Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 302: advertise

Hilton Hotel, back garden banquet hall.

This is the first internal celebration banquet organized by Firefly Pictures.

Of course, Laiman was not stingy. In addition to hosting a big feast and rewarding everyone, he also distributed the bonus in advance in the afternoon. The attitude of gathering people\'s hearts is very good. What kind of employee does not want to follow a promising company and the company\'s leadership is still very generous.

And, to be honest, compared to the value the company has created for him, two or three million dollars is really nothing, just in terms of tax avoidance, a company has a huge discount.

The cups are staggered, and the atmosphere is just right.

The 300 million box office in North America and the tens of millions of pure box office profits brought by the stimulus will not fade away in a while.

Even if you have enjoyed it once in "Chainsaw", many people still have an unreal feeling in their hearts.

Evan Braden raised his glass again with a drunken smirk, and Blake Cole and other former management of Rodrien Pictures were also excited.

Especially the tens of thousands of bonuses that have already entered their pockets, makes the mood even more comfortable.

Before the summer and Christmas seasons started, the film took the lead in reaching the top of the 2004 annual box office list. As of today, "Micro Love" has beaten rival "The Passion of the Christ" with $320,000 at the North American box office.

However, this name seems to be intimidating, and it seems to be useless.

After all, when the North American market is still increasing, the achievement of 300 million is far from stable.

It\'s just a temporary title.


Dior\'s new fragrance products this year have made great moves, and they have been warming up for a long time before.

Seeing the opportunity, the publicity department wanted to invite Eva Green to shoot this promotional advertisement, and they were very willing to direct Lehmann.

You know, as a film director, Lehmann must be worth more than an advertising director.

This is an unquestionable thing.

After a few people got in touch, Lehmann also made an appointment to meet at Dior\'s branch in Los Angeles the day after the celebration banquet.

The contact person in the department wore a black suit and didn\'t look very old. After letting the assistant make coffee, he said straightly: "Mr. Lehman\'s several works are very good, especially "Micro Love", which is very good. I feel it, so this time I also want to ask Mr. Lehmann to direct, and Ms. Eva to play the role, to create that kind of leisurely, elegant, and spring-hearted taste."

Well, Dior\'s theme for fragrances is "what would you do for love".

A very popular publicity program.

Lyman looked at Johnson.

Johnson also said in a timely manner: "Your company wants to shoot a 4.5-minute TV short film, and a group of hard and wide, right?"


"Well, that\'s it. Buy it now, $5 million."

Johnson was also very embarrassed and the lion opened his mouth.

This price is already the salary that the top team in the advertising industry can get together, but now it is the salary of one person.

However, Dior attaches great importance to this publicity plan. Their annual publicity expenditure is more than 100 million yuan. In order to better open up their popularity, they did not intend to be stingy.

"Okay, it\'s 5 million US dollars, but it has to be paid in two installments. We will only pay 1 million US dollars before the filming starts, and the remaining 4 million US dollars will be paid after the advertisement is over." The young department contact only considered a few In seconds, he simply nodded and offered his countermeasures.

This in case the advertising effect is not good, there is still room to turn around.

"We\'re fine."

Afterwards, both parties signed their names on the proposed advertising contract, in duplicate, and kept them separately.

Because Lehmann let the shooting team have a holiday, no one was on hand, and he didn\'t want to reconvene for a while, so he simply found a professional advertising shooting studio to cooperate.

Then, pulled Thomas back.

Dior also set up a suitable studio as instructed.

After Lehmann arrived with the team, Eva Green was already waiting at the Dior branch in advance to try on clothes and makeup by the way.

She was overjoyed when she saw Laiman, but there were so many people that she didn\'t dare to approach, hindering everyone\'s work.

After the lighting equipment and camera positions were temporarily controlled, Lehmann took the advertisement design copy and exchanged ideas with the person in charge of the studio.

"Hello, Mr. Zach Snyder."

"Just call me Zach, Director Ryman."

Although he is older than the other party, in the director\'s line, qualifications are obviously more important. Zach Snyder is a little reserved.

"Is it Zach?" Lyman smiled. "Okay, Mr. Zach, may I ask what you think about the idea of ​​this short film?"

"I\'ve worked with Dior before, and they seem to be leaning towards gorgeous clothes, bright shots, to complement their brand."

Zach Snyder is very objective about the advertising effect that Dior wants.

It\'s vulgar, but it\'s a very popular aesthetic.

The significance of Eva Green as the heroine of the advertisement is to set off the perfume with beauty and gorgeous clothes.

stimulate the purchasing power of the people.

After a short while, after the stylist changed Eva\'s clothes, Lehmann came over to check the effect.

To be honest, it\'s very exciting, I didn\'t expect the hair to be so beautiful.

"How\'s it going, Eva? How much did Dior pay you for advertising?"

Eva said: "300,000. However, according to the agreement, I have to attend several brand promotion activities before I can get it all."

Come on, squeeze the labor force, that\'s it.

Lehmann sighed: "Why, didn\'t Johnson fight for better conditions for you. Only 300,000 yuan is too cheap for Dior."

"How could that be? I think it\'s pretty good." Eva was very satisfied. She was paid about the same amount for the film "The Day After Tomorrow". Now, as long as she helps with publicity and shoots a few sets of advertisements, she can get it, yes Very easy.

In the first two years, it was even more unimaginable.

Of course, it\'s not Johnson\'s fault either.

As an agent~www.novelhall.com~, he naturally thinks about his clients and hopes to strive for better conditions. After all, his money path is completely tied to Lehmann, Eva and others.

It is also impossible not to care.

But Dior is not a stupid big money, and people\'s positioning of value income is still very clear.

After everything was ready, the advertising short film planned by Dior also kicked off the shooting in the studio.

The lights arranged on the scene are all soft light, hitting people like a beauty camera, showing that the skin is very white, and any flaws will be covered by strong light.

Eva, with the assistance of the costumer, kept appearing in different styles.

But without exception, they all highlight the word "beauty".

Sexy and showy.

The acting doesn\'t need to be too lively. Well, this commercial doesn\'t need any acting skills at all.

It\'s ok to be able to face the camera naturally.