Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 46: someone is silent

Park City, Utah is famous in the United States for its beautiful snow scene and passionate skiing arena, but every mid-January, the theme of this small town is unsurprisingly occupied by movies.

Countless movie lovers or filmmakers are like sharks smelling blood, and they have begun to converge here from all over the world.

Some people are looking forward to being a blockbuster here and stepping on the road of the film industry;

Some people want to play their own movies here and seek like-minded friends;

Some people come here to make a profit and control the distribution rights of hit movies;

To put it simply, everyone who comes to the Sundance Film Festival will have their own needs, and they all want to gain something here.

In the freezing cold wind, Lyman was wearing a thick winter coat with a light gray knitted scarf wrapped around his neck, walking on the streets of Park City.

Looking around at random, you can see the content related to the movie.

There are film buyers in suits and leather shoes passing by in a hurry on the street; filmmakers who are not eligible for screening in the roadside space and have started open-air screenings; enthusiastic onlookers watching the screenings with smiles in their hearts.

Before he could take a closer look, another cold wind blew in the direction of Lyman, and climbed into the body along the gap of the scarf, colliding violently with the warm body surface.

Her body was stimulated, and she couldn\'t help shivering.

"Damn, it\'s really cold!"

Ryan, who was beside him, couldn\'t help but swear.

"If you want to be brave, just wear something like this, can you not be cold? Don\'t look at the weather." George laughed and teased Ryan.

There were five people in their group, except Thomas who went to the front to watch the movie, and one was a financial officer from Europa Films, who also accompanied George.

He is tall, taller than Ryan, estimated to be 187cm. He was also fully armed, even with thick black gloves on his hands. He remained silent all the way, looking a little out of place.

"Hey, Kane, are you going to take a look?" George beckoned as he walked.

They\'re going over to Thomas.

The tall man called Kane did not answer as usual, but his footsteps moved closer in their direction.

The place where Thomas was watching was a small square. Although it was almost evening, there were still many people gathered here.

In the central area, there are about a dozen groups using simple projection equipment to broadcast their own works.

And Thomas was standing in the place with the largest crowd of onlookers.

"Hi! Thomas, is the movie good?"

A group of people came over, and Ryan greeted them first.

Then Lehman also said, "I\'m so fascinated by it, what\'s the theme?"

"Huh, it\'s a thriller about how a man kills his neighbor\'s family." Thomas turned back and said, "It\'s pretty good, but it\'s bloody, and the picture shakes a lot. It\'s a unique style. Bar."

Lyman looked in, the movie was almost over.

After the man killed the hostess of the last house, under the shroud of moonlight, the camera recorded the back of the man walking out.

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Applause broke out, and the onlookers did not hesitate to encourage and affirm themselves.

Lehmann also applauded. Although he didn\'t watch the previous plot, as Thomas said, the director\'s style was well grasped, and the footage had the texture of a murder documentary.

Then there were a few movie buyers in suits and leather shoes looking for them.

This kind of sales method is surprisingly good, as long as it can attract most of the audience to watch, it can be very successful.

Perhaps this is the reason why major film festivals are so sought after. It can create a very favorable contact situation for both parties and promote cooperation.

Just like "Blair Witch", which was born in open-air movies a few years ago, every filmmaker is eager to be the next one.

"George, won\'t you try it? Such a movie should have distribution value."

Lyman knew that one of George\'s tasks was to come to the festival to seek opportunities, so he said.

"My energy is mainly focused on the work "Three Silly Raids in Bollywood", and everything else is secondary, not to mention that so many companies have come to the door to discuss cooperation. If it is destined to be impossible, bidding is too cumbersome, and it may not be possible to gain much?"

Looking at the director group that was already surrounded by people in suits and ties, it seemed that George\'s words made sense.

Lehman didn\'t think much of it, and patted Thomas, "Let\'s go, go to work first."

They are people who have invitations, so they can enter the show, and naturally they don\'t need to go to the open-air show.

And this admission ticket still has to pay a sum of money. This trip came out of the hotel to do this.

Walking along the square and turning right at another intersection, Lehmann and others came to the office of the film festival organizing committee, consulted at the door, and quickly found the corresponding office, took out the invitation letter and the corresponding work. After the materials, the relevant screening qualifications have been processed.

"Gentlemen, Director Ryman."

A middle-aged man with glasses sat behind the desk, and he said formulaically: "According to the schedule, your film will be shown at the Morris Theater on the evening of the 19th, which is about 7 o\'clock tomorrow, and you need to pay $3,000 for admission, $100 for print materials, $500 for theater screening administration, and…”

Listening to a series of screening expenses, Lehmann was stunned for a while, but he didn\'t say anything.

These are the rules of the Sundance Film Festival, and all they have to do is obey.

Anyway, the money is not paid by Lehman, but Europa Pictures is responsible for the contract, including the travel expenses of Lehman and the three are also within their responsibility.

A total of $5,000 was paid before George completed all the formalities.

It also includes the promotion of public relations activities, that is, the Sundance Film Festival newspaper is responsible for saying something good about their films.

Haha, before it was released, the official film critics were ready to sing praises for it.

Lehmann can only say that it is worthy of the supremacy of business.

Since the birth of the film, it has been known as the "seventh greatest art", but it has never been so pure.

After leaving the office of the organizing committee, Lehman and his party had no intention of returning to the hotel.

Now Park City has the most people in the film industry who are similar to them. It is also very interesting to have a lot of fun.

The sky was slowly shrouded in darkness, but the carnival atmosphere here did not have any awareness to reduce.

Everyone was laughing, singing, admiring, beating, and indulging the most primitive emotions in their hearts.

Passing by a bar, Lehmann and others who had had enough fun walked in.

In fact, alcohol is prohibited in Park City, where the Sundance Film Festival is held, because it is under the jurisdiction of the Mormon Church.

And this religion not only supports polygamy, but also denies smoking, drinking, gambling, **** and other bad habits of human beings.

But there is always room for accommodation. Here, there are still a few bars, but you are only allowed to drink in them, and you are not allowed to drink in other places, otherwise it is illegal.

At night, it was even more bitterly cold, and several people desperately wanted some alcohol to warm up.

"A glass of whisky, thank you." When he came to the bar, Ryan said first.

He wears the least amount of clothes, looks different from other people\'s bloated, and maintains some demeanor, but the price of doing this is that his entire face has been frozen red. This is because Lehman kindly gave the scarf to For his sake, otherwise it will only be worse.

"A big glass of beer." Thomas also hurriedly roared.

"I want a beer too."

"a cup of beer."

"A glass of Franto."

Of the 5 people, most of them chose beer, including Lehmann, while Kane chose a glass of the bar\'s special blended wine.

Taking a palm-width, face-height beer mug, Lyman wandered down the bar.

There were quite a lot of people here at this time. Inside the bar composed of three large rooms that were opened up, everyone was standing or sitting.

Chatting with each other, bragging, the atmosphere of drinking is really good.

"Hi, Lyman, let\'s have a drink." Ryan also changed a glass of beer at some point and found it. He held a huge glass and stretched it towards Lyman.

The clinking of glasses sounded, and the two of them drank heavily.

"It\'s really nice here. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com" Ryan leaned against the corner of the wall, stood side by side with Lehman, and said to himself, "I like this kind of place."

Ignoring Ryan\'s perception, Lyman took a sip of beer from time to time and looked at the people in the bar to himself.

Gray-haired; young and passionate; silent and lonely; shouting to each other...

People from all over the world gather here to drink, middle-aged, young, old, there is no distinction, only whether it is compatible or not, whether they can drink or not.

What a group of alcoholics would love most is to meet another group of alcoholics.

After drinking, it was already 8 o\'clock in the evening. The five people walked in the direction from the bar and went to a restaurant that was still open. They haven\'t eaten anything since lunch, and their stomachs are full of alcohol, and it\'s not like that. The stomach always needs the caress of food.

At this time, the sky was completely dominated by darkness. Sitting in the restaurant, Laiman ordered a random noodle dish for dinner.

The seat is close to the window, and watching the people on the street while eating is not a good feeling.

Park City is brightly lit, and the open space in the distance still shimmers with the characteristic light of a screen movie.

It has become a city that never sleeps where movies are shown.

The collision of many imaginative ideas, the exchanges between peers, the rush of movie buyers, and the charm of movie art have made Park City a paradise on earth.

A feeling completely different from the Venice Film Festival touched Lehmann.

At Sundance, all filmmakers are willing to open up and communicate honestly, like a symphony.

After eating and filling up my stomach, it was time to go back to the hotel.

The night is completely deep...