Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 400: see you champion

"On the first weekend in September, North America ushered in several new films, and the market still maintained above the level of year-on-year growth. The "Chainsaw 2" produced by Firefly Pictures and distributed by Paramount Pictures "Continuing the popularity of the previous work, it landed in nearly 2,600 theaters on the opening day, and it earned 7.23 million US dollars on the first day, beating the "Princess Diaries 2" with a revenue of 5.36 million US dollars, ranking first in the single-day box office."

As expected, the new film is not as competitive as "The Princess Diaries 2", which has been shown for more than two weeks.

And although most of the film reviews in the newspapers are still based on harsh criticism, the ridicule of the quality of the film itself is not so serious.

For example, "The Hollywood Reporter" is complaining that the director\'s camera editing always likes blood, and it can be avoided with a little attention.

Unfortunately, many film critics do not understand the selectivity of the market.

For some passers-by who may support it, it also requires courage to abandon the cult group that has laid the foundation itself.

You must know that most horror and thriller movies use blood plasma on a large scale, precisely because such fans like this tune.

It can be seen from the audience comments on IMDB.

Most of them didn\'t say that there were any flaws in this aspect, and instead discussed those ingenious killing machines enthusiastically.

Some offbeat film review columns even said: "The anti-social character of Jigsaw is the most successful in the entire series, and has a certain quality that is very memorable."

In the end, IMDB\'s rating for "Chainsaw 2" remained at 7.3 points.

On Saturday, the hired research company released the latest statistics. The average score of "Chainsaw 2" theater audiences is "B", and it is expected that the North American box office will not fall below 60 million US dollars.

This is a very good reputation and evaluation for an R-rated film.

Paramount also developed a follow-up promotion plan.

With the Internet and traditional media industries as the core, online and offline cooperative marketing has always maintained a certain degree of popularity.

As of the premiere day, Paramount Pictures has invested a total of more than ten million US dollars in the promotion and distribution of this film, which is considered a conscience compared to the cost of shooting.

Of course, Paramount\'s own calculation rules for input and output are in line with market prospects.

They didn\'t mess around.

The effect is also obvious.

On Sunday, the single-day box office of "Chainsaw 2" was not affected by too many film critics at all, and the output rose again, with a harvest of 9.26 million US dollars.

Continue to press "Princess Diaries 2", which earned $5.43 million that day, to defend the top spot.

In the first three days of the first weekend, the North American box office of "Chainsaw 2" exceeded 20 million.

However, the audience for the film itself is still too low.

According to the survey, moviegoers are concentrated among young men over the age of 16, and female moviegoers are very few, less than 10% of the total.

The peers in the film industry are also staring at the performance of the market.

Because they need to determine the future audience direction according to market changes.

When my eyes got hot for a while, I just felt that Firefly Pictures had done a good business.

Paramount is naturally the group in a good mood.

The only one with some mixed feelings may be Lionsgate, no doubt.

Because Lehman personally met with Gusta, the major shareholder, and asked Lionsgate to help him, the condition he offered was the follow-up distribution rights of "Chainsaw".

Although the production of the second part has already been completed, and Lionsgate has no chance to intervene, most of them still feel a little uncomfortable.

My heart is troubled.

The Hollywood-based staff of Europa Pictures also took the opportunity to return to Paris, France with a copy of "Chainsaw 2".

Basically, after it is released in North America for two weeks, overseas markets will also follow the trend.

As for Europa Pictures, their partnership with Lehmann is still pretty good, and the share they give is also very friendly to Firefly Pictures, so they don’t worry about any additional changes within three years.

By the next week.

Lionsgate\'s president, Jon Flemish, also called Lehman to invite Lehmann out for the gathering.

Lyman was also very generous, and went with Ray Warner, who had just finished filming "Saw 3".

When they walked into the private room of the private club, Jon Feilermei\'s attitude was extraordinarily enthusiastic - nonsense, a business with an annual income of 10 to 20 million yuan is really willing to give a smile.

After chatting together.

Before the dishes were ready, Jon Feilmeier deliberately reminded: "Ryman, the box office of "The Chainsaw 2" must have exceeded 24 million."

Lehmann waved his hand, "Not so fast. The audience accumulated in the previous work has contributed to the box office a few days ago. Now the rise has slowed down. It is estimated that after a few weeks, the painting will be finished."

"Yeah, cult films are still a bit of a niche. But there\'s not much investment, so there\'s still money to be made."

"Well, if you add the overseas share, there should be a profit of 20 to 30 million yuan." Lehmann followed the topic.

"This film sells better offline. I\'ve heard before that it can sell hundreds of thousands of CDs in a month at most."

With this kind of offline performance, even Lionsgate, run by Jon Feilermeier, started out as a thriller and horror-themed movie, and he couldn\'t help but sigh.

The profit of a single disc, excluding the costs of site, recording, transportation, etc., and the distribution with offline giants such as Best, can basically bring the production and distribution companies 2 to 3 US dollars in revenue.

If the two are divided, coupled with small profits but quick turnover, there is even a potential market that can be sold for several years. Every year, each interest chain can be divided into seven or eight million. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Not counting that, TV-on-demand needs to be paid for.

All in all, publishers like Paramount are also eating too much oil.

Lehmann thought about it for a while, but was not modest, "This type of film usually doesn\'t sell too badly offline."

This is also true.

However, Jon Feilermei still seemed to ask casually: "The market performance of "Saw Cry 2" is not expected to be bad. Have you considered when the third part will be released?"

Hearing this, Lyman already understood Jon\'s purpose.

Maybe he was reminding himself that he might as well.

Lehmann smiled and said, "The sequel has already been filmed and is still in the post-production stage. If it is released, it will definitely have to wait until next year. After next year, you can find a release date. We promise to cooperate."

The speed of releasing one film a year is already fast.

If it was faster, it would be killing the chicken and getting the eggs.

Lyman\'s meaning couldn\'t be clearer.

Jon Feilermei just wanted to remind one or two.

After getting the guarantee, it is also polite to change the topic and chat.

Ray Naval, as the director of the third film, was naturally introduced to Jon by Lyman.

For a while, the atmosphere became warm.

Cups and cups are intertwined, so lively.


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