Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 381: spinning top

Shooting time always goes by so quickly.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed.

The crew is on the right track, and it\'s still filming every day.

On the other side, "Hellboy", directed by Top and released by Lionsgate, was finally released.

The days are in the schedule one week after "Spider-Man 2", and it can touch the tail of the summer schedule.

"Spider-Man 2" continues the hot momentum of the previous work.

The attendance rate is very high, and the midnight show has won more than 4 million US dollars, setting a box office record for the midnight show.

On the first day of its premiere, it accumulated more than 130 million worldwide.

However, the audience for "Hellboy" does not overlap much with Spider-Man.

Lionsgate didn\'t want to steal Spider-Man\'s limelight, and pushed it into theaters on its own.

Friday, July 3.

An ordinary day.

"Hellboy" has limited publicity investment, and did not hold any bells and whistles for the premiere. In the last few days before the screening, a large number of movie previews were bombarded at the midnight stage of the TV station.

Even in this case, the interested fans will still be interested.

Cults are a weird group of people who specifically search for this type of movie to watch.

Therefore, for a director like Gyro, who is so famous in the cult circle, the attendance rate is not bad, with an average of 40%, and he also received 2.85 million box office on the first day, although he can\'t even touch the small spider. arrive.

However, it was released at the same time around the world, and it cost more than 100 million yuan to announce it, so there is no need to compare it.

On the other hand, I can talk about the mid-production "Ace Announcer" released by DreamWorks in the same period.

Because Will - Ferrell and Christina - Applegate have been hyping the scandals of the crew, and the two are actors who debuted in TV dramas, their popularity is not bad, and they received 3.26 million US dollars on the first day, slightly over " Hellboy.

On the second day, the attendance rates of the two films have increased, but the number of screenings has not changed.

"Ace Announcer" rose to 3.67 million, while "Hellboy" suddenly rose to 3.43 million.

On the third day, the box office of "Ace Announcer" declined somewhat, while "Hellboy" was still on the rise, 3.79 million to 3.56 million, surpassing it in one fell swoop.

Until this time, Lionsgate\'s targeted publicity and accurate target positioning began to play a role gradually.

As the audience who watched "Hellboy" increased, the word-of-mouth effect spread rapidly.

Of course, in the eyes of those professional film critics, this film is full of violence, blood, and bad taste.

What ** summons a monster, and the monster is subdued by the US ** - there is no logic;

What other monsters are influenced by Dr. Silly X to help the American side, suppress terrorist actions all over the world, and fight a group of them one by one—too invincible and brainless.

Well, think about it from another angle, if the protagonist is not a monster from hell, but a person with superpowers like Marvel and DC, maybe this is a very popcorn superhero movie.

But it should be sprayed, and Lionsgate is prepared for this.

Is it a cult film? It\'s a weird thing not to be sprayed.

It is a pity that these voices of scolding bad films cannot stop its box office rise.

On the contrary, some viewers said good things about the movie, saying that it was very cool to watch, very exciting, blood and flesh were flying all over the sky, and the blood level of the battle was directly full, what headshots, piercing the chest, throwing it out and breaking into a mud... Anyway As long as it is an enemy, encountering the protagonist is a variety of ways to die.

Less than a week after its release, the word of mouth of "Hellboy" was directly split, and it was very polarized.

If you like it, it is five stars. If you don\'t like it, you don\'t even want to give it one star. If you are more objective, it is basically around three stars.

In fact, it is also pertinent. Putting aside the boring and boring plot, there is still nothing to say about the service of "Hellboy". It is a very delicate and cool brainless B-level movie.

Although there is no high style or depth, it is cool enough to attract a lot of cult audiences who just change their minds.

After all, it is not just the word of mouth that determines the box office market of a movie. Otherwise, there will be no distinction between business and literature. Sometimes, even the quality of the movie itself cannot be determined.

The controversy surrounding the movie is not a bad thing in itself. Is it hot? It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad. Anyway, Lionsgate’s publicity strategy already has this link, and people also spend money to blackmail themselves.


The top has been scolded for a headache recently.

In this era when traditional media has not yet declined, and the emerging Internet era has not yet fully risen.

Film critics still have a lot of power.

Take the newspaper.

The comments of "The plot is pale, I don\'t know what it means" are not bad. Some film critics directly began to wonder if the director\'s aesthetics are different from normal people, extremely vulgar, but just feel good about themselves?

It\'s depressing to see, but I want to see how others evaluate it.

I\'m worried, yesterday\'s box office statistics also came out. 4.26 million.

A total of 14.33 million US dollars was accumulated in 4 days.

After a while, his subordinate Will Colin also knocked on the door of the office and walked in.

"A survey company hired by Lionsgate sent yesterday\'s sample survey report." Will Colin handed the report to the top and continued: "They did a field sample survey in 26 theaters in 10 cities. There were 1,235 moviegoers, and male audiences accounted for more than 83%;

76% of viewers over the age of 20;

Among them, ethnic minorities accounted for 54%, with an average score of 6.4 points. "

This is an on-site survey from the audience after watching the film, and the authenticity evaluation of the market potential far exceeds that of the so-called film critics.

To be more precise ~www.novelhall.com~ the public can represent the public.

But the gyro is still in a bad mood.

Although the score of 6.4 is indeed a bit low for mainstream movies, it is still a passing score, not to mention cult movies, 6.4 is already considered very good, at least in the mid-range.

But the taste of being scolded is still so unpleasant.

Especially being pointed at the nose to mock aesthetics.

For a director, this has already involved the issue of foundation.

Of course, he himself was dissatisfied.

He thinks that the plot is outdated, and it is the kind of cool text template from more than ten years ago, but he cannot deny the unified scheduling of scenes, costumes and makeup in it.

And for the image of Hellboy, he did not use computer special effects, but he really spent six or seven hours a day, putting on and removing makeup, a very troublesome real shooting.

Did no one notice this?

Even if you don\'t praise it, blindly belittling is really frustrating.

In the film industry for so many years, he has been in the middle and lower layers. The only thing he is proud of is the artistic attainments of the film, which are three-dimensional, realistic and beautiful.

No one is specializing in this aspect, it\'s annoying...