Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 34: i like him

"Is this gone?"

On the road, Ryan was still a little confused.

Lyman nodded, "Well, wait for the news."

"Not optimistic, right?" Thomas, who was walking silently, also spoke.

Lehman nodded again, "I have concerns." Then he comforted: "It doesn\'t matter, if this project can\'t be completed, we have another choice. This work can wait until later, and we have more convincing achievements. After that, start it again. Maybe, at that time, our own funds will be enough to shoot and produce.”

Having said that, the three of them seemed to be optimistic.

But after all, there is still a little difference, what is it? The feeling of being undervalued seems to have brought them back to the days when they were frantically seeking distribution.

She looks so handsome when she visits the door stupidly.

Turning back, Lehman glanced at the headquarters of Europa Pictures again.

The modern business building is astonishingly high, more than 100 meters high. It looks like a sturdy giant standing in the city center.

Walking to the street, the three of them waited silently until Ryan waved to stop a taxi, and they returned to the B&B hotel where they were staying.

At the same time, the meeting about the investment project was not over yet.


Luc Besson looked at the detailed budget report and shooting plan. The string of data above made him moved.

Obviously it took a lot of thought.

"Boss, are you sure you want to cancel the project? The risk is indeed a bit high." The director of the production department said.

Luc Besson put down the statement in his hand, and did not directly state his decision. Instead, he asked an irrelevant question, "How is the release of Buried Alive?"

"The total global box office accumulation has reached..."

In the sixth week of the screening of "Buried Alive", the French market has already dropped, and the total global box office has also accumulated to 14.67 million euros.

There is no doubt that this film will make Europa Pictures profitable.

After only paying 2 million euros in copyright distribution fees and nearly 2 million euros in publicity costs, he received a pre-tax share of 8.26 million euros. After deducting expenses, the total profit was about 3.89 million euros. According to the fact that only a few overseas regions are still showing "Buried Alive", the daily box office can provide more than 200,000 euros, but the split ratio has dropped to 40/60.

Say something off topic. How are the box office revenues of theaters and distribution companies divided? Mainly to see the specific movie to create income.

Generally speaking, the conventional split ratio is to take a pattern called "90/10 - floor multiplied by 70 percent".

The algorithm for this division is, on a weekly basis, the total weekly box office score of a movie in a movie theater, minus the fixed expenses for the theater screening agreed at the beginning, such as cleaning fees, electricity bills, daily maintenance and repairs, etc. , multiplied by 90 percent, and the resulting figure is the film rental received by the distribution company.

However, this is only one of the options, and a condition must be added later, that is, the total box office is not subtracted from the screening expenses of the cinema line, and it is directly multiplied by 70% (this ratio is generally between 60-70%, specifically Yes, it depends on how to negotiate with the theater chain. In short, the better the prospect of the movie being released, the more favorable the negotiation is for the distributor, and vice versa, the stronger the theater chain), the figure obtained is the distribution company\'s share.

So publishers generally look at which of the two options has more revenue, and then choose which way of sharing will be the commission they get from the theater this week.

Of course, it is impossible for the theater chain to work in vain. Such a high share ratio is only for the first three weeks of the screening, and then from the fourth week, it will be reduced to 60/40, the sixth week will become 50/50, and the seventh week. It\'s 40/60... Anyway, the longer the show time, the higher the share of the theater chain, but not all movies can last for such a long show time, generally they have to be big hits or high. Only a well-received movie can do that.

The theater chain depends on the income. If the daily output cannot keep up with the market, or it is not satisfactory, even if a new movie is released, it will be cut off for you and replaced with another.

It\'s all right to look at money.

In other words, when a movie is released from the agreed schedule to the next film, all the box office revenue, the distribution between the distributor and the cinema, is probably the distributor taking a little advantage, but it is almost 55, half to half.

"The script is quite interesting." As soon as the boss opened his mouth, he said something the director of the production department couldn\'t understand. Didn\'t he just talk about the income of "Buried Alive", why did he talk about the script again.

Is the director\'s thinking jumping ability so fast? The director of the production department fell into deep thought.

"What do you think, what about the script?"

"The subject matter is very good and very innovative." The director of the production department nodded slightly.

"It\'s rare to find a director who doesn\'t like to focus on family ethics. You say, isn\'t it interesting?"

There are so many directors in the French film industry, and more than half of them rely on the support of the film industry from the state to live there. As for whether to make money or not, whether the audience likes it or not, they are all ignored. If you have a country, you don’t have to worry about not having a movie to shoot. It’s a beautiful life. The market is completely occupied by Hollywood movies, and there is no panic at all. There is a country.

Is it ironic? As the European region where the film was born, France is also one of the first places to come into contact with this known as the seventh largest art, but it can’t even defend its own territory. When opening the movie rankings in its own region, all American blockbusters are listed. On the top, it\'s very interesting.

But Luc Besson was impatient. He didn\'t like this happening. He made pure commercial films, but he still failed to stop the French people from supporting American blockbusters.

This made him realize that he alone could not save the situation, and he had to cultivate a large number of local film talents to defend the territory.

Coincidentally, he felt that Lehmann was worthy of their support.

Luc Besson pondered for a moment, then asked: "Will our revenue from Buried Alive be 6 million euros?"

"There will be, but it will take time." The director of the production department replied immediately.

The box office revenue alone is definitely not enough, but offline distribution has not yet started. Estimate the market potential of the movie. This type of thriller has always been a favorite in the rental market. Just give it a little time, it doesn’t need much, In just two months, you can earn more than 6 million euros.

"Do you have Lehman\'s contact information?"

"Yeah...Yes." The director of the production department said stunned.

"Tell him that we have decided to invest."

"OK, all right......"

This matter was originally decided by the boss. Although he was the director of the production department, he was responsible for the establishment of the company\'s internal film projects, but...

Now that it\'s all decided, what else is there to say?

"I\'ll do it right away."


About "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood", after the company\'s official project was established, Pierre-Ann-le-Bogan, one of the company\'s senior executives, also knew about it.

He was also present at that meeting and knew something about the situation, but later, after Lehman and others left, nothing happened, and most of them returned to their jobs, leaving only the director of the production department to deal with the aftermath, but nothing happened. Come to think of it, the movie project has been approved again.

He didn\'t understand, he came to the office of his friend Luc Besson to find out the situation.

He knocked on the door and walked in, "Man, what do you think?"

Luc Besson was dealing with company affairs. Hearing this, he put down his pen, "Is the company developing smoothly?"

"Our film business already has the second largest market share in France, and only the old-fashioned EMI has slightly overwhelmed us."

Speaking of this, Pierre is still a little proud. The company they established has achieved such achievements in only two years, and it is inseparable from his credit.

"Is it just a little pressure?" Luc Besson sighed, "They are better than us every year just relying on agency to distribute Hollywood movies. This gap is not a little bit."

"We can also try this business. I have recently got in touch with 20th Century Fox, and it is very possible to accept their company\'s film distribution work in France." Pierre said sincerely. He also felt that acting for Hollywood films should not be too easy than making a film by himself and taking risks.~www.novelhall.com~

"But how much will these help our share in the local film market? Competing with EMI, only those American film companies will be cheaper." Luc Besson sighed: "In terms of strength, film quality, and Channels, our international performance is not as good as those of the big Hollywood studios, not even second-rate. Remember what we wanted to set up this company?"

"Unite with European film power to compete with Hollywood." Pierre said weakly.

"But we can\'t even unite France. Looking at the box office charts every year, we are too far behind."

"So you want to support Lehmann?" Pierre guessed.

"His first film made a profit of more than 10 times the cost of profit. There are several new directors who can do it, at least I am not as good as it is. In terms of his shooting philosophy, the production type of the next film is risky, but I think it\'s worth the investment."

Talent is something that needs to be cultivated. He didn\'t say this, but he believed that his friends would know. At the beginning, the two of them went all the way, didn\'t they also experience failure? What\'s more, the movie hasn\'t come out yet. It seems a little early to say this. Even if the death penalty is to be pronounced, the evidence must be complete.

It always feels very irresponsible to say that the market outlook is uncertain.

He is a director. He knows that the brilliance of a movie in everyone\'s hands is different, so why can\'t you give it a try for Lehmann? He is very optimistic about this young man, and even if he loses as predicted, it will not have any substantial impact on Europa Pictures.

They are big companies, they are not afraid.

"You can decide."