Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 291: promising future

"It\'s almost 12 o\'clock, are you still asleep?"

Ryan bit an apple in his mouth and said.

The place was Lyman\'s house. When Eva didn\'t come back, Thomas and Ryan would also live in the mansion. In fact, there were quite a few rooms, but if Eva was there, they would go to the hotel to sleep. Although Lehman thinks it is not necessary.

"Can\'t sleep, I want to wait for Wei AI\'s box office data."

Lyman sat at the computer desk and replied.

"You can watch it tomorrow, actually."

"You can read it tomorrow, but I want to know it earlier." The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

Even if he has made so many movies, he will still be a little underwhelmed when it comes out.

After all, there are really very few love movies of this type in Hollywood. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

Lyman was a little worried about not-so-hot love, and the audience didn\'t quite accept it.

After all, ups and downs like Titanic, desperate, bold and direct love movies seem to be the mainstream.

On the contrary, he also deliberately designed less-than-perfect results and didn\'t know if they would be liked.

If something really happened to Waterloo, it would be miserable.

Of course, he has no regrets. This oriental aesthetic is his view on love.

He told the stories he liked and filmed them, leaving the rest to the market to judge.

"I\'m going to sleep, you wait." Ryan said and left the room.

On the other side, in the office of Firefly Pictures, Black Cole was also waiting anxiously, looking at the interface of the computer from time to time, hoping that there would be a notification of receiving a new email.

The film, the second of the company\'s independent productions, comes at a time when it\'s put to the test.

Although there was a lot of good news from the marketing department as early as before, everything is still unknown when the box office data has not been counted.

From shooting to production, the company has invested a total of more than 20 million US dollars. If the market response is not very good and the corresponding profit returns cannot be recovered, this is something that many people do not want to see, and it will bring various follow-up troubles.

The company had just been acquired, and Black Cole didn\'t want another job loss.

This kind of thing, once is enough.

And what if it was successful?

Although his position has become the deputy director of the marketing department, his immediate boss, Ryan, is not very in charge. He still has the actual right to speak in the department. Although many things need to be notified to Ryan in advance and agree to sign, it is not like before. Independent, but the salary is good.

When people reach middle age, the biggest fear is losing their job.

Not being laid off is already very good, and Blake doesn\'t want to expect too much. He just hopes that Firefly Pictures can continue to maintain stability.

Only when you are stable can you have hope, right?

For example, the director of the production department he has always wanted is not hopeless. Anyway, the company now has fewer people and fewer management, so maybe there is another chance to touch the threshold.

And all of these plans and goals are based on the company\'s success.

When the time came to 00.35, the icon of the computer page that had been silent all the time began to beat.

Black Cole quickly grabbed the mouse and clicked in.

For a moment, he widened his eyes and was taken aback.

With 2,562 theaters and 3,220 screens, the box office was $36.42 million yesterday.

The single-library score is close to 15,000.

Black Cole looked at the data on the email stupidly, and his breathing slowly became short of breath.

Nima, the box office of this day is higher than the previous year\'s revenue of the company.

It\'s really good to change the owner, really right, the future is bright, this is.

It seems that there is no chance for what to become CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life.

Black Cole was amused, and did not forget to send an email to Lyman.

After seeing it, Lehman\'s heart was at peace. Finally got a good night\'s sleep.


Inside an apartment in Chicago.

When Bella came home from the theater, she began to think of film reviews as usual.

The movie is wonderful, but she still doesn\'t know how to write it.

It took a long time for her to start writing.

"I have seen a lot of movies, and there are also a lot of love themes, but Wei Ai gives me a very different feeling. Most love movies are like the moon hanging in the air, they are really out of reach and only exist. Fantasy. As for micro love, if I want to evaluate it, I would say that it is very life-like. The director also used two stories to explore the respect and humanity of love. "

"After all, in the eyes of most people, love definitely wants to get married and have children together and have a happy and complete life, but the director doesn\'t like to write about this result. His perspective is on the process, the process of getting to know each other and falling in love gradually A good feeling process.”

"I\'m not here to give you spoilers. Although the movie is very good, I really recommend it, but what I want to talk about is something other than the movie. For example, if you love a person, you can control his life. Change his decision?"

"I don\'t really want to judge, I just ask questions."

"From a certain point of view~www.novelhall.com~ Wei Ai is more about the director explaining his point of view through stories, that is, everyone has the right to choose their own life. So, what is love? Another tricky proposition."

"In the love in Weiai, no one saves another, and nothing fulfills each other. Some are just heart palpitations. Even the director cruelly explained a truth: some people, even if they meet each other, even if they are heartbroken, they can\'t join hands. together."

"What lies between two people is all reality, two people\'s different world views, and completely different value definitions of their own lives. It is family, work, and life. Only qualified to move on to the next process.”

"The director cruelly deprived everyone of their longing for love, although the latter story was well told and made up for it."

"In the past, Prince Charming would always fall in love with Cinderella, or a rich lady would fall in love with a poor boy."

"They crossed the class, crossed the stereotype, it is very moving, because it is difficult to appear in reality, so they appear in the film."

"And if you watch the first half of this movie, your dreams will definitely be broken. The second half is also about the love of ordinary people, although the male protagonist finally took a brave step."

"In the vast sea of ​​people, there are always very few people who meet, let alone fate."

"Maybe before you watch this movie, you will have too many fantasies. Falling in love is a very logical thing. If you see the right eye, you will be together."

"But after watching this movie, you may feel that it is difficult to fall in love again, and the right person may not be able to stay by your side, but I think it is very important to maintain a normal heart, and let time witness the rest. Well, after all, the people who should be together will still be together."

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