Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 392: strong aid

The room suddenly became quiet.

Frank Gusta lay on the sofa, rubbing his hands together, still thinking about the little request that Lyman mentioned.

Actually nothing.

What Lehman means is that he invites Lionsgate to join Lismanwish Films. On the surface, the party held by Lehman will transfer 5% of the shares. In private, he will sign another agreement of intent. Bought back at original price.

It seems that Lionsgate has nothing to lose, and has borrowed a lot to go out and gain the favor of Firefly Pictures.

The question now is whether these two are worth taking a shot at Lionsgate.

The quiet atmosphere did not last long.

Frank said with some sigh: "After listening to Mr. Ryman\'s thoughts and seeing the prospects of Firefly Films today, I have to sigh the importance of a successful director to the film industry."

Lehmann was a little stunned. Are you complimenting him?

Take it as the goodwill released by the person on the opposite side.

Lehman thought for a while and replied: "Nowadays, the film and television industry in many regions is showing an upward trend. If film companies want to develop, they can also use this aspect. Therefore, this highlights the importance of channels. Channels, of course, Also overseas."

Lehman knew about Lionsgate\'s future development path. After it was able to gain a firm foothold in Hollywood, they immediately secretly opened up overseas markets and spent five or six years to build their global distribution empire.

Any film company that wants to climb high must take this road. This is the trend of market choice.

However, his words still surprised Frank.

First, Lionsgate\'s board of directors decided to bypass the sight of the six majors, first contact the offline market in various regions, and make DVDs and video tapes first, and slowly surfaced Lionsgate\'s ambitions;

Second, DreamWorks went this way until it was suppressed by the six major corporations. After the capital chain was about to break, most of the second-tier film companies were honest. Except for Lionsgate, a newly developed Firefly Films also had such plans. , has to be surprising.

Frank looked at Lyman and felt that this man was not only good at making movies, but also very interesting.

And for the conditions given by Lyman.

The conditions for attracting entry.

For example, with closer cooperation between the two parties, Firefly Pictures will hand over the subsequent "Chainsaw" series to Lionsgate for operation, and not only this project, but also help Lionsgate to open up the TV drama market.

For these, Frank hadn\'t fully thought about it at first, because he felt that letting a movie company with great potential to grow and develop would definitely pose a threat to Lionsgate in the future.

The cake is so big, whoever eats more will have to eat less.

Although, on the bright side, the Big Six are eating wildly.

But now it seems that it can help a little.

After all, Lions Gate is going ahead, and how to go further is the focus of their consideration.

Frank seemed to have thought of something, and said with a smile: "This step is very good, I\'m afraid it took a lot of thought."

Layman\'s intentions were revealed, and he didn\'t feel embarrassed at all.

Take advantage of your strength, if you can use it, why not.

Seeing Lyman\'s calm face, Frank was even more amused.

It is a good thing for young people to have ideas and means, and maybe in the future, they can also play a role in diverting the six major lines of sight.

He looked at Lehman, and suddenly said: "If you want to completely acquire Lismanwish Films, you need a loan, right. Firefly Films is short of money... It\'s better than this, I am investing a sum and taking a share. How about Firefly Pictures? In terms of price, you can talk about it, and I will eat it all.”

Frank\'s first impression of Lehmann was very good. Thinking of this man\'s past achievements, he started from scratch again.

Then, I wanted to stretch out an olive branch.

Anyway, he has invested so much money in Lionsgate. In the film industry, he will definitely make a difference. It is also a good move to invest in Firefly Pictures.

Unfortunately, he still refused.

Although Lehman knew very well that once he accepted Frank\'s kindness, he would immediately get a lot of resources, not to mention that there would be no shortage of funds and connections. Who is standing behind the banker?

It can be said that the development of Firefly Pictures will take off at a high speed immediately.

However, who can do it all over again, the meaning of climbing high and looking far into the distance.

Thinking about it, he knows that once he lets go of this hole, he will only get deeper and deeper in the future. He is definitely not willing to change the owner of the industry he has worked so hard to create. Moreover, even Paramount and Warner refused, and let Lionsgate come in, didn\'t they hate the other two. In the future, will you cooperate or not?

Lehman said sincerely: "Lionsgate Pictures is also booming with the support of Mr. Frank, and Firefly Pictures can\'t catch up. Besides, I\'m used to playing tricks myself, for fear that other people\'s good intentions will fail. Well, if In terms of loans, if you are worried, I can use the copyright of the film and a part of the shares as collateral, how about it?"

He said something very appropriate, not only praising Lionsgate, but also expressing his thoughts well.

Although Frank felt a little regretful, he had the bearing of a big businessman and did not force him to take a loan. After all, with the valuation of Firefly Pictures\' assets, he could take out a mortgage loan from any big bank. It was Lehman himself. \'s favor.

He beckoned, whispered to the secretary, and then said to Lehman: "I agree with this matter. You can talk to Jon Feilmei, and he will help you too."

After speaking, Lehman knew very well.

Before the appointment~www.novelhall.com~Frank Gusta did not inquire about anything, but he also made some preparations: If Lehmann\'s conditions are suitable, he can agree to cooperate or ask for help, otherwise, it is regarded as a relationship. That\'s it.

As a result, on this side, Lehman\'s performance and effort exceeded Frank\'s expectations.

Since Lionsgate is willing to reach out.

Then this is a good opportunity.

Lehmann didn\'t try to be hypocritical, and then discussed with Frank\'s confidant lawyer.

Frank didn\'t take this kind of small business into his heart. It was purely to win over an ally for the development of Lionsgate.

Spent an afternoon.

Roughly two agreements were signed.

First, the equity transaction of Lismanwish Films gave Lions Gate a head start;

The second is the matter of loans. If it is really a wholly-owned acquisition, it will cost at least about 400 million US dollars, and Firefly Pictures has to keep 70 to 80 million yuan on its books, and it cannot be taken away. Chainsaw 3" and "Daydreamer" both have investments, which add up to about 230 million, and they have not been released and cannot be returned.

Therefore, there are still about 100 million working capital left, and an intentional loan of 350 million yuan, using the existing film copyright (offline income) and roughly 36% of the equity as collateral.

The period is three years. If the payment is not paid within three years, the mortgaged assets will be recovered by the bank one after another.

It\'s over, Lehman breathed a sigh of relief.

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