Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 273: 1 thriving

"At the 61st Golden Globe Awards, the best soundtrack will go to..."The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King."

"The winner of the 61st Golden Globe for Best Screenplay is...\'Bad Guys."

"Best Actor in a Musical Comedy..."Lost in Translation."

When the presenters announced the winners, Lyman sat down and was bored and wanted to doze off. If it weren\'t for the fact that there were cameras on the left and right, he really wanted to close his eyes and get through this time.

To be honest, even if Oscar is criticized by people like that, and there are too many political winds and public relations rules, it is not comparable to the Golden Globe Awards.

Not to mention that the awards for TV and movies are a bit unreasonable. There are 5 or 6 nominations for each nomination alone, which shows that they are taking care of everyone\'s face.

In addition, the time for the awards is too cumbersome, the host Rory is a lot of words, and it is very boring to artificially create suspense.

Who doesn\'t know, it must be "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King" that stands out.

So, from the beginning, Lyman felt very boring.

The awards ceremony is still going on, and the best sound effects and best original music were once again won by "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King".

So far, this movie has won 3 awards, which is really fierce.

"...Nominees for Best Cinematography at the 61st Golden Globes include Thomas for Bad Guy, Andre O\'Toole for Lost in Translation, Riley Hunt for Mystic River, Ring 3: The Return of the King"..."

As soon as the nomination was announced, the whole award hall had a friendly discussion, which seemed to everyone\'s attention, and also gave the organizing committee a face.

"...Best Feature Film at this year\'s Golden Globes, and the winner is Thomas\' Bad Guys."

Thomas was fooling around with Ryan, and Lyman was too lazy to move, and said to Eva Green beside him, "Eva, go up and help Thomas accept the award."

"Me?" Eva Green asked in surprise. She came here purely to gain knowledge today, and she didn\'t even give her the best newcomer, but she never thought about getting on the podium.

Lehman smiled and said, "Idiot, you are an actor. It\'s a good thing to make more appearances in front of the media, and this is a live broadcast in the United States, and the exposure is very high."

Eva nodded, and then happily went to the podium.

To the presenter, he said, "I\'m here to help Thomas accept the award."

Because the winners are temporarily unable to be present, there are often cases of asking someone to collect them on their behalf.

But Thomas is a rookie photographer who has just emerged, and is also the first Golden Globe nominee. It would be strange if he didn\'t come in person.

Generally, those who do this kind of thing are the kind of photography bosses in the industry who win awards and get soft.

In doing so, if nothing else, the directors in the awards hall remembered Thomas\' name intentionally.

Eva Green took the trophy, bowed to the audience, and politely said: "Thank you to the judges for their love of "Bad Guy", and I thank the Golden Globe Awards Organizing Committee and the judges on behalf of Thomas. Thank you."

"Clap clap clap..."

The awarding hall burst into warm applause again.

Eva Green said and bowed again before walking down.

Chong Leiman said happily: "I didn\'t say anything wrong just now."

Lehman smiled and said, "Very good, didn\'t you hear everyone applauding you?"

last of the last.

The best picture and best director were awarded to "The Lord of the Rings 3", no surprise.

Although, compared to the Oscars, the Golden Globes are more like an industry carnival.

Adhering to the principle that everyone has an award and everyone enjoys it, whether it is nominated or awarded, it will be very relaxed.

Even so, this result surprised many people.

For example, in the nomination stage, "Cold Mountain", which won 8 nominations and had an infinite popularity, was very popular. In the end, it was only Zellweger who won the best supporting actress, avoiding the embarrassment of returning empty-handed. "Bad Guy" got two awards anyway.

However, compared to other competitors. People\'s eyes are still locked on the winner. "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy final chapter 5 nominations won 5 awards, the winning rate is 100%, pushing the grandeur of his epic masterpiece to a new height, and carrying this mighty momentum towards the back The Oscars march - this is also the scene that Harvey wants to see, and it attracts attention.

At the end of the awards ceremony, when Lehman followed directors such as Peter Jackson and Clint Eastwood and several Golden Globe judges to take a photo with reporters, Lehman only felt like a teacher Elementary school students who were awarded certificates. Really embarrassing.

So that after the end, wanting to hold a private banquet, Lehman politely declined, and walked out with Eva Green directly.

On the side of the road, Johnson had already parked his car and waited at the exit.

After getting in the car, Lehman asked curiously: "Who is the director of "Girl Osama"? Do you know? The one who won the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film."

Johnson thought for a moment, then said, "You want to know that so much."

"That segment was shot well, and the directing ability is evident."

Johnson shook his head and said, "The director seems to be called Sticky Barmack, an Afghan, what, are you interested?"

"That\'s it."

Originally, he thought that he could win the Best Foreign Language Award. He had a high gold content and was a talented person. Lehman also thought about poaching this person into his company, but he didn\'t think that he was from Afghanistan.

As soon as Lyman finished speaking, Kate Beckinsale caught up.

She suggested: "It\'s hard to meet again, let\'s go have a meal together."

After tossing for a long time, it was getting late.

At this time, everyone is very hungry. When Kate Beckinsale spoke, no one refused.

The restaurant was chosen by Kate Beckinsale, and the location is quite secret.

When a combination like them goes in, no one cares.

Well, among this group of people, Kate Beckinsale didn\'t pay much attention after the loss of "Pearl Harbor"; "Bad Guy" sold well, and no one cared about their performances in it, but instead Lyman, probably the most famous one.

Perhaps Kate Beckinsale knew the owner of the restaurant, and someone personally arranged a private room for them. After being seated, Kate seemed very active, pulling everyone to clink glasses to cheer.

Among the few people, Johnson didn\'t talk much all the time, and Eva didn\'t know much about drinking and didn\'t talk much. Basically, it was Kate Beckinsale maintaining a lively scene in the wine party, so don\'t get cold.

She is actually a more lively woman, far from a vase who always has a straight face on the screen. She is also very funny and chats about some of her experiences during filming from time to time.

For example, when Michael Bay was shooting an explosive scene on the set, the third-party guarantee representative on the side was frightened every time, for fear of an accident and facing huge compensation, so before shooting, they were more careful than their director to check the explosion line; For example, Ben Affleck is like a child who has not grown up, and he has very bad stinky problems. When filming the kiss scene, he even reminded him not to fall in love with him. He has a girlfriend.

"You know, on that day, Ben Affleck sprayed some perfume in his mouth, the director and staff were watching. As an actor, I can\'t be stage fright, so I kissed it. I went up, but the guy didn\'t react for a while and took a step back." Kate Beckinsale vividly told the embarrassing story of Ben Affleck~www.novelhall.com~ It felt as if he was the one People who are being taken advantage of, my God, it\'s the first time to work with such an actor, it\'s just torture. "

"Hahaha..." Eva Green almost laughed stupidly.

Kate-Beckinsale added: "So, don\'t easily believe the news in the newspapers, most of them are fake. If you really want to know what a person is like, you still have to contact them privately."

Lehman also answered: "Well, that makes sense."

Johnson complained in his heart: If you don\'t rely on the media to create an image, can you really show your true face? Then what kind of star are you chasing? Most of the stars haven\'t even gone to school. If there are a few of them who have good literacy, and can restrain themselves from swearing, drinking, and messing around, they are very exemplary.

During the banquet, there was Kate\'s self-destruction scandal, and the atmosphere of this conversation was good.

In fact, Lehman also knew what Kate was doing, and Johnson was clear in his heart.

But, this is society, this is communication, isn\'t it?