Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 328: Cinema Palace

Luell Hall is a screening hall that can accommodate more than 800 people.

"Million Dollar Baby" is arranged here.

There will be one screening in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening, and this will be done every day until the end.

When the people from Warner came to deliver the brochures with specific schedules, they looked a little proud.

They have reason to be proud, and the treatment was first-class throughout the Cannes show.

Like a normal movie, it’s not bad to have one show a day, and some have to be played every few days.

This is all differentiated.

In addition to the audience\'s choice, the advertised reference conditions also need to look at the background.

Fortunately, the organizers are very optimistic about the film.

Part of the reason is because of Bad Guys.

It is also because of the outstanding performance that people will pay extra attention.

21st, sunny.

I had an international call with Eva last night.

We chatted until midnight.

When I woke up again, I couldn\'t help but stay in bed for a while.

Brush your teeth, wash your face, and eat.

Back in the room, Ryman put on a new suit.

Filmmakers don\'t really pay attention to these, but the festival needs them.

Not a formality, but more of a ritual.

There are media at the film festival, and the atmosphere is also needed, and sometimes it is necessary to take photos with the propaganda.

Dressing casually can easily give people a bad impression.

Not that kind of pious attitude.

Have an attitude. Then there\'s the movie itself.

She combed her hair finely and tied her tie.

I went to the movie palace.

There are posters in the exhibition hall. It is a composition of Hilary Swank swinging at the sandbag wearing gloves. The light and shadow are dark.

There is a cool texture to it. Exquisitely done.

After watching for a while, he walked into the hall.

The Warners were chatting with an old white man. Seeing him, he waved quickly.

"Lyman, you have brought another work, I\'m looking forward to it."

The old man was a member of the organizing committee, and it was also when Lyman met him last time that "Bad Guy" was screened.

"Hello, Mr. Gretel."

There are still more than half an hour before his movie screening.

Some people who had promised to come to join us also came.



First, I saw Quentin smiling and beckoning him into the theater, and his good friend Robert beside him also greeted him kindly.

"Director Lyman..."


Not long after, Thomas and Hilary Swank also came together.

Don\'t get me wrong, they both live in the same hotel.

Thomas was still the same egg-like, smiling, standing beside Lyman.

Hilary Swank is not beautiful, but today\'s dress is also very thoughtful.

With a little makeup on her face, she has the flavor of a mature woman.

If I saw her fierceness and her sassy outfits before, and said she was a man, Laiman would also believe it.

On the streets, and around the Cinema Palace, hordes of moviegoers and tourists are picking each other.

There are not many movies shown today, only seven.

The most famous one is "Million Dollar Baby".

For the native French people, Lehmann\'s name is more familiar.

They also like to recommend the film to outsiders or people who don\'t know them well.

Even if they haven\'t seen it themselves, it doesn\'t hinder their support.

So, Lehmann chatted with some people who came to say hello, and looked at the audience from time to time.

As time draws nearer, more and more people are there.

In no time, it was full.

Those who did not buy tickets could only leave helplessly.

When it was almost time, the staff came to remind.

In the applause, Lehmann led the creator to the first row.

"If only I could do this in the future."

The position of the guests, Olivia Assayas said slightly excitedly.

He admired Lehmann very much.

It is precisely because he has been involved in major film festivals all year round that he understands how difficult it is to find a balance between business and art.

Who doesn\'t want to make their films have depth and public recognition?

Seeing that the staff just gave a brief introduction, the fans cheered the scene of applause. It\'s beautiful.

Zhang Manyu on the side was not so excited.

She has been in film for so many years and has seen too much.

And Lehman\'s films have been introduced to the mainland or Hong Kong Island. How can I put it, the market is just like that.

By contrast, people don\'t care too much who the director of a foreign film is.

"Three idiots making trouble in Bollywood" probably has more than two million Hong Kong dollars. "Bad Guy" is a little better, close to 10 million. I heard that China Film has gained a lot by operating this film.

But for the audience, Tom Cruise and Cage are their focus.

Lyman? Maybe some fans.

After all, there are people who see it, and there will always be people who understand it.

However, her mind was not on this, but herself.

She somewhat underestimated the turbulent energy of French men.

After so many years of marriage, she was very tired.

Glancing at Olivia again, she became more determined.

Leave it anyway.

In fact, "Cleaning" was also Zhang Manyu\'s last film before her retirement. Since then, her marriage has also come to an end briefly.

The lights on the ceiling went out one by one.

Familiar butterfly.

Familiar blip.

The beautiful colors have the qualifications to attract the audience\'s attention~www.novelhall.com~The film begins-

Under a hut, Eastwood sat at his desk and took out a lot of envelopes from a drawer.

Every day he wrote to his daughter, mailed it, and returned it.

He is a person who is not good at expressing himself. He has only one boxing gym and is still with him all the time.

The old man put the envelope back, and stubbornly wrote a letter, a letter he knew would be returned.

The camera slowly pulled up and aimed at the moon in the sky.

The moonlight is beautiful.

The title of the movie also popped up - "Million Dollar Baby".

Then, the screen flashed.

Came to a boxing ring.

The crowd was full of cheers, and on the ring were two strong men fighting each other.

In the excitement, an inappropriate narration sounded.

Morgan Freeman\'s deep and magnetic voice, as if kissed by God, slowly opened up the story.

"People like violence, they go by car accident scenes, slow down to look at dead bodies, that\'s the kind of people who say they like boxing."

"But they have no idea what boxing is."

He said it flatly, as if to state a simple fact. Just like a boxer, at the age of no confusion, he slowly lit a cigarette, and then rubbed his past stories and views on boxing.

In conjunction with one of the sturdy black men, he knocked the other man to the ground with a beautiful, very powerful right uppercut. Unable to get up.

The emotions of the surrounding spectators were instantly heightened to a climax.

But the bland elaboration continues.

"But boxing is about dignity."

"Win your own...while depriving your opponent of..."

In the crowd, a woman is also paying attention to all this.