Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 42: kill green

The bright sunshine is no longer full of warmth, and the air in the morning and evening is full of cold breath. Since December, the film capital of Mumbai, India, has come to the season when the average temperature is lower in the year, and the crew The filming work still does not stop for this.

As more scenes were filmed, the film finally came to its final finishing touches.

Today, Lehmann got up earlier than usual, got up from his comfortable bed at 6 o\'clock and got dressed.

Pedestrians in twos and threes hurried past on the street outside the window, and there were still a lot of hard-working people at this time.

After washing up, I hurried to the studio.

There are still 3 shots left on the shooting report. If you say too much, it is not too much, and if you say too little, it is not too little. As long as the shooting goes well, it will not be too difficult to complete it in half a day.

Sitting in the seat, while the staff was still arranging the shooting scene, Lehmann took the split shot and thought about it carefully. What else needs to be fine-tuned in advance, and then think about the lighting, photography techniques, camera settings.... ..

It is naturally the best to know these details.

The actor\'s position, every gesture and expression of emotion should also have a general impression.

It wasn\'t until 7:30, when the actors were all dressed up, that the filming of the final scene officially started.

In the artificial light rain scene, the No. 1 camera was set up on the eaves at the top of the garden, using a wide-angle lens to capture the sunny picture after the light rain. He liked the idea of ​​this shot very much, which symbolized that there was a gap in the Dean\'s firm heart. After the rain, the sky is sunny, a good meaning, isn\'t it?

"Camera No. 2 on the boom lowers the shooting angle, and then goes down to the right by 15 degrees. Well, that\'s it."

Looking at the actors who were prepared—actually, the two-player between Dean and Lancher, Lehman finally reminded, "After the artificial watering stops, Unit 1 will immediately circle 360 ​​degrees to capture a close-up of the scene."

At the end of the tragedy, is the "villain" somewhat remorseful in the series of things that the protagonist Lancher did, is it cliché? Very cliché, but this is the only shining point in this educational dialogue, and it is also the hope that rises in the gloom, which can soothe the hearts of the audience who have been hurt after watching the whole show.

For the sake of the market, a step of compromise will not affect anything. In the end, it is enough that this movie can bring some educational thinking to the audience.

After Lehman called the start, Boman Irani and Aamir Khan began their final conversation.

"Why don\'t astronauts use pencils in space, I\'ll tell you this now."

"Because if a pencil breaks, it will run into the eyes, nose or instrument in zero gravity."

Boman Irani said excitedly: "You\'re always like this, Rancher, you\'re not always right, and everyone else is wrong."

After all, he hung the space pen that symbolized honor on Lancher\'s collar and left alone...


After this scene was over, Lehmann shouted loudly with a loudspeaker: "I announce that all the filming of "Three Silly Bollywood" has been completed."

He let out a long sigh of relief. After 58 days of high-intensity filming, the film has finally passed one-third of its journey.

The applause broke out. It was messy and fiery. It was not only the director Ryman who was tested and tormented, but also other people in the crew who were struggling together.

In the cheers, Thomas gently lowered the second camera he was holding; George was still replaying the footage just shot; Ryan, the production manager, was laughing with the staff at the side; the actors walked towards the dressing room, While walking, I took off the costumes at random. It was just soaked in artificial rain, and it was uncomfortable to be wet; the lighting engineer and his team were turning off the lights, dismantling the lights, dismantling the lighting panels, and the spotlighting panels. ....

Looking at the chaotic and orderly scene on the set, Lehmann sighed in his heart: His second work was just finished.

It is now December 23rd. From the beginning of October, it took more than 2 months for the film to get investment, prepare, and finish shooting.

During this period of time, he gained a lot of valuable experience, some from all sides.

For example, the choice and control of the camera lens; for example, the actor\'s mood and the adjustment of the shooting plan; and the budget and funds, George can always talk about these, so that he has a new experience on how to save the cost of the crew .

In terms of how to be a good director, he is more mature and more experienced in the industry.

"Everyone be quiet first and listen to me." Ryman picked up the loudspeaker again and shouted loudly, and when everyone\'s eyes were cast, he continued: "Pack up the studio, and then we will meet at the Mumbai Hotel. , everyone in the crew has a share, and can bring at most one friend or family member."

When the Buried Alive crew was finished, Laiman didn\'t hold anything, and didn\'t even mention a red envelope for salary. It looked very cold. Isn\'t it because the crew\'s funds were too tight, but now it\'s different from the past. , it can\'t be so indifferent.

The film crew of Three Silly was invested by Europa Films, the gold owner. The filming capital was 6 million, and there was still about 700,000 euros left on the book. As for the post-production work, they also provided special post-production studios, so there is no need to worry.

Then, it is very necessary to have a finalizing banquet, which can not only promote the feelings of the crew and facilitate future cooperation, but also reduce stress and relieve depression.

After all, a large group of people followed him to India, a country where living conditions were not very good, and worked together for two months. They ate mush every day. The water, soil, landscape and culture were completely different from their original circle. Temper people will inevitably have some complaints in their hearts.

When I heard that the celebration banquet was held at the Mumbai Grand Hotel, and I could bring my family members or friends to eat and drink, I suddenly became energetic on the set, and the movements under my hands became more swift. I used my mobile phone to call my family members. Of course, most of this group were local Indian crew members who assisted in the filming. The filming team brought over from France has nothing to worry about here, at most some female **** workers. It was also what Lehmann heard from George. Some people in the film crew were suffocated and found some local occupations.

Based on the principle of consideration for others, Lehmann simply allows friends or family members to eat.


At the Mumbai Hotel, Lehman directly contracted two medium-sized banquet halls and set up a buffet.

The cuisine is mainly local Indian specialties and French dishes, as well as the indispensable seafood in the buffet.

Lehman was the core character. After taking the meal, he gathered around a table to drink and brag. The scene was very lively.

"Director, come, have a drink, I hope the movie will sell well at the box office."

"Lyman, I\'ll accompany you to drink one too. I hope your future career as a director will be smoother and smoother."

"all together."


For those local Indian staff, this is just a short-term job. After drinking the party wine and eating the final banquet, there is no longer anything to do with Laiman, and no one will be immersed in any "no" In the mood of "She", so they also had a drink with Lyman and stopped hanging around.

When they received the completion money, it was Lao Yan Fen Fei, and they looked at it very openly.

On the other hand, the French crew members were even more enthusiastic, and almost had to have a drink with Lehmann alone. They will understand better that it will be beneficial for them to have a good relationship with a director, who is also invested by Europa Films. "Director...drink..."

So after a while, Lehman was gorgeously drunk.

All the crew members of the crew were originally big men who were living at the bottom, and they were so bold when they drank. Originally, Laiman\'s drinking capacity has also been tested. After all, the wine bureau in the previous life is a common occurrence. It can be regarded as a good drink. Well, I\'m sorry, I can\'t favor one over the other, just drink with Ryan, Thomas, George, Dijon Kumar and others. Isn\'t that wearing tinted glasses and dividing people into three, six, nine, and so on?

The consequence of not rejecting anyone like this is that he was the first to fall on the fierce battlefield.

It wasn\'t until it got dark and the banquet ended successfully after everyone had a satisfying drink~www.novelhall.com~ Laiman finally had the chance to go back to the hotel. He sat in the taxi with a flushed face and followed Ryan and Thomas back.

After being supported by the two of them all the time, he was on the soft big bed, and only then did he have a sense of sobriety.

He got up with difficulty, took a sip of water, and finally suppressed the rush in his stomach.

He had never indulged himself like this before, but it was conceivable that he might not sleep well tonight.

I haven\'t vomited until now, but I have always felt that way, and the taste is not so bearable.

Looking at the night scene outside the window, the moon hangs high in the sky, but there are no stars.

The bustling lights reflect everything under the city, and the traffic on the street has not stopped.

It\'s over, and the filming of "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood" is now completely complete.

It\'s just that, unlike most of the crew members who have finished their work and can take a break, the post-production work of the film will come to Lehmann immediately.

He\'s still busy.

The churning in the stomach continued, and the brain that was constantly entangled with drunkenness and sobriety was not feeling well.

Finally, when it was time to drink water and couldn\'t stand it, Lyman ran to the bathroom and vomited.

If you vomit, it will be much better.

After washing his face and stimulating his brain, he lay back on the bed.

After finishing the filming work, when I return to France, I will welcome a new post-production team.

After finishing the post-production, his second film will be released.

How good, he is very satisfied with this kind of life.

To be able to continuously shoot the films that you want to shoot, and to give your own thinking and ideas, this is a constant achievement for the director.

I hope I will be better in the future, come on, Lehmann!