Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 292: Prelude

On the second day of the release, the media also began to hype the box office results or audience word of mouth on the first day.

They are also very dedicated. Except for any journals or evening newspapers, the major daily newspapers and morning newspapers have already published the grand screening of Wei Ai.

Paramount also made a lot of money this time, no matter what the film critics and reporters do, they will weigh the red envelopes before talking.

As for whether it is touted or objective, it doesn\'t matter that much.

Of course, it turns out that the integrity of these people is not bad. After watching the movie, the content of the movie review is mostly positive.

New York Times: The French director has always been a pioneer in film and television production. Most of the films he shoots have novel perspectives and excellent shots. It is inevitable that many audiences will like him. After watching Wei Ai, I have to admit that it is still the same as always. \'s unique brilliance.

Variety: Leman Rust\'s directing level has always been tested by the market, and this one doesn\'t mean it. There is a little warmth in the coldness, romance is everywhere in the bland, and it\'s a nearly two-hour viewing experience from beginning to end. , no doubt people can calm down and appreciate, the design of characters and lines is more unique.

Los Angeles Times: Although there are many wonderful places in the film, the most fascinating thing is its narrative process. Especially in the second half, when people are tangled and anxious, they thought it was a tragedy again, but director Leman Last played the cards according to common sense, a very subtle little reversal, which made the deep meaning of the film more intriguing. , sublimates the theme. It can be said that this time, even if it is a love theme, he also shot the kind of literary and artistic style that belongs to him.

The Hollywood Reporter: Micro Love may not be the best romance movie, or one that\'s satisfying enough to be flawless, but it\'s definitely a drama worth seeing.

Premiere: I\'m sure it\'s going to be a movie that audiences will love.


The evaluation of the media, in this era of the gradual rise of the Internet, how much propaganda value still exists, no one can predict.

But, all the viewers who watched Weiai on the first day, some of them are also online to other netizens Amway, the simultaneous force of the print media and the Internet, the effect is still amazing.

Around five in the afternoon.

A movie theater in Los Angeles.

As more and more people get off work, watching a movie to relax is also a way that some people like very much.

A middle-aged white man looked at the gradually bustling cinema, and gradually regained his spirits.

His name was Wilke, and he was the conductor at the theater.

"Two little loves."

"We love two tickets, thank you."

"Give me a ticket to my first love fifty times."

"Three Passions."

Following Franklin, who was handed over by the customers, Wilke skillfully opened the drawer and gave change.

Like yesterday, the best-selling movie tickets today are the work of the French director and the religious borderline movie that has been going strong for almost two weeks.

Time is spent in busyness.

The pointer gradually moved towards 6:30, more and more audiences were in the theater, and Wilke became more and more busy.

"Two little loves."

"Two more micro-loves, I want to see it again."

"Five, to be seated together..."

Wilke didn\'t notice it at first.

However, slowly, seeing that the number of tickets for the Wei Ai No. 3 cinema from 6:30 to 8:30 was getting fewer and fewer, he realized that the increase in the audience seemed to be a little bit more.

The first few games were not unwatched, but most of them maintained an attendance rate of 60 to 70%, which is not like now.

And the most important thing is that today is still a working day, and tomorrow is a common day off. The main force of the student group has not yet come to participate in the war, is it so violent?

What\'s the situation?

Wilke clearly remembered that when the film started showing yesterday, some scenes were still a new film from The Passion of the Christ.

There are fifty first loves, and it\'s not that bad. Some people still watch it. It\'s only been a day, and it\'s too exaggerated to become powerless to fight back.

But now, it is clear that what is happening cannot be vetoed.

In fact, Wilke also knows a little bit of love.

For a low-budget love-themed movie, the production cost of The Passion of the Christ is 6.5. Fifty First Loves is not too bad, but it is also more than ten million yuan.

It stands to reason that even if the film arrangement of the entire theater is not arranged according to the cost, this aspect will not be ignored.

In fact, if it wasn\'t for the achievements of Lehman\'s previous works, the theaters would not have given them any good arrangements, but even so, it still can\'t be compared with The Passion of Jesus. After one day\'s screening, Micro Love has only 4 6 scenes of the Passion of the Christ, 3 scenes of Fifty First Loves.

"Two movie tickets for Wei Ai."

A customer interrupted Wilke\'s thinking, and Wilke was subconsciously trying to take the banknotes~www.novelhall.com~ but his eyes narrowed slightly on the display, "I\'m sorry, Wei Ai\'s tickets are already sold out. , if you want to watch it, you can only wait for the next one."

"Is it gone?"

"Yes, I suggest that you can buy movie tickets for a few other movies, and those have leftovers."

"No, when is the next one?"

"About half past ten."

"Why do you arrange films like this?"

The customer murmured and complained, then said, "Then give me two 10 o\'clock. I want the middle seat."

Wilke could only helplessly smile bitterly, and then handed the ticket to the other party.

The matter of arranging the film is not up to him, and besides, we can\'t fully show Wei Ai.

Fifty first loves are only 3 games in total, so I can\'t erase them.

After a while, several customers wanted to buy Weai movie tickets, but they all returned disappointed.

Many people suggested that more films should be arranged, or another movie hall should be divided.

While comforting, Wilke also notified the theater manager of the demands of these people by phone.

As a senior movie conductor, he still has this insight.

Similar situations have not happened before. As for how to arrange after speaking, it is still up to the people above to speak.

"Boss, Weiai\'s tickets are selling very well, and many people just bought the tickets for the next game directly."

"What about the other movies? How?"

"It\'s incomparable to Weiai, and the attendance rate of some movies is less than 50%."

The person on the other end of the phone thought for a while, and then said, "I\'ll arrange it right away. When someone buys a ticket, just say, wait for half an hour, and there will be a ticket for the No. 1 theater."

Do you make money? It\'s not cold at all to temporarily change the film arrangement plan.