Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 287: Micro Love (1)

On March 16, Lehman ushered in another small test in his life.

Nothing fancy, not even a few media events.

Except for the movie posters mixed on the billboards in the streets and alleys, Wei Ai has no more means to attract audiences until now.

China Grand Theater.

Crowds come and go at the door.

Hollywood movies are in a period of continuous development. It can be seen that the upper limit of the total box office is getting higher and higher, and independent theaters are more concentrated to form a theater chain, which is also conducive to film arranging, and American audiences also prefer to watch movies as a leisure method.

Chris is going to see a movie with his girlfriend Sissy today.

They are not very old, only 15 years old, but young couples like them can be seen everywhere on American campuses.

It\'s not so much precociousness, it\'s more societal ethos.

Entering the theater lobby, scanning the posters in the poster column.

Chris pointed to the Hai report that the cinema occupies the largest space: "Let\'s go to see Micro Love, it seems to be a love movie."

"Well. I quite like that director."

"Lyman Last? I can\'t watch several of his movies. I still rent discs and watch them at home."

"Okay this time, it says pg13."


On the other side, in a cinema in Chicago.

Bella ran to support early in the morning as usual.

Entering the theater, she looked left and right subconsciously, and found that the attendance rate was quite high, about 80%.

It is quite normal to think about it carefully. After all, the director has become famous, and now is the first weekend after Valentine\'s Day. Many people have not yet broken free from the festival, and it is still the mainstream to watch movies in pairs.

It didn\'t take long for the lights in the projection hall to go out one by one, leaving only the big screen in front of them that started to light up.

The melodious background music sounded, and the whole body of blue butterflies fluttered.

And as the butterfly disappeared above the spot of light, the logo animation of Firefly Pictures was also shown at the beginning.

Unfortunately, everyone in the theater was not interested in this.

Most of the logos that can give them a sense of identity are old-fashioned film companies, such as Paramount\'s classic snow-capped mountains, the lion\'s roar animation, which only appears, and has some inexplicable feelings.

Once the screen is black and then bright again, the feature film has already started

"I\'ve always wanted to make a love story, a simple love story, such as why this woman is not with that man, but with this man, but maybe a few years later, when she gets married, it may be another Another person. For love, it seems that there is always no clear definition. Between people, everything seems natural and simple, but in fact it is not."

After the narration, the camera came to a woman\'s hand, holding a camera, standing on the second floor of a train station, looking at the crowd in the hall below.

The camera slowly passed, and a pair of men and women who were chatting and laughing kept emerging.

Then, the camera was aimed at an unfolding of himself with Eva Green as the main point of view.

The soft piano music appeared at the right time, and the elegant melody made people couldn\'t help but immerse in it, just like some kind of sour smell under the love.

Thomas did learn how to make women look good, and he easily found Eva\'s greatest strength pupil. And use his lens to magnify this breathtaking beauty.

Just one appearance, there is a kind of preemptive effect.

In the movie theater, many boys\' eyes were straight. I wonder if they would lose their love after watching this movie... Forget it, ask yourself for more blessings.

Under the bright light, the hilarious crowd, Eva quietly watching all this, like a faithful bystander, recorded it all.

The sharp and clear combinations of the shots constructed one by one are switching.

The picture slowly turned yellow and faded, and subtitles began to appear on the big screen, "Director: Leman Last."

"Starring: Eva Green, Sophie Marceau, Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal..." Kiki\'s novel debuts on the Internet


"Meeting someone changed my life. I like him a little bit, and I know he likes me, but we didn\'t get together in the end."

Under the camera, Eva Green flipped through letters or photos, and for some reason, tears were left behind when she wanted to laugh.

When it comes to love, there will always be people who are overwhelmed.

The picture began to spin around, like a picture scroll, from this point in time, it jumped to the sunny ten years ago.

Eva has also turned into a younger appearance, dressed in a youthful manner, standing alone at the intersection of the town, worrying about her work.

The landlord started urging the rent again. She took out a small box from under the bed and counted the savings in it, but it was not enough.

She took out most of it and negotiated with the landlord for a few days of grace. The landlord agreed.

But her education is not high, and the job is not easy to find.

Occasionally, she went to interview for another job.

The location of the interview is a mansion, and the protagonist of the mansion is a well-known local rich man.

Their youngest son was in a car accident, and UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com was paralyzed in the lower body and could no longer take care of his personal life.

For many reasons, the mother wanted to find a nanny for her son.

During a chat with his mother, the camera moves to a room.

A man was lying on the bed, frowning even in his sleep.

Next to it was overturned food that had not yet been picked up, and fragments of plates were scattered everywhere.

The simple two shots seem to have explained the man\'s predicament.

Bella smiled, thinking the movie was getting more and more interesting.

Ryman\'s main point of view advancement and the narration of the narration add a bit of drama to the film.

After telling the result, and then pushing back the process, it is still so exciting.

Especially the change of the heroine\'s temperament, the maturity becomes green, and under the action of the camera, the two different beauties become very intriguing.

"Do you have any nursing experience?"

"I haven\'t done it, but I promise to learn fast. I\'m very capable."

Eva looks like a **** now, with her hair still covered in a headscarf.

The rich mother had a good first impression of her, but had not yet decided to let her stay.

Eva was a little anxious, and rubbed the corners of her clothes with her fingers.

"Well, if you don\'t understand anything, you can ask Terry for advice."

Terry is the housekeeper of the mansion.

And just like that, Eva got the job, she was happy, and she kept saying thank you.

"That was the first time I met him... The impression was not very good." Narration, Eva\'s flat voice was mixed with the soft piano melody, which made the audience\'s emotions rise and fall along with the plot. , "He was a little self-sabotaging at that time. I actually hate such people. When I was very young, I learned to be independent and live alone, but he was not." Qiqi\'s novel was first published on the whole network