Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 329: dignity

This narration is cool and pretentious.

In the seat, Quentin Tarantino twisted his body unnaturally, thinking about whether he could do the same in making movies in the future.

With a few words, it creates an unusual atmosphere.

This kind of concatenation makes the film seem extra ceremonial.

It can be vaguely felt that they are mocking those spectators who think they love boxing, but they are only expressing their inner violent emotions.

Especially when one person was knocked down by another person, the blood dripping, the cheering noise became louder and louder, but it was very intriguing.

Thinking of this, Quentin subconsciously tilted his head and glanced at his good friend Robert.

Then I saw Robert staring at the big screen with great interest, looking like he was aroused.


Lehman still has something.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes returned to the movie.

The screen turns.

Go to a boxing gym.

The camera pans from the main entrance, facing the interior decoration, from west to east, sweeping across the training ground, a group of trainees, and Eddie, played by Morgan Freeman, holding a mop and cleaning the ground.

Then, the camera continues to move.

Eastwood\'s Frankie Dunn also came to the gym, and Eddie said hello.

This third-person camera language is still advancing the plot.

As Hilary Swank\'s Maggie was turned down for Frankie\'s training, several characters came out.

A senior boxing coach, and he has run a boxing gym for more than 20 years; a former boxer, later retired as a cleaning staff for the maintenance of the stadium, and also Frankie\'s friend for many years, Eddie, and the first appearance , and the victorious black boxer Jay and the inexplicably wannabe female boxer Maggie.

After Eddie cleaned the ground every day, he found Frankie and said that a new student had come to the gym.

Frankie saw that it was the girl Maggie who had been rejected by him.

At this point, she was practicing alone against a sandbag.

Frankie was puzzled because he didn\'t want to train a girl, he\'d been a boxing coach for so many years and he\'d never trained a girl.

But Eddie said there was no reason not to charge her for training.

Maggie was still punching the bag.

Experts only need to take a look and know that she has never had any professional experience, and even her punches and footsteps are messy.

After that, a week passed.

Maggie still comes to the gym every day to train.

Frankie was so annoyed by her.

Once again, he clearly stated that he does not accept female apprentices.

But Maggie still ignored it, playing sandbags and skipping rope on her own, and she always practiced late, and would not leave until the boxing gym was about to close.

No one knows why she insisted so.

It\'s closing time again.

The empty boxing gym is no longer as angry as it was during the day.

Frankie and Eddie are packing up and getting ready to close.

But not far away, under the bright incandescent lamp.

A girl is still practicing against a sandbag.

Either punch, or sweep the leg.

Extremely focused.

Sweat soaked through his clothes.

Watching Frankie turn off the lights again, Maggie repeated her previous proposal.

"Sir, do you want to train me? I can play well, I will win the championship."

Frankie shook his head. "I don\'t train girls."

Getting the answer again, Maggie resisted her loss and smiled.

He took the white towel that Eddie handed over to wipe it, and left the gym alone.

This, Frankie thought, should make her retreat.

Maggie left the gym and walked down the street to a neighborhood.

From the surrounding facilities, it can also be seen that this is not a wealthy place.

Maggie lives here.

As usual, after greeting the neighbors across the door, she returned to her home. Interestingly, the actor of this neighbor is Nicolas Cage, and his cameo role is this inconspicuous passerby.

Turning on the light in the living room, Maggie went into the bathroom with a change of clothes.

After taking a shower, Maggie changed her clothes and took out a few broken steaks from her backpack.

Morgan Freeman\'s voice spoke coldly again.

It also let the audience get to know this girl who is quite a boxer.

"I used to punch too, and I also saw some shadows of my past in her."

"It\'s a determination to risk everything for a dream that no one else can understand."

"She\'s a poor child."

"At the age of twenty-seven or eight, not married, not having a family of his own..."

Maggie is a girl from a remote town who usually goes to a restaurant as a waiter.

She has no money, and the rented house already requires most of her salary. In order to maintain training, she often picks up leftover food from others when she cleans up.

This is also the reason why the room is shabby and cramped, but her dinner is a few steaks.

They were all collected secretly when she went to work during the day.

But there is no way, the physical training on weekdays requires her to be like this, otherwise her body will easily collapse.

Seeing this, there are still many people who don\'t understand where her stubbornness is.

Choose boxing, not find someone to marry well~www.novelhall.com~ or work hard, but stick to this instead.

Maggie actually didn\'t know why she insisted so.

Maybe she just wanted to bring some changes to her life.

So she continued to train every day, looking forward to impressing Frankie.

But Frankie\'s attitude remained the same.

Only Eddie watched her silently, giving her encouragement.

In his view, if there is any trick in the world of boxing, it must be the unremitting struggle beyond the limit.

He admired Maggie and thought she was just that kind of person.

In the movie, the story continues.

But Quentin was lost in thought.

Lehman\'s skillful rhythm control and sophisticated clue handling, slowly shaping the characters step by step, and the progression of the plot are always so detailed and appropriate, yet exciting, and not straightforward or boring. It\'s surprising.

What\'s even better is Lehman\'s clear intention. In the narrative process, one or two small details can often be used to polish the characters and stories.

For example, after training, Maggie did not forget to practice dodging when she walked on the road. In the eyes of some passers-by, she still went her own way. For example, no matter how hard the training was, she still held great enthusiasm. It can be known from her emotions that boxing is what she likes.

Even if Eddie simply corrected her punching posture, Maggie would smile and thank her from the bottom of her heart.

To be honest, seeing such a hard-working girl is very pleasing.

A kind of inexplicably comfortable viewing, which is very rare for works of the same type.

It was also at this moment that Quentin suddenly admired Lyman.

For a director, nothing is more convincing than a work.
