Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 35: great idea

Lyman didn\'t get up from the bed until he slept until three poles in the sun, and lying down made his body uncomfortable.

Putting on clothes, trousers and shoes, and taking care of personal hygiene in the bathroom, as soon as I opened the door, I could smell the smell of food, which filled my nose.

Hearing the sound, Ryan and Thomas, who were sitting in the living room, raised their heads and saw Lyman standing at the door of the room, and quickly greeted: "Come and eat, Lyman, this is what Thomas packed from a restaurant outside, isn\'t it? provided by this hotel.”

The B&B hotel they live in is very well decorated. Although the price is a little expensive, it is totally worth it. The food is so delicious.

The French region loves sweets. The genes of Lehmann\'s body do not reject the slightly greasy taste, but he really can\'t accept the food in this hotel.

When he ate it for the first time, the feeling that it was a few grades sweeter than the usual sweets made his stomach accept incompetence.

The living room of the hotel is quite spacious. The two of them sat around the coffee table and ate delicious food, which made Laiman on the side also touched.

Speaking of which, he hasn\'t even eaten breakfast today, and his stomach is empty.

"Really?" Saying that, Lehman took a step forward, found a suitable place to sit down, took a piece of pasta and began to destroy it.

Thomas, who was on the side, had been focusing on him since Lehman appeared, watching the other party wheeze after eating a piece of pasta, stopped to chew, and quickly asked, "Lyman, how\'s the matter? ?"

"No problem at all." Lehmann continued: "I met with them again yesterday, and the filming team has been determined, and you will also be a member of the camera team."

Naturally, Thomas asked if he could take charge of the camera position for the new project, and Lehman directly gave a clear affirmation.

Not long after they returned to the hotel after seeking distribution and investment that day, they received a call from Europa Films, saying that the film had already been approved within their company.

Naturally, this is a good thing, and the three of Lehman were extremely happy when they found out.

As a company with a mature system and a perfect production system, Europa Films quickly started the preparatory work after the project was established.

In just four days, most of the filming staff were fully assembled.

Yesterday, after meeting again, the team of the camera team and the set team was confirmed.

Seeing that the crew was about to be completely formed and ready to start shooting, Lehmann felt relieved for a while.

The heritage of the industry\'s senior production companies is evident.

"Did I just say don\'t worry? Look how nervous you are." Ryan teased Thomas.

Thomas laughed, ignoring Ryan, and immersed himself in the joy of being in charge of the camera.

On the second day, Europa Pictures invited Lehmann to discuss the filming work, saying that it was the final decision.

Lyman did not dare to delay, and rushed to the headquarters building with Thomas and Ryan.



"Hello, Schubert."


After a while of chatting, in a conference room of Europa Pictures, the head of the filming creative team and the legal staff all came.

Schubert began to introduce a middle-aged man to Lehmann, and he said, "This is George, the production manager of your film. He has rich experience in the industry. If you have any questions, you can contact him."

"Hello, director."

The other party took the lead in extending his right hand, "I have seen your work "Buried Alive" and I am very impressed. I hope we can cooperate sincerely in the days to come."

Lehmann shook hands with him, and said politely, "I believe this will be a pleasant cooperation."

As the production manager, George is estimated to be the spokesperson for Europa Pictures to arrange for the filming of the crew in the future, which means that he undoubtedly has a great right to speak. This is very clear to Lehmann.

After all, it involves an investment of 6 million euros, which cannot be said to be careless.

Since Lehmann has not signed a formal director contract with Europa Films, the focus of the next meeting is also on this aspect - Lehman\'s rights and treatment during the filming of the crew.

"Your director\'s salary is 200,000 euros." Schubert said first.

"No need, I\'ll give it after post-production is over. The shooting budget is a little tight." Lehmann replied calmly, that the filming of the film is what he is most concerned about.

Schubert looked at Lehmann and saw his proposal, which was considered a disguised approval of the salary issue, so he said again: "Okay, just as you said. The next step is to divide the problem, according to our The plan is that, as the director of this film, you can automatically get 3% of the film\'s box office profits, is there any objection?"

"It\'s a very reasonable distribution, isn\'t it, I have no opinion." Lyman was quite a bachelor, and then said: "I hope I can have the absolute power to choose the actors, and I have to fully decide the post-editing work."

As the producer of this film, Europa Films, most of the division of interests is of course they have the final say, and Lehmann does not want to argue in this regard. He is only a director, and he naturally cares about creative freedom. Within a reasonable range, of course, what should be fought for must be negotiated in advance. For example, these two issues he is most concerned about.

Good actors and good editing can completely determine the fate of a film, and it is also the best carrier of his shooting philosophy. If you want to hope that the film will be shot as you expected, you must definitely get involved.

Schubert didn\'t seem to have any concerns in this regard. After listening, he smiled and said, "Of course it\'s your opinion."

Luc Besson, his immediate boss recognized the director, and Schubert had no plans to intervene in the filming and production except for the company\'s interests. The reason for setting up a production manager is that he really hopes his experience will help Ryman\'s filming work, not to fight for the power of the crew.

Lehman breathed a sigh of relief. For him, he was the most concerned about these aspects. He didn\'t want to be just a tool when shooting. He wanted to shoot the film according to his own ideas, not other factors.

Afterwards, the two discussed a series of rights and obligations as a director. Combining with Lehman\'s personal requirements, he will fully participate in the preparation of the crew, filming, and post-editing.

To be honest, it was something that Lehmann had never thought about when he came here so easily.

Just as he doesn\'t know why Europa Pictures has changed its attitude so quickly when it comes to the project establishment of this film, he also doesn\'t understand Schubert\'s series of decentralization.

He only focuses on the percentage of each profit harvesting expenditure, rather than the filming and production.

In Lyman\'s view, this is putting the cart before the horse. Even if the movie is not finished, just thinking about the profit, isn\'t this just a fantasy? In case of loss, no matter how much you care about, it is of no use.

In the afternoon, the main creative team and Lehman, witnessed by various legal lawyers dispatched by the trade union, confirmed the content of the formal contract.

As a director, in addition to the rights and obligations of the crew, he also received 3% of the box office share and 200,000 euros in filming remuneration.

Of course, the 3% ratio is only after deducting various expenses such as theaters and publishers, the additional income can be calculated.

Signing his name on the contract in duplicate, Lehmann still had an unreal feeling in his heart that his negotiation work was going too smoothly.

But these are all good things, aren\'t they?

Thomas also signed a formal contract as a member of the filming team and received a weekly salary of 900 euros.

Ryan continued to work on the set with a weekly salary of 1,200 euros, and as one of the screenwriters of the screenplay, he received a fixed salary of 3,000 euros.

Ryman also suggested that Ryan be named a producer, and Schubert agreed, but without additional salary.

Now, Thomas has made up his mind to hone his camera skills and try to stand alone~www.novelhall.com~ and his friend Ryan, apart from being very skilled in screenwriting and field work, does not have any other skills. And the screenwriter is the least valuable in the entire industry, and the room for improvement in the field work is also limited. For his future consideration, it is the most suitable to transform into a producer.

It not only takes into account his screenwriting ability, but also further improves his right to speak in the affairs of the crew.

"The tentative budget of 6 million euros for the film has been received, and you need to go to India to negotiate the location work on your own. We don\'t have an office there, and many things are inconvenient to handle. You can only rely on you to find a solution. After the contract was signed, Schubert continued to talk about the preparations. He had been instructed by Luc Besson, and some related work should naturally be explained in advance.

"Do you have some information on the Indian production company?" Lehmann asked.

"Well, when you\'re ready, you can decide for yourself which party to cooperate with. Remember to discuss it with George. He has been to India before and has experience in this area." Schubert specifically urged.

"I will."

When shooting in an unfamiliar place in India, it is natural to find a local production company to cooperate, so as not to be blinded and confused.

"Well, that\'s it, I still have something to do. I\'ll leave first." Schubert sorted out the contract and left the conference room.

After watching him go, Lehman chatted with the production manager Mr. George for a while, and after telling him to investigate the matter of the Indian production company, he also left here with Ryan and Thomas and returned to the B&B hotel.

After checking out, I took another taxi to Cannes.

The three packed their luggage and got ready to fight a long battle.

On October 26th, the main creative team of the crew assembled and flew to India...