Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 288: Micro Love (2)

Even if it is the second time stepping into this place, it is still so novel. The life of a rich person was something she had never experienced before.

Eva says hello to the housekeeper, who takes her to Will - the one who needs to be looked after by her.

Will, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, is in a wheelchair, next to the rug he has just knocked over from his breakfast.

Eva saw it and frowned, but she still took it and prepared to wash it.

Will was not at all surprised by the unexpected visitor. This wasn\'t his first caregiver, but none of the previous ones could bear to leave. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

"Who is she?"

"Her name is Martha."

Will said nothing more.

Martha is actually a little curious about Will, but the housekeeper advises her not to ask about his past.

It was a pertinent piece of advice, and Martha listened to it.

She feeds him every day, massages him, and pushes him out for a walk.

Sometimes Will will be inexplicably irritable, lose his temper, and lose his temper for no reason, all of which, Martha suffers silently.

Soon, she received the first salary, a very generous salary, enough to solve the embarrassment of her life.

Martha gave the landlord the rest of the rent, and she was so happy that she asked the landlord about the family\'s origins.

The main thing is to ask Will about his past.

The landlord has been in the local area for a long time, and he knows him well.

She said that the child used to laugh and be cheerful.

People with education and good looks are the object of the fantasy of many girls in the town.

However, since the accident a year ago, he has rarely appeared in front of everyone.

Then, as the days passed, Martha became more and more familiar with Will.

Knowing that he used to love sports, the irony is that the car accident took away his athletic ability.

After getting along for a long time, they will often chat with each other.

Martha is very stupid, she lacks the understanding of the world, Will is different, he knows a lot and likes to take pictures, he will teach her how to use images to record the imprint in life.

I don\'t know if he was really attracted by the unique charm of this woman, or moved by her optimistic attitude. Will gradually stopped being cold and calm, and he would also joke.

"I was thinking, do you really take care of people?"

In the garden, Martha, who had just learned to use the camera, seemed to have forgotten Will\'s existence, and held the camera to shoot everywhere by herself.

"Oh, sorry."

Martha stuck out her tongue and left in front of a beautiful plant, supported her wheelchair again, and continued to push forward.

"Can you take a picture for me? Right here."

Looking at the beautiful scenery around, Martha\'s voice changed.

Emotions jumped cheerfully.

Acting is a more three-dimensional behavior, not just relying on expressions. Body, chanting, and walking are all part of the performance skills, and Eva has no doubt grasped it fairly well.


At dusk, in the corner of the garden, a boy in a wheelchair took a picture of a girl who smiled sweetly. Her smile seemed to have a kind of magic, which made the audience in the cinema fall into the world of light and shadow constructed by the movie. Everyone sat quietly and didn\'t want to miss any shots.

Will wakes up to see Martha every day, and she\'ll say "good morning" to him kindly.

They also hang out in the castle every day.

Days go by as Hans Zimmer\'s studio produced a lighthearted guitar ditty for the film.

Panorama, medium shot, long shot, close shot, short shot... all kinds of different photography schedules to show it all.

Martha would ask Will for many strange questions, such as "is there any water monsters in Venice Lake?"; she would also push Will to sprint down the **** to experience the thrill of speed, and she even encouraged Will to go out for a walk Go and walk around the town at the foot of the mountain. No matter what, she was always with him.

Although the two have never expressed good feelings between them, they are like a real couple, and the sweetness makes the audience immersed in this dream and cannot extricate themselves.

But dreams do wake up.

At Will\'s birthday party, he confided for the first time.

"I don\'t want you to miss everything that others can give you."

"More selfishly, I don\'t want you to look at me one day and feel even the slightest regret and pity."

"I can\'t live like this, I can\'t do it."

Seeing this scene, Bella had some ominous premonitions in her heart.

How could she forget that this director is someone who has filmed "Fury", "Bad Guy", "Buried Alive" and other unreasonable players. The fate of his characters is always difficult to describe, and he is a bad guy who tortures the audience at any time. .

The beauty in front seems to have made people forget that Will had a death wish.

Martha\'s clumsy words of comfort and Will\'s growing resolve made Bella\'s chest feel a little tight.

Although she always felt that the creativity of love movies was seriously insufficient, the daily warm pictures made her completely intoxicated, and she was very happy to see Will and Martha have lovers and get married, but it seems that the development of the plot is still going on. Step by step deviation.

Will is a person who has seen the wide world and has experienced a satisfying and beautiful life~www.novelhall.com~ He also wants Martha to experience that kind of happiness. Because he knows the pain of being trapped in a wheelchair, he does not want to put her. She was stuck around.

That\'s too selfish, life shouldn\'t be just about love.

I love you and then lose you.

I don\'t regret loving you, and I face losing you calmly.

If I could do it again, I would still love you.

I love the change you brought to me, talking about movies, books and the world together, and all the sights we\'ve seen together.

I will remember you, that is the trace itself.

Will is too awake, that\'s why the dream is broken by his own hands.

It is so painful to live, so painful that you are right in front of me, and you can\'t take the initiative to embrace, what a sad thing it would be.

He understands that there are too many barriers between them. Does love really have to slowly wear down in this sense of powerlessness? Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

Compared with a future that is so confused that it is impossible to determine at all, and cannot find the light of hope, letting go is the best choice.

People look forward to love, want to have it, but some people lose it after having it. Maybe it is not lost but long-lasting. As a mature person, you must learn to respect.

Martha respects Will, and their encounter becomes a better version of themselves.

Bella thinks so. very realistic.

The understatement of the coldness and the disappearance of a life has almost no substantive lens expression.

Completely suppressed in the camera of Martha\'s tearful and hard smile, at this moment, as if empathizing, Bella\'s heart was filled with turbulent emotions - dazed, sad, what else?

she does not know.

She can understand, but she can\'t.

Maybe she is not as selfless as Will, and that letter, in the end, is comforting Martha, "You are better, it is the greatest achievement of the rest of my life, you must be good. I will continue to accompany you in another way. you."