Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 43: Schedule gear

"Mr. Luc Besson."

After the group returned to France, Lehmann came to the Europa Films building again and met with Luc Besson.

"Lehmann, please take a seat first." Luc Besson greeted kindly, and asked his assistant to make two cups of coffee.

"How about this trip to India? It feels good to finish the movie." Luc Besson asked.

"It\'s just the beginning after the filming is done successfully, and there are tedious post-editing edits to come." Lehmann said with a smile.

After chatting with each other for a while, Lyman began to talk about business.

"Mr. Luc Besson, now that the film is about to enter post-production, should it be appropriate to carry out publicity work?"

The hasty publicity of the last movie has already exposed many drawbacks. Naturally, this movie needs to be well grasped.

"Well... it is possible to carry out small-scale publicity and warm it up in advance." Luc Besson first affirmed Lehmann\'s proposal, and then asked: "How much time do you need for the post-production of this film?"

"It will take at least a month, and the exact time depends on the production efficiency." Lehman hesitated for a moment, and gave a slightly vague time.

"If it\'s more than a month, we will preliminarily select a schedule for the release in February next year. Of course, we will discuss the specific plan in detail again." Luc Besson said after a while.

"Well, I\'ll leave this work to you. I\'ll go to post-production right away. If necessary, I\'ll cut out a part of the film material first for publicity in the form of a trailer, so as to cooperate with you."

Do you warm up in advance? Europa Pictures just needs to let the audience leave the shadow of this movie in their hearts and know when they can see it in the cinema. Then the propaganda method of the trailer is very effective, and it can be a good reminder to the audience by showing up from time to time.

After briefly talking to Luc Besson about the promotion, Lehmann left the Europa Films building and started to prepare for the post-editing of the film.

After he left, what he didn\'t know was that there was another conversation going on about him.

"George, talk about it." Luc Besson said, "How is Lehmann\'s performance?"

Luc Besson had no way to know about the filming of "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood". Now that the crew is back, he just happened to listen to the report.

This is not only an investment in a film project, but also an investment in an individual. It depends on what George said next.

"He is very mature and has a lot of experience. In the first week of filming, the entire crew was completely in a state of work that was dominated by him, and those department personnel that we often cooperate with Europa Films are also very convinced of him, although they will still There were some on-set conflicts, but he handled them all very well."

George said about his feelings in the past two months, "He obviously has experience in managing such a large-scale production crew, is a very qualified director, and his focus on the work is amazing, we can meet the shooting expectations ahead of schedule. , but also because the shooting condition has been very good, and there are very few problems that hinder the shooting progress, and even if there are, they can be solved immediately."

"The most important thing is that Lehmann is very clear about what he wants or what he should ask the crew to do. He has a strong voice and confidence in the effects of the shots presented in the film, which is very important for a young director. It is a very rare quality to say, and his sense of smell for movies is admirable."

Luc Besson quietly listened to George\'s evaluation of Lehmann, and his heart was slightly shaken. He still believed in this old acquaintance, otherwise he would not have sent him to act as a producer to accompany the filming in India. It is equivalent to handing over the position of Europa Pictures to him. But the meaning of what he said now is obvious. He is very optimistic about Lehmann\'s directorship and thinks that he will achieve something.

"Do you really look at him well?"

"I\'m just expressing my opinion, his directing ability, just what I\'ve seen, and I\'ll think this movie will not be bad." Having said this, a smile appeared on George\'s face, "Look, "" Although I haven\'t seen the final film yet, I believe that this work will never be worse than his first work, it will only be better."

Is it true that Europa Pictures has made tens of millions of euros in profits from just one "Buried", will "Three Silly Bollywood" be better?

Luc Besson thought about it for a while and looked forward to it.

On the second day, Lehmann went directly to the post-production room created by Europa Pictures, and the entire post-production team also began to follow up.

Ryan and Thomas also didn\'t want to miss such a second creation, so they also entered the editing room.

After another week, the pre-edited footage was turned into a five-minute trailer, which was adopted by Europa Pictures\' publicity department.

On the screen, there is first more than two minutes of campus life. As the camera continues to change, the Indian education issues discussed in the story are roughly presented, and then there is the most classic dialogue between Lancher and the dean. The wonderful dialogue raised the doubts of the entire trailer and further stimulated the curiosity of the audience.

At the same time, some media tabloids also began to warm up in advance. In India, after Eros International Pictures communicated with Europa Pictures, they also began to cooperate with propaganda.

"Today, a reporter from the Mumbai Evening News interviewed actor Aamir Khan. Facing the reporter, Aamir Khan said very confidently that his new film "Three Silly Bollywood" will definitely bring a different viewing experience to the audience. ."

There are many more interviews with actors, which have been circulated in India. After all, most of the film\'s cast members are Indians, and Eros International Pictures naturally knows where the focus of publicity will make the audience more interested. On the French side, the focus of publicity is different, and their target is any person. On the body of director Lyman.

Actually speaking, the promotion of a movie on the actors is definitely more effective, but the French media can\'t always promote how powerful Aamir Khan is, or how dedicated the actors are, not to mention whether the European cultural circle will accept it or not. Actors and stars in India, just looking at it like this, think it will be very strange.

What Parisian newspaper reported, actor Aamir Khan said... Barabara\'s, it\'s very inconsistent at first glance. So they reported this:

"The director of "Buried Alive" is back with his new work "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood", and he may be the box office champion next year." - "San Ferro Daily"

"Rookie director Lehmann threatened that \'Three Silly\'s in Bollywood\' will become a benchmark for Indian films and set the industry standard for European film circles for them." - "Paris Times"

"Breaking the record? The billion-dollar club may add another person, and the 26-year-old director Lehmann may become the best young generation in the French film industry." - "New Observer"

"The Cannes Evening News takes you to an in-depth analysis of the rise of director Lehmann." - "Paris Competition Illustrated"

"Looking forward to director Lehmann\'s new film, his "Buried Alive" is still in front of my eyes." - "Viewpoint"

"It is reported that all the cast members of "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood" went to Mumbai, India, and insisted on shooting on the spot, just to present a more authentic Indian style." - "Le Monde"


Silently, Europa Films and Eros International Films began to exert their efforts. As soon as the promotion expenses were spread, it was immediately effective. Of course, these are all tabloid coverage, and they are all regional media, especially Paris, as the location of Europa Films, it seems to be more attentive and has a stronger ability to talk nonsense.

Obviously, Lehman threw himself into the later film production and never accepted any newspaper interviews, but how could the unscrupulous media tabloids let such an excellent source of heat go. It\'s all like it\'s true.

Although they are not as smooth as the shocking body of later well-known news websites, the depth of their content is the same.

In a word, it is a picture for the opening, and the content depends entirely on editing, how to attract attention.

Anyway, journalists are never short of imagination. As soon as they close their eyes, they can make up tens of thousands of news headlines that are hyped and hot, and they dare to write anything outrageous.

However, this kind of blind chicken writing can really attract the attention of some audiences~www.novelhall.com~ At least some people who have watched the movie "Buried Alive" have been aroused by curiosity. It is worthwhile to warm up in advance, so that the audience who sees it can leave a little impression of the film in their minds.


The post-production of the film is still going on. After the rough cut, the film\'s duration was controlled to 130 minutes.

This is undoubtedly too long. Even if some ambiguous sidelines and the funny content in the first few paragraphs are deleted, it is still not ideal.

His goal was to think the film could be best kept under two hours.

It is best to think and ponder over and over again, and the length of the film is fixed at 115 minutes.

He really couldn\'t cut it any longer. In these 15 minutes, a lot of brain cells had been boiled to death.

It is not an easy task to control the rhythm of the film and make the plot smooth.

After the editing is completed, the soundtrack is completed. Lehmann is not a professional in this regard. After he has told his requirements, the production team mobilized by Europa Pictures will automatically present satisfactory results.

Then I communicated with the sound editor and Lehmann well, and it was almost the same as reaching an agreement.

Furthermore, the entire narration input took two or three days.

On January 10th, all post-production was completed, and the finished film went through magnetic transfer film again, burned onto the film, and made a few more backups.

With the film, I met again with director Luc Besson, the director of Europa Films, and was ready to start the internal screening and interview schedule.

Last year\'s "Buried Alive" didn\'t have this step, so it was very miserable at the beginning. After all, it was bought from the film festival. It was a picked child, so naturally I didn\'t feel bad. Now, the full investment is different again...