Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 308: candidate

After going through the onboarding procedures, Benjamin Joseph successfully joined Firefly Pictures.

As soon as the latter arrived, it began to recruit personnel in various departments of the company.

Then, it is to establish appropriate rules and regulations for the rise and fall of internal rewards and punishments.

These are all necessary, but Lehmann had no management experience in this area, and he was just procrastinating.

Now that there are professional talents, it will be different, and the internal operations can be regulated with the naked eye. is good.

As for him, he only needs to be in charge of the production department, a link he is slightly familiar with.

In the afternoon, Eric Newman wrote the script and took Zach Snyder to the company again.

I want to talk to Ryman about casting.

Most of the filming team of the crew is the team of Zack Snyder\'s studio, and the company\'s production department has provided some personnel. After the money has arrived, the scene, props and other preliminary preparations have now begun.

Zach Snyder is not a pure rookie either. He has been in the advertising industry for so many years, and he knows all the aspects of filming very well, and he knows it well.

He also knew that Lehmann had given him so much autonomy, but it didn\'t mean he really wanted to do it.

He is quite grateful for such support for a director who has no achievements.

This emphasis is also the pressure on him...

"Tell me, do you have any favorite actors? I\'ll give you a reference."

After knowing the purpose, Lyman said with a smile.

In fact, the brokerage company has already given a screening list, some supporting roles are fine, but Zach Snyder really doesn\'t know which ones to choose as the starring.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly suggested, "How about having Eva play the role of the pregnant woman in the movie?"

Lehman glanced at Zha Dao, thinking that this person is quite interesting.

But it seems that Eva is also quite suitable for the role. Well, it is the wife of the fat wrestler played by Zheng Yumei in the original work.

She herself has played a similar role in "Bad Guy" and has acting experience.

The schedule is not a problem.

The shooting of "The Day After Tomorrow" is coming to an end, just in time for "Travel to New York".

"Okay, I\'ll tell her. But who are you going to play the protagonist?"

The image of a calm middle-aged man...

Zach Snyder thought back over the list of actors he had seen, and felt that a few would be good, so he said, "Christian Bale? Jake Gyllenhaal? Matthew McConaughey? How about one to play. The value and image are still in line with each other."

"Jake Gyllenhaal can\'t do it. In addition to "The Day After Tomorrow", he also took on a play. Matthew\'s words, are you sure he can play a calm middle-aged man?"

This guy is not the Matthew who has gradually settled down in the future. He now estimates that he just looks more suitable. If he really wants to act, it is very difficult to train. Nor is it a challenge that Zach Snyder should have approached on his first film.

That leaves only the option of Christian Bale.

"Has Bell been in a play recently?"

"He should have a schedule. He is a signed artist of caa, and his agent told me about the play date last time..."

After listening to Schneider\'s explanation, Lyman figured out his situation.

Bell is a child star.

What made him go this way was not because his family was in the entertainment industry, like Jake Gyllenhaal, and had a way to go, but because he was completely compelled.

When I was young, my family was poor, my father was idle, my mother worked in a circus, and I had three older sisters.

Under huge economic pressure, Bell often lived beyond his means. Bell followed his parents to live a cosmopolitan life, and spent his childhood in England, Portugal, and the United States. Since the age of eight, he has been taken to receive advertisements and work to support his family.

Then slowly, there were more contacts.

Also because of his young age and advantages, many TV dramas need actors like him.

The road also widened, but that was it.

Until some time ago, I was still polishing in the independent film circle because there were no more opportunities.

Moreover, most of the independent films he acted in did not fare well at the box office, and the market received little response. Christian Bale continued to perform commercials or guest TV series everywhere. It can be said that the value is very low.

Also, before he met Christopher Nolan, he seldom had the opportunity to step into the mainstream film circle, let alone be the main character.

But don\'t say, although the person is a little down, but the image is really suitable, the key is still when there is no fortune.

What, Lehman and Zach Snyder thought about it, and they sent an invitation to his agent.

We\'re not saving that little money, right, it\'s mainly the actor\'s temperament...

Well, do need to save some shooting costs.

The special effects shots, costumes, and props of this project are really big moneymakers.

If you want to show the zombie effect depicted in the script, several live-action special effects studios, such as Digital Domain, Industrial Light and Magic, Weta, etc., their quotations are not low, and they all need to be teamed and filmed at the beginning.

And there is no money to be saved in this regard. After all, strictly speaking, these zombies have more shots than the protagonist, and the plot is driven by them. The second point will definitely affect the look and feel.

As a result, before the film was filmed, more than 40 million yuan was thrown in, and there was still a small part of the balance that was not paid.

There are also the salary of the shooting team, the setting of the scene and the rental of the venue. In this way, 70 million is not much.

The key point is that Lehmann doesn\'t dare to be too invested. Although he believes in the solid foundation of Director Zha, he must have a degree of filmmaking.

The idea of ​​"Row to New York" was good, and "Dawn of the Living Dead" was also bought by Lyman.

Even Eric Newman, as a fairly decent screenwriter in the industry, choreographed the plot with rigorous logic, and he also grasped the main points Lehman said that day and tapped into the humanity of the apocalypse.

But there are risks in making movies.

70 million is already a very reasonable arrangement~www.novelhall.com~ Lehmann does not plan to change. If it is really a loss, this loss will not make him return to before liberation.

Wouldn\'t it be better to leave some way out?

Although there is no popularity, the problem is that I have never seen a zombie movie that needs a lot of first-line stars.

Milla Jovovich didn\'t see much popularity before starring in "Resident Evil", but her status as a singer is far more famous than her role as an actress.

Speaking of appeal, it is obvious that the acting skills should make Zao and Lehman care a little more.

Whether the climax of the ending can touch the audience\'s tear glands or not depends on how the actors empathize and immerse the audience.

This is not an easy task.

As for Matthew McConaughey, he can only be embarrassed to filter it out.

Now, he\'s a long way off.

People also need to grow.