Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 382: add hall

Lionsgate headquarters, conference room.

A regular morning meeting is taking place.

Company executive Jon Feilmei sat at the front of the conference table and said to distribution director John Naval: "This cooperation with Firefly has been very good, and I have signed a film with great market value. , we will deepen our relationship with them in the future.”

John Naval nodded, "After this time, we will have more contact with their management."

"Well." Jon Feilmei seemed satisfied, "The company has not been established for a long time, and every film that is successfully released is meaningful for the development of the company."

He asked, "What is the size of the movie\'s theater chain today?"

Another executive replied: "It has increased to 1,854. Among the movies released in the same period, the number is still considerable. However, "Spider-Man 2" has already won 4,123 theaters, and the number of screens on the market is a bit tight."

Jon Feilermei sighed: "There is no way, the global box office of "Spider-Man 2" has accumulated to more than 370 million, and the domestic box office is also more than 160,000, and I heard that the theater attendance rate is still up to now. If we can maintain 50%, there is still room for the screening potential to be tapped. Of course, the screens on the market should follow them closely. However, with our achievements, we have to fight with the theater chain for more films and theaters.

Well, in terms of publicity, I will approve another $4 million to increase the scale of publicity. "

"Yes, I will contact you." The marketing director said.

These jobs are actually not difficult. Throughout July, "Spider-Man 2" took the lead, but aside from this commercial masterpiece, the rest are not so expressive. Just past Wednesday, "Hellboy" The single-day output of 4.22 million US dollars is also the runner-up of the box office list that day.

If you have this market data to discuss the film arrangement with the theater chain, you can\'t be more competitive than other less popular films.

As long as someone with a bit of brains, in order to maintain the diversity of film industry types on the market and increase the choice of audiences, it should be mentioned "Hellboy".

"I heard that Firefly Pictures still has a few projects that have not been released?" Jon Feilermei asked again.

John Naval replied: "Yes, "New York Row" with an investment of hundreds of millions, as well as "Chainsaw 2", "Chainsaw 3" in preparation."

Jon Feilermei nodded lightly, ""New York Row" is not something we can eat, but Paramount has been holding the distribution rights of the "Chainsaw" series...their relationship should be Not good, I heard that Paramount has some opinions on Firefly Pictures since last year, this kind of horror movie..."

John Naval naturally understood the meaning of his boss, and smiled bitterly: "Because the two of them are a little dirty, Firefly Pictures should not cut off contact with Paramount. The last time we went to fight, their attitude. It\'s still obvious."

Jon Feilermei did not give up, "Anyway, the idea that should be revealed is still to be done. Continue to have a good relationship with Firefly Pictures and keep an eye on the specific progress of this project."



A week later, the screenings on the market became clearer.

Due to its lack of expressive power, "Ace Announcer" began to reduce the number of theaters and allocated it to other newly released films. The total box office in the next week was only 14.65 million US dollars, plus the previous one, a total of 22.65 million, compared to the shooting cost There is a slight gap between the cost of publicity and distribution, but with the addition of overseas distribution rights, DreamWorks can undoubtedly make money, but not much.

After all, apart from the fact that the distributor\'s commission is cutting the meat, the movie\'s box office limit, that is, the size of the meat itself, is not much.

And "Hellboy", the second week\'s box office reached 21.36 million US dollars, plus the box office of the first weekend three days, a total of 31.43 million US dollars.

And although the movie\'s score on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes is not high, it dropped to 6.2 points, but the starring Ron Perlman has undoubtedly regained his reputation as a monster professional, and the violence mixed with funny performances also made the audience very satisfied.

Other actors, such as the heroine and the male supporting actor, although not as bright as the male protagonist, the popularity of the movie also gave them a thumbs up.

Before the film was drawn, many people received new film projects.

As for the biggest gain, it must be the director\'s spinning top.

Whether scolded or praised, a "Hellboy" once again boosted his reputation in the industry, slowly moving towards the ranks of first-line directors.

In mid-July, when the momentum of "Spider-Man 2" began to decline sharply, the superhero movie "Catwoman" starring Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry was launched strongly, and Warner\'s development of DC first took a lot of steps. step.

"Catwoman" was very popular on its first day of release, and because of Warner\'s publicity, many viewers wanted to see what Halle Berry\'s blockbuster looked like.

But after watching it, 50% of the audience felt reluctant, 30% of the audience felt it was bad, and the remaining 20% ​​were all Halle Berry fans, they didn\'t care what the film was about, there was Halle Berry. Rui\'s **** figure is rated well.

It\'s a pity that the number of brain-damaged fans is not enough to suppress the rotten feature of the whole film, and the word-of-mouth has slid directly to the bottom.

Warner is also very powerful, decisively and bravely breaking his wrist, without spending a lot of money on public relations, which is another very sensible cold treatment.

Some media commented very objectively: "If the "Spider-Man" series perfectly plays the wonderful points of the comics adaptation movie, then "Catwoman" is exactly the opposite. Although Halle-Berry\'s hard-working performance in the film is worthy of Praise~www.novelhall.com~ She is also very eye-catching after wearing a catwoman costume, but it is difficult for her alone to save the film\'s failure. The narrative is chaotic, shoddy, and the visual effects are mediocre. It can only be regarded as a third-rate movie. I don’t know where the production budget of nearly 100 million is spent.”

On the first day of "Catwoman"\'s release, the results were not bad, with an average attendance rate of 80%. As a result, the attendance rate on the second day dropped to 50%, and on the third day, even half of the attendance rate could not be maintained.

Many media are laughing at Warner for finding a bunch of big-name actors and extremely qualified behind-the-scenes teams.

However, even if the box office response of "Catwoman" is very unsatisfactory, it has a huge impact on "Hellboy".

Just the number of theaters that were robbed and the people who watched the movie on a whim made "Hellboy" a diving decline.

The daily output can also be maintained at around 1.5 million.

However, the task of the film has been completed, and the audience of cult films is small. Once the popularity passes, it will be normal.

In comparison, "Catwoman" occupies so many screens, and the daily output is only 7.23 million.

Many of Warner\'s high-level faces are about to be smashed. Compared with the previous great expectations, it can be described as a great disappointment.

To make this movie, it is conservatively estimated that it will lose more than tens of millions.
