Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 45: Sundance Film Festival

With the adoption of Lehman\'s distribution ideas, the operation plan has also been changed accordingly, by concentrating resources, directly negotiating with specific regional theater chains, and concentrating on the print promotion in the places where these theaters are located, and in overseas regions. The release work has also begun to communicate gradually.

Europa Pictures is quite straightforward. Since its own strength is not strong enough, it is feasible to draw alliances.

So, I don\'t know how the two sides negotiated. Eros International Pictures not only obtained the distribution rights in India, but also the distribution rights in the Middle East and even the African continent.

After everything goes according to the plan, we can only wait for the style of the film after its release. At the same time, the United States, the largest ticket warehouse, naturally cannot let it go. After negotiation, Europa Films decided to let George take charge of the specific business there, and can simultaneously implement the choice of the award-winning route.

Because the Sundance Film Festival is about to start.

Founded in 1984, the Sundance Film Festival was founded by a generation of superstar Robert Redford and his friends. The name comes from his famous and most high-profile movie character - Sundance in "The Tiger and the Leopard" s.

Over the past decade or so, the Sundance Film Festival has grown into the world\'s premier independent film festival, regarded by many up-and-coming directors as the best screening platform, and Hollywood distribution companies are happy to come here Seeking publication of works.

As a result, in mid-January every year, countless newcomers and independent film lovers flock to Park City, located in the Great Salt Lake Valley of Utah, to test their ideals here.

Perhaps there are countless film festivals all over the world, but Sundance is undoubtedly one of the top stages in the United States.

This makes more and more independent films sign up for Sundance every year, and often less than 30 works out of hundreds of films can be included in the list of exhibitors - in many cases, the cruelty of competition will only be more intense .

And three days ago, Luc Besson notified Lehmann of the news-they wanted "Three Silly Bollywood" to participate in the Sundance Film Festival to increase exposure and free publicity. .

They don\'t care too much about whether they can win the award or not. Anyway, they will see the results when it is released globally.

And their trip also has a purpose. The Europa Films negotiation team led by George is also responsible for contacting major Hollywood distributors in advance to communicate the release work in the US market.

Although it is said that they have implemented the operation idea of ​​Lehman, the specific plan is still promoted by Europa Pictures.

After the communication that day, Lehmann returned to his home in Cannes to rest. Now that he heard that he was going to the United States for a screening, he didn\'t have much emotion.

"Did you forget to eat lunch again, buddy, you can\'t do this, otherwise you won\'t have the energy to work." A voice full of ridicule called Lehman\'s thoughts back from his wandering thoughts.

Even if he didn\'t look back, Lyman could tell who was coming from the familiar voice and tone, "But I\'m not hungry at all, let\'s talk about it at night."

Ryan really came over from behind.

He was wearing casual clothes today, and a light gray knitted sweater made him look laid-back.

She didn\'t take care of her chestnut short hair deliberately. It fluttered in the air at will, with wisps of dull hair curled up. She held a plastic bag in her hand, "Why, I have something on my mind, it looks sad."

"What are you holding in your hand?" Lehmann asked casually.

"Eat. Lunch, how about it, Thomas will come over later, I\'ll call him, these are the lunches for the three of us." Ryan said, tidying up the debris on the table in front of Lyman, from the plastic Take the packaged food out of the bag.

"Do you have any activities tonight?" Ryan asked.

"No, but I\'ll be busy in the next few days."

With a puzzled look on his face, Ryan walked into the kitchen, took out the tableware, set it up, and asked, "What are you busy with?"

"As for the Sundance Film Festival, Europa Films needs us to go to the United States to participate in this exhibition to warm up for the Hollywood release in advance."

Ryan couldn\'t help laughing, "That\'s a good thing, why do you look listless."

Lyman said nonchalantly, "You know, I don\'t care about that."

Ryan walked into the kitchen again, rummaging through the cabinets skillfully, "Is it good to go over there and play? I haven\'t been to the Sundance Film Festival yet? Oh, yes, this time we are eligible for the screening. ?"

"Yes, Europa Pictures still has some strength, and applied for a place for our film." Lehman thought for a while, and said again: "The place is determined by Robert Redford."

The selection of participating and participating films at the Sundance Film Festival is very particular. The fixed jury team of the exhibition itself will first read all the entries, and then select the works worthy of being shortlisted, so as to ensure the quality and quality of the film festival’s works. Diversity of subject matter. And every year after the opening, the professional judges will be replaced and the review team will be re-planned to be responsible for the final award-winning film.

Therefore, the festival\'s own review team shoulders the important task of raising the average level of the overall film festival, while the more professional jury shoulders the important task of improving the artistic and aesthetic level of the Sundance Film Festival.

It is precisely because of this that the registration time often needs to be one or two months or even half a year in advance, leaving enough time for the review team of the film festival to conduct a preliminary review and finally hand over the screening list. Therefore, although according to the rules, it is absolutely impossible for Lehmann\'s works to pass through the official registration method.

But that was just a general process, just like Lehmann, who had no follow-ups at the beginning, participated in the Venice Film Festival. Everything had to follow the rules, so he was not eligible for the screening at that time.

But now it is different. He no longer needs to participate in such independent film festivals, but Europa Films has easily handled the final film screening. Still through the relationship of one of the founders, Robert Redford.

This early and most high-profile **** man finally learned to compromise with the power of capital.

He is no longer young, and this era is always going to move forward, and he can\'t resist.

Perhaps the actor was hailed as the most **** and charismatic representative of the United States in the early days of his debut, including Brad Pitt, who is now gradually rising, and even Chris Hemsworth, who played the role of Thor. Repeating the old ways of Robert Redford. Brad has been considered the title of "Robert\'s successor" in the early stages of his career.

However, after more than 20 years in Hollywood, the appearance is no longer good, and after countless trials and tribulations, the former "Golden Boy of America" ​​has become desolate. His career also transitioned from being an actor to running the Sundance Film Festival. However, the operation of the exhibition reaching tens of millions of dollars every year is not something he can afford all the time.

Therefore, in recent years, he has been moving closer to the powerful international publishers all over the world, and it is no longer the most temperamental and characteristic Sundance Film Festival at the beginning.

This is the reality, and the Sundance Film Festival ultimately relies on distributors like Europa Pictures to help run its festival productions.

Otherwise, there is no fixed income for annual turnover costs, and it is obviously far from stable to rely only on the income of a movie star like him.

Of course, these later ones are considered unspoken rules of the industry.

It seems reasonable and reasonable that 5% of the transaction amount should be used as a handling fee for works sold at the Sundance Film Festival.

It is not the only one in the world that does this. For example, selling red carpet seats in Cannes and selling seats in Berlin are just a small means to maintain a balance of payments.

Ryan found the bag of coffee beans, took out three more cups, poured out three fresh coffees, then went back to the table and put one of them in front of Lyman, "What do you mean? You Are you not going to the exhibition?"

"How is it possible that Europa Films has won the qualification for the screening, and this is also my work, and I am also obliged to participate in the promotion."

Lyman drank his coffee and said softly.

Ryan also sat down, took a sip of the coffee he brewed, and asked, "What about the other distribution aspects of the movie? Have you figured it out?"

"Europa Pictures is in contact~www.novelhall.com~ As far as I know, several important overseas ticket warehouses, such as Germany, the United Kingdom, South Korea, RB... have sent people to arrange, at most On February 18, the global simultaneous release will begin."

While the two were chatting, Thomas finally arrived.

"Why are you only here now? Didn\'t you say you started going out when I called?" Ryan opened the door and welcomed Thomas to the living room and sat down.

"Huh, two cars collided on the road, and the entire intersection was blocked. I couldn\'t help it, it took a little time." Thomas said and took a sip of coffee.

Seeing someone coming, Lyman started to open the box.

One of the foods was a very delicate looking mille crepe cake. He took one and bit it into his mouth. It tasted very good.

"Thomas, are you alright in a few days?"

"Why do you ask that?" Thomas was very curious about Ryan\'s question.

"In the next few days, Lehman and I are going to the United States to attend the Sundance Film Festival. Are you going?"

"Go, I\'ll go." Thomas replied firmly.

"That\'s good. If the three of us act together, there will definitely be good harvests."

Lyman was eating cake and drinking coffee, and didn\'t want to pay any attention to Ryan\'s intentions.

After Thomas came, the two chatted happily.

What is the strength of the Sundance Film Festival, how many great films have been produced, and how many new directors have become famous at that stage...

Looking at their fiery appearance, I guess I was wondering if "Three Silly" would be treated like that.

Lehman listened with disgust on his face.
