Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 307: mutual satisfaction

Benjamin Joseph is young, only 39 years old, which is a good age to display his talents.

However, the person looks a little old. If the birth records were not obtained by the headhunting company, it is said that he is in his 40s, and he is almost 50 years old.

He is very tall, not fat, and looks very gentle, but his face is not good, which spoils the overall look and feel.

To be more specific, it is an old man with a round face whose age and face are completely incompatible. The hair is a little white, and the hairline is quite worrying, and it looks like it is going to develop to the Mediterranean.

Several people meet at a restaurant in Hollywood.

He was wearing a black suit and glasses.

While Lyman was sizing up Joseph, Joseph was watching him.

Many people in Hollywood may not pay much attention to Firefly Pictures. After all, compared to Lehman, the talent shown by the director, a small company founded is not worthy of much attention.

Benjamin Joseph didn\'t care either, but when the headhunting company contacted him, he also went to know about the company. The predecessor, Rodrien Films, has been established for five or six years, and its development has been slow, and it can even be said that it will not operate. .

But it is such a small company with only the basics. In the hands of Lehman, the performance has turned out to be quite good in just half a year. The production and development of series such as "Chainsaw" is enough to explain too many problems.

At least, as a director, Lehmann is not only excellent in his own directing ability, but also has his own advantages in the choice of film projects.

He has been in a TV station since the early 1990s and has been in the entertainment industry for nearly 13 years. He is well-informed, but directors with such a vision are very few. There is a template similar to that of George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, etc.

It\'s just that Lehmann succeeded faster and younger.

The two looked at each other, and Benjamin Joseph stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Lyman."

"Hello." Lyman smiled at him and nodded.

This person\'s resume is really good, and he is the most needed management talent in Firefly Pictures.

Moreover, it just happened to be resignation, which is the window period in work.

Johnson, as the introducer of the headhunting company, said in a lively atmosphere: "Everyone, sit down."

After they were seated, Lyman pushed the menu to Joseph and said, "You can order it."

Joseph was also polite, ordered two dishes at random, and handed them over to Laiman.

Afterwards, a few people started chatting.

Both sides are tempted.

Joseph sighed: "Mr. Lehmann, your company is growing very fast."

Lehman smiled: "It\'s okay. The success of "Chainsaw" and "Micro Love" has also stabilized the company initially."

Then he added: "Actually, what I am best at is the business of filming. It is very difficult to manage the company on a daily basis. I need someone to help me."

Here, the temptation gradually entered the topic.

Benjamin Joseph was thinking about getting a job, and with his qualifications, it wasn\'t difficult. Agreeing to meet, also has the meaning of inspection.

So he asked, "Does Mr. Ryman have any plans for the future of Firefly Pictures?"

"I can\'t say what the future will be like?" Lehmann is very practical. "I just want to make the company bigger and stronger."

"Just filming?"

"No no no, the issue of distribution has become the next focus of the company\'s development. We have been working hard."

"Sounds good."

"Of course, Mr. Joseph, I sincerely invite you to join Firefly Pictures. If you are willing to come, I think the executive president of Firefly Pictures\' administrative department is yours."

Hearing the arrangement of the position, Joseph was not moved at all. During his days at MGM, his position in the industry was much stronger than that of a new generation of small companies like Firefly, and his intention was by no means a simple company position that could impress him. of.

"Also, if you can come, the basic annual salary is 400,000 plus a bonus of 5% of the department\'s performance."

This is very practical, and the treatment aspect is always the standard of consideration.

Previously, Joseph\'s annual salary at MGM was only 200,000, plus various related incentives, and the annual income after tax was only the income of the management of general large companies, roughly around 400,000.

And Lehman knew that to impress a seasoned executive, he had to start with salary.

He didn\'t intend to be stingy either. The basic salary was a very satisfactory figure, not to mention the performance reward can be calculated separately. The income exceeded the MGM period, or even doubled the income, which is not a big problem.

"Can I know what\'s going on in the company\'s administrative department? Staff?"

Joseph\'s attitude has indeed changed significantly.

He doesn\'t have much affection for Firefly Films. He only thinks that the potential is good, but it\'s not the kind of gesture that he needs to join. After all, he has no shortage of similar jobs, so why not choose a company with more room for growth Woolen cloth.

Therefore, only the salary is the condition that can really impress him.

He is indeed very satisfied with this possible annual salary.

"I don\'t lie to you. The company is currently short of staff in all departments, and the same is true for the administrative department. If you take office, you may have to trouble you to handle many things by yourself. However, I have been recruiting people all the time." In the end, Lehmann One more thing to add.

"How many are there?"

"With your words, there are only five in total."

Joseph had a bit of a headache, which reminded him of the situation when he was in the UK branch. The entire company was also very short of manpower. The company releases the movie.

It was also at that time that he was busy every day, but the busier he was, the more meaningless he felt, so he would resign.

Thinking of this, he wanted to get up and leave, but when he thought of the basic annual salary of 400,000 US dollars and the fact that Firefly Pictures was still a start-up, the lack of manpower was forgivable, so he gritted his teeth and nodded: "Thank you Mr. Lehman for your trust, I am willing to Join Firefly and do your job well."

Lehman smiled and said: "You are welcome to join. If you can, please go through the on-boarding procedures as soon as possible, and you can also handle the recruitment of the department yourself. In addition, there is a very urgent job, which may be your current job. The most important thing is to re-record the information of all employees of the company, and set a suitable room for improvement."

Well, I can finally relax.

Lyman looked at the back of Joseph leaving, feeling very wonderful.

Such an experienced person, and he seems to be quite pragmatic, if he entrusts the daily management of the entire company to him, it will also allow himself to be freed from all kinds of trivial matters in the company.