Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 393: policy

A few days later, when Lehmann stepped into the door of Lismanwish Films again, his identity has become the company\'s largest shareholder. After transferring 5% and owning 42% of the equity, he still overwhelmed Charles\' 41.3%.

Although, this title just sounds nice.

Ryan followed behind Lehmann when the two got out of the elevator and headed for the conference room.

An executive was leading the way with a smile, "Mr. Lyman, Mr. Ryan, please come with me."

Liam Haydn is only 39 years old, but he is an old man of the company. He became the vice president of the film department six years ago.

Lehmann pushed open the door and entered. There were already two middle-aged white men sitting in the conference room.

Liam Haydn introduced: "Mr. Lyman, this is Keller, the general manager of the TV department, and this is Julian, the deputy general manager of the TV department."

Lehmann had read the internal information of Lismanwish Films and knew that these two were talents promoted by Charles and had worked in a British TV station before. And both of them have dry shares in their hands.

After shaking hands with the two executives, it didn\'t take long for the management of the distribution department, marketing department and other departments to be present.

However, in the end, Charles was nowhere to be seen. According to his assistant, early in the morning, he went to several TV stations that he had worked with to discuss the production of new projects.

Of course, people didn\'t come, but the meeting was going to be held, because Jon Feilermei even sent his deputy to sit in town.

The acquisition plan can also go into a second phase.

As for today\'s temporary high-level meeting, in addition to Lehman\'s appearance as the first shareholder of Lismanwish Films, it is also their participation that will promote the development of the entire company and the next step.

After the management of various departments arrived at the scene, Charles\' assistant silently left the conference room and walked directly to Charles\'s president\'s office.

The boss is in the company, but he doesn\'t want to come forward. One is to avoid the edge for a while, and the other is to see what the new Lyman wants to do.

The failure to compete for equity does not mean that he really has to split more than half of the power in his hands.

Now Lismanwish Films has reached a delicate balance. The most powerful and profitable TV and marketing departments in the company belong to the Charles family, and a small number of powerful management members belong to the Hunter family. , and the situation is not good.

If Charles does not cooperate, there will definitely be a lot of work that cannot be carried out.

He also wanted this method, so that the new Lyman and others could recognize the reality and be an honest supporter behind the scenes, just like the previous Hunter.

Minimize your involvement in the company.

After the assistant to the president entered Charles\' office, he honestly reported: "Boss, I have already greeted them. I believe no one would dare not listen to you."

Charles sneered: "This company has developed step by step under my hands, how can I let others mess around."

The assistant echoed, "Yeah, when Hunter wanted to establish distribution channels and support the film department, it didn\'t work either."

Charles is indeed very confident.

If Lehman insisted on seizing power, the entire company from bottom to top, at least more than half of the employees stood up to resist, and then the loss would be a big deal, and he would have to rely on him to end it.



In the conference room, Lyman tried his best to suppress his anger.

Except for a few managements who have come up, most of the other executives have made it clear that they have to deal with it.

From the very beginning of the meeting, he nods his head like a slap in the face, but when he encounters practical matters, he acts so deaf and dumb, unable to hold a word for a long time.

However, Lehmann didn\'t bother to deal with them either. After saying a few words about the key projects of the company\'s development, he immediately announced the dissolution of the meeting.

Afterwards, Lyman took Liam and the others who approached to go outside.

Several people went downstairs side by side, causing many uninformed employees to discuss, thinking that Firefly Pictures\' stake would definitely help the company\'s film department. At that time, the better the company\'s earnings, the richer the bonuses.

Unfortunately, Lyman never thought of doing this at all.

It is better to win over these experienced management talents first, then acquire Lismanwish Films, cut off the film directly, and transfer suitable employees to Firefly.

As for how he intervened.

However, he vigorously developed channels and even filmed TV series.

In short, a policy was implemented, the company was messed up, and Charles had to sell his equity, otherwise he would put money in with him and see who couldn\'t hold it.

At the beginning, this guy was able to manage the stock from the beginning and eat up a small half of Hunter\'s equity. It was through continuous investment and income that he gradually increased his right to speak.

It\'s a pity that Lismanwish Films didn\'t go public, otherwise it wouldn\'t be so troublesome.

Otherwise, if you increase your holdings, you will be able to convince Charles and gradually dilute his equity.

Several people found a place to sit down.

Lehman said, "There is not much liquidity in the company, let\'s see if they can hold on."

"Do we really want to continue to deepen the channel? That will require a lot of investment." Liam suggested cautiously.

"Why not, with the support of Lionsgate, are you afraid that the channel will be unstable? If it hadn\'t been getting better, I would have wanted to get involved in overseas markets." Lehmann didn\'t care.

Liam added: "It is estimated that there has been a quarrel in the company now, and Charles is definitely not willing to invest in channels, or something else."

"It\'s good to make him unwilling~www.novelhall.com~ I want to buy the equity in his hands, it\'s not that he doesn\'t know."

Liam opened his mouth to analyze: "He is a businessman, and he will definitely take the opportunity to raise the price, waiting for you to quote a higher price."

"No, he doesn\'t give up."

Lehmann did not continue to discuss this matter, but asked: "Which aspect of the company is most likely to hit Charles now?"

"TV department." Liam said sternly: "His relationship with those TV stations is what he values ​​most, and this is also the most valuable asset of the company."

In fact, this is where Hunter lost.

He has no involvement in the TV department at all, and he has no relationship with TV stations. Taking a step back, he may not be able to shoot TV series well, let alone how to produce suitable projects.

If Lyman can use the TV to put pressure on him, Charles\' past achievements are not worth mentioning at all.

Without the support of TV stations, Charles would not be able to produce excellent TV programs with creativity.

It\'s sold out, you have to sell it.

This is the key.

Lyman has a case, and Liam is not reused, and he is a senior executive of Hunter\'s family, and said: "I hope you can appease the backbone talents in the distribution channel and the film department, and don\'t let them leave to go elsewhere. At most, Charles will not insist on it for a few months. At that time, I will also respect the opinions of several people to the greatest extent, integrate resources to develop the film, and his position change will definitely be much stronger than now."

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