Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 401: "Batman" crew (1)

The next morning, Lyman got out of bed.

Randomly packed it up.

Go out and drive to Firefly Pictures.

In the market, "Chainsaw 2" is still reaping the box office.

But most professionals know that the upper limit of this film will not be too high.

This is a common problem with all cult films, and naturally it has lost a large number of audiences.

In addition, another batch of new films has entered the theater, which has also reduced the number of films and screens, and the trend of daily output decline is very obvious.

Going to the company, Lehmann looked at the financial statements as usual.

It wasn\'t until Blake Cole called to tell him that "Batman" had entered the shooting stage before he bought a plane ticket and flew to the UK.


In the north of London, about 40 minutes\' drive from the city center, there are a large number of magnificent buildings.

This is a suburb, the predecessor of the building was the hangar named Cardington during World War II.

A small part of it was abandoned and destroyed, and most of the equipment inside was removed, leaving a large empty shell.

In the middle of the building, the former No. 2 warehouse has now been transformed into a huge photo studio.

The entire library is 812 feet long and 180 feet high. The shed is equivalent to 16 Olympic-sized swimming pools and can also accommodate 8,338 London double-decker buses.

In terms of area, it is beyond the reach of most studios in the world.

At this moment, the model of the roof, which is arranged to be the outer street of Gotham City and built according to the scale of one third, has been completed.

Nolan also took the crew to stay here for almost four days, completing most of the scenes and scenes.

To be honest, it\'s quite a loser.

It took more than 10 million yuan and nearly half a month of hard work to build it, and in the end, it took ten minutes to cut out the footage.

Although Lehmann also loves real shooting, when encountering such a situation, it is very likely that he will use special effects technology to make up for it.

However, Nolan, he also has some connections.

He went to the United Kingdom to film a scene, and found that the government had approved a filming subsidy for him.

Probably more than two million.

So, let\'s respect his choice.


As soon as Lehmann got off the plane, it didn\'t take long for it to rain heavily.

Autumn in London is like this, always gloomy.

When Lehman arrived at the filming location, the crew was not filming. Have a holiday.

On a rainy day, it is not easy to go outside at all.

He entered the group, and Nolan went out to greet him. The first sentence was to complain: "You\'re here."

Without Lehman, the atmosphere of the crew was somewhat discordant.

"I\'m not too busy."

Lehmann quickly apologized.

The two chatted for a while, and Nolan went to the film crew to study tomorrow\'s shooting scenes.

Delaying this day, many things need to be sorted out again.

The director must be a busy man on the set. Lyman walked around casually, looked at it, and called Blake Cole again.

"Batman: Mystery of the Shadow" is led by the two together, and he needs to know something about the crew.

"After I left, how did you feel in the crew?"

"Most of them are okay, but those Warner producers are always looking for Nolan\'s trouble." Blake Cole is also about to fall.

He also doesn\'t have Lehman\'s qualifications and achievements, and the people at Warner don\'t listen to him at all.

"Oh, how did you trouble Nolan?" Lyman frowned.

"I like to be in charge." Blake Cole said, "I like to be in charge of everything. Even when shooting, there are many NGs, and they have to talk about it."

"Where\'s the filming crew?" Lehmann asked again.

"Our people listened to Director Nolan\'s arrangements after your instructions. However, the people who Warner put in sometimes don\'t listen very well. And the person from the fire fund always asks Nolan to pay attention to the funds. We don\'t know how to flirt with people from Warners behind the scenes."

"Completion guarantee?"

"Well, he said that if they were so generous, it would be difficult for them to continue to cooperate."

"What did Nolan say?"

"He explained to the man that it would not exceed the budget. It was a planned shoot."

"What about the actor?"

"The filming was okay, no one played big names, and no one didn\'t listen to Nolan\'s command. At least, on the surface, it was okay."

Blake Cole understands Lyman\'s temperament and knows that he recognizes Nolan\'s strength, otherwise he would not have asked Nolan to direct the play.

So, regarding Lehman\'s question, he didn\'t hide it at all, and told him clearly about the current situation of the crew.

After Lyman heard this, he thought to himself.

For Warner executives, they are definitely willing to see the success of "Batman".

But for these people below, it is also what they need more to gain the right to speak to the crew.

Both qualifications and achievements.

A no-nonsense person is generally not a good fit for the film industry.

"The personnel structure of this play is indeed very complicated. In fact, everyone knows it in their hearts. Now that I am here, tell me anything in advance, and don\'t have any conflicts. I will solve any problems, understand?"

"How dare I, we have been enduring it all this time."


"Batman" was started in June.

It\'s more than July for the actors to join the group.

In the middle, in order to fit the role, the actors are also shaping their own.

In September, the crew can be regarded as the official start.

Apart from being particular about filming and liking real filming, Nolan has nothing to say about his ability.

The filming progress is faster than the average director.

If it weren\'t for the tediousness of setting the scene, it is estimated that in a few days, Gotham\'s exterior scenes would be finished and the castle scene would be filmed.

In the crew station, after Lyman learned about the situation of the crew from Blake, he wandered around again.

He didn\'t go to Warner\'s people~www.novelhall.com~ no need.

In a corner of the crew, Christian Bale sits on a recliner and reads a book.

Lehman went over to say hello and wanted to laugh.

This fellow was wearing a Batman suit, without a mask, and holding a book in his hand.

When Bell heard the movement, he tilted his head and said happily, "You\'re busy, why did you come here?"

"It\'s not normal for me to come here. Also, what\'s the matter with your look?"

"It started to rain after filming a little bit in the morning. I was afraid that the rain would stop later, and it would be difficult to change clothes, so I didn\'t take it off. Looking at the rain, I felt like I couldn\'t make it today."

The coolness of Batman\'s suit is cool, but it\'s a little troublesome.

If you put on and take off by yourself, you can\'t do it at all.

Two or three people have to join hands together.

This dress is a tight fit specially designed by the clothing team to show off your muscles.

The only purpose of this guy\'s body shaping is to be able to pull the box office or something on the big screen, relying on a body of tendon.

"It\'s not uncomfortable for you to dress."

"got used to."

If I really want to film the role of Batman, I have to wear it for most of the day.

However, the clothes are tight.

But the material is very good, it absorbs sweat and breathes, and it is not so unbearable.

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