\'s a book, professor."

The students laughed again.

"Can\'t you say it succinctly?"

"I just tried it, but it doesn\'t seem to work."

Repeating the mockery of the previous scene, the comedy effect is full, and it is unexpectedly interesting, Bella thought.

The three people who lived in the same dormitory quickly became more familiar with each other.

At Lancher\'s suggestion, Fahan, together with him, also helped Raja try to get to a rooftop of the school.

When Raja took off the black scarf from his eyes and saw the situation clearly, he couldn\'t help but run away.

He has acrophobia, but his feet are hovering in the air now.

Rancher and Farhan pulled Raja from left to right, and told him there was nothing to be afraid of, it would not fall, and it was very safe.

Raja sat on the edge of the rooftop hesitantly, holding back his fear, and leaned side by side with Lancher and Farhan.

They drank, they shouted loudly, and vented their emotions.

Sometimes, happiness among men is as simple as that.

After a series of getting along, the friendship between the three has become more and more reliable.

Then, it was the first exam organized by the school.

On the day the results came down, the three of them went to the bulletin board together.

On Dahong\'s notice, it was clearly written that Lancher was the first place in the whole grade for this exam.

Farhan, while Raja was happy, she searched for her name.

Not in the first line, not in the second line...

The two began to worry, and finally found their ranking at the end.

Raja was second to last, and Farhan was first to last.

When the three returned to the dormitory, Lancher was still comforting his friend.

But on this night, the two with poor grades stayed up all night.

Why is it also studying? Lancher always contradicts the professor and gets kicked out, but his grades are the first. They work hard. Although they sometimes play with Lancher, they come last.

The ruthless reality and the comparison that happened in front of them made their hearts unbalanced.

Raja isolated Rancher from the second day, and bowed to Brahma more and more devoutly, hoping to get his blessing.

Although Farhan was not as thorough as Raja did, he also began to pay attention to the distance between him and Rancher in his heart.

Alienation is the first step to killing friendship.

Lancher also discovered this phenomenon, but he didn\'t know how to restore it. His kindness and enthusiasm were all unanswered.

This small dormitory was successfully divided into three spaces.

On the day when the class photo was taken, the dean sat next to the student he least wanted to see - Lancher.

Because the positions are arranged according to the grades, the first row of the dean\'s throne is also the so-called honor, which happens to belong to the best grade Lancher.

Chato, who was on the side, seemed restless in his seat. After the results came out, he was not the first, but the first time in his life.

In the past, he was used to the phenomenon that he was always the first in exams, but it was finally not him, which made him panic inexplicably.

Moreover, Lancher\'s performance was the best, which made Chatu, who always thought that Lancher was a clown, even more uncomfortable.

No matter who you lose, you can\'t lose to Lanche.

After the graduation photo was taken, Fahan and Raja, who were standing at the end, looked desolate, left the scene on their own, returned to the dormitory, and started a new round of study.

After Lanche also returned, he wanted to invite the two roommates to go to the rooftop to drink and blow the air.

But got no response.

He tried to console again, but to no avail.

Bella fell into deep thought when she saw this.

What she is surprised by now is not just the old-fashioned director\'s technique. The switching of various scenes is handled well. The light and colorful shots are perfectly combined with the narrative style of a drama film. The details are appropriate and the style is bright. The story is strong, and the most important thing is that the overall rhythm of the film is well controlled, even if it is a flashing supplementary shot, it will not lose its sparkle. , descriptions of various details, and further polish the characters and stories.

The most memorable scene is that Fahan’s photos in the past were mainly animals, recording their various actions, but after the results came out ~www.novelhall.com~ when the relationship was a little cold, he liked to shoot buildings. Mainly static description.

And Raja, when he first started, his face was always sad, but after that day on the rooftop, he gradually became more lively and loved to laugh. In the past, in order to take care of the two roommates, they would burn incense and bow down after they left, but now they just ignore it, only consider their own feelings, and don\'t care how the smog will affect Farhan and Lanche.

Human behaviors and actions reflect the inner feelings of a character.

The friendship of friends, the joyful campus life, and the depiction of scenes that are always full of color in the camera lens make the plot buried in innocence in a series of changes. In the previous several places, the audience in the exhibition hall could burst into laughter. The comfortable feeling of watching a movie is undoubtedly very important if it is a comedy work, and it is also a guarantee of success, but it seems The director does not intend to tell everyone a story about how wonderful campus life is.

Conflict points follow.

Raja became more and more indifferent, the professor disliked Lancher more and more, and always complained to the dean that he disturbed the classroom; and the dean, the serious elder nicknamed "Virus", did not like such an unruly person. student, even if his grades are very good.

He tried to persuade Lancher, but Lancher still went his own way. He resented the professor\'s cramming education, and criticized the teaching system of the Dean School of Management.

Finally, in the suicide of a senior, the conflict was magnified to the extreme.

That poor, pleading, desperate senior died, in the school\'s dormitory. It was "suicide".

It happened to be discovered when Lanche wanted to return the design of the senior\'s work.