Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 303: Zach who wants to test the water

Due to the need to control the length of the advertisement, and there is no heavy set work, and the number of shots is not many, Lehman only took three days to shoot the material and cut a short film of 4 and a half minutes.

After adding the soundtrack appropriately, the task given to him by Dior has basically been completed, and the rest is to let Eva re-record the narration of the promotional words in the advertisement.

Compared with the production of the movie, these things are really easy to deal with, so Lyman is in a very relaxed mood.

Sitting in the break room on the set, sipping coffee, waiting for Thomas to finish his work, and then type the subtitles, the order is done.

After a while, Lehman didn\'t wait for Thomas, but saw Zach Snyder push the door and walk in, sitting shyly across from him.

"Is something wrong?" Lyman asked curiously.

In the past few days of shooting, Zach Snyder has been acting as the assistant director on the set, and the relationship between the two is still close because of their cooperation.

"Lyman, does your film company still need staff?"

It seems that he mustered up his courage, Zach Snyder said firmly.

"What? What do you mean?"

Lyman had a hint of prediction in his heart.

How about a director who doesn\'t want to direct his own movie?

What\'s more, Zach Snyder is a professional.

Furthermore, this product will enter the advertising circle, and it will also pull up an advertising shooting team. It is not because there is no opportunity to hone myself and find a suitable opportunity to enter the film circle.

The days of working with Lehman have given him some hope.

He is actually very smart, and he knows very well that if no one supports him, it will not be easy to take this step.

The most typical example is Michael Bay, who was also an advertising director. This guy’s uncle is the executive director of Warner Bros. It took him several years to shoot commercials before he got a chance to direct a film project.

He is 38 years old, and has been in commercials for more than ten years, and his income is not low, but he does not want to continue like this.

Seeing a possible opportunity arise, it is impossible not to try it.

He lowered his attitude and said: "If your company is short of staff, can I join. Oh, and my studio, they are also very good."

The filming team brought out by this fellow has also been in frequent contact with Lehman these days, and his shooting experience in all aspects is also very good. Hearing this, Lehman is of course very happy.

After all, all departments of Firefly Pictures are short of manpower.

"You are welcome to join." Lyman grabbed Zach Snyder\'s hand, for fear that he would go back on it.

However, this fellow also has his own little abacus. Seeing that Lehman is very good at talking, he took out a script from the file bag.

It\'s impossible to say that Michael Bay\'s success had little impact on Zach Snyder.

Seeing the success of people in the same circle naturally inspired Zack Snyder\'s ambition. At the same time, it also gave him the plan to make his first feature film.

Before that, although his job was to shoot commercials, he did not shoot some short films without experimentation.

It feels good and has some confidence.

Later, by chance, a copywriter who had worked with a screenwriter adapted a work, and he planned to use this script to test the waters.

And for Zach - Snyder, Lyman is not too unfamiliar.

Moreover, this product is different from the average newcomer director-like Wen Ziren when he was planning a movie for the first time, he came with a script, and this product even came with a complete shooting report and a rough shooting budget.

Come to think of it, it was not a decision made on a whim or when the brain was hot, and there was sufficient preparation.

This also makes Lehman quite gratified. Regardless of whether the project is good or bad, this attitude is very worthy of recognition.

For a mature film work, it is too rough to have an idea without a complete and detailed shooting outline to assist.

Looking at it this way, Zach Snyder is obviously very experienced in production.

Also, after so many years, advertising can\'t be shot in vain.

The name of the movie on the script is "Dawn of the Living Dead", and the story is also very simple.

It is about a society that was originally safe and turned into **** on earth due to an unexplained plague.

People infected by the virus have become a kind of walking corpse, which will inexplicably attack humans and feed on human flesh and blood. What is even more frightening is that if the survivors come into close contact with these walking corpses, they will also be infected and become the same kind. .

The setting is actually not bad, but the next plot trend feels very bloody.

At least that\'s what Lyman thinks.

What a brilliant white man, a leader of the survivors\' group, agile and calm, caring for others, sincere in dealing with others, courageous and not backing down in case of trouble;

There is also the female No. 1 B. Seeing that the survival resources in the refuge are getting less and less, they discuss with a to take everyone to run together, through the city dense with walking corpses, and escape to the island without walking corpses;

As for the supporting characters who are intriguing to survive, the process of reuniting and helping each other under the influence of various great talents also seems very fake.

Lyman only felt that after reading it, there was an inexplicable faint sadness.

If it wasn\'t for the thought that Zach Snyder could still be rescued, Lyman really wanted to give him a big slap in the face. This is the script written here, how about proper toilet paper? White blind such a good background setting. As a result, Hollywood\'s consistent mainstream values ​​have been rectified.

The whole script includes: tearing, **** large-scale, charismatic protagonist group, and countless daily supporting characters with dog blood to set off the protagonist group. Aside from the setting, it is simply an action film with commercial elements in zombie skins. , is to show how the protagonist group is hanging in the face of danger.

The most important thing is, why is this setting so familiar.

"Are you making a movie remake?"

"Yeah." Zha Dao smiled shyly.

It seems that this fellow has no certainty~www.novelhall.com~ I want to take the first step by remaking a classic old movie.

I have to say, the idea is very funny and very clever.

With the experience of the previous work and personal understanding, the difficulty of shooting must be greatly reduced. Perfect for testing the water.

But the problem is that this has a very obvious disadvantage. Not flattering.


Precisely because there is a previous work, no matter how you shoot it, it will inevitably be compared by others.

That\'s it, no matter how innovative the filming is, and the new wine in the jug, the evaluation will definitely not be high, and naturally it will be inferior.

Furthermore, this is still a relatively good situation. If the filming is not done well, it may be crowned with a hat that ruins the classics.

Just like the adaptation of a movie, the original book fans are always the most difficult to satisfy. The same is true. Under the premise that "Dawn of the Living Dead" is destined to be compared, it always feels a kind of thankless taste.