Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 272: queue for fruit

The next afternoon, when the Golden Globe Awards ceremony was officially held.

As the most lively selection award of the awards season, countless reporters gathered in front of the Chandler Music Hall, where it was held.

The media have all kinds of long guns and short guns, and they keep clicking.

And because of the release of the annual list, everyone suddenly became interested in Lehmann.

For a time, when he was holding Eva Green on the red carpet, many reporters aimed at him.

"Director Lyman, look here..."

"Excuse me, what do you expect from today\'s awards?"

"When will the new work be released?"


All kinds of questions have been thrown over by the media, and people are overwhelmed.

Just as Lehman was about to pick a few random questions to answer, a more eye-catching person blocked the bullet for him.

It was Tom Cruise.

He had just arrived by car, and when he saw Lehmann walking the red carpet, he immediately followed.

After entering the interview area, he decisively hugged Laiman again.

The two of them haven\'t seen each other for a long time, but compared to this, the reporters finally aimed at him - who made Tom more topical.

"Tom Cruise, do you have a good relationship with Director Lyman?"

Liang Tang smiled and said, "Of course, he helped me a lot during the filming of "Bad Guy", and I am very grateful to him."

Another reporter asked: "Did you choose to break up with Peneloz Cruz because of your good grades?"

Is there any necessary connection between these two things? Perhaps in the eyes of reporters, this is it.

When it comes to Peneloz, the rumored girlfriend some time ago, Tom Cruise\'s expression is a little unnatural, but he still said: "I have never officially made a public relationship with her, how can I say it\'s a breakup? "

The reporter asked again: "What about you and Nicole Kidman?"

Because of the pressure of public opinion some time ago, Tom Cruise hid for a while, but he didn\'t think so, he still wanted to expose his scar.

After hearing this, his face turned completely cold, "She has started a new life now, and I only regard her as a friend. The relationship between us has long since ended, and I hope that you will not use those unwarranted reports in the future. Say no more. Also, I\'m here for the Golden Globes today, so please don\'t ask questions unrelated to the movie."

Speaking of which, Liang Tang was able to be hacked so much, but his ex-wife contributed a lot. As soon as there is a new movie, I use him to promote it, complain about it, and make him collapse.

It\'s also the reason why he can\'t easily confirm his relationship now.

These reporters are still giving Tom Cruise face, he said these words, and no one mentioned those gossips again, and quickly changed the subject: "This time you nominated the best male actor for your excellent performance in "Bad Guy". Lord, is there anything you want to say? What are the chances of winning?"

"This is the common credit of the crew, and Lehman. He is a very capable director. During the filming, he considered many performance matters for me. As for the award, it depends on the judges\' choice."

"The movie is so successful, are you still willing to shoot such subjects in the future?"

"Not necessarily, as long as it\'s a good script and it suits my appetite, I\'ll take it."


Layman and Eva Green looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

A few of them were surrounded by reporters together, but the reporter asked Tom Cruise alone, and Lyman and Eva were completely ignored.

What is a superstar?

That\'s it. When he is there, he can instantly **** everyone\'s attention.

However, Lehman didn\'t want to pay attention to the reporter. Seeing this, he didn\'t bother to stand here and walked out with Eva Green.

Not far away, Kate Beckinsale saw this scene, but moved quickly towards Lyman.

She\'s here this time with Jedi Boys 2 director Michael Bay, along with some of the show\'s crew and, of course, Will Smith.

However, she did not appear in this play, but because Michael Bay hooked up with DreamWorks after filming "Jedi Boys 2" and was preparing to make a "Escape from the Clone Island" movie.

The heroine in it, she really wanted to fight for it, and for this reason, she came to make friends.

"Director Ryman, we meet again." While shaking hands, he looked at Eva Green curiously.

She usually pays close attention to Laiman, because of the embarrassment that night, her interest increased greatly, but she didn\'t expect that someone had already taken the lead.

In this case, she took the initiative to greet Eva again: "Miss Eva, is it the first time to participate in the Golden Globe Awards?"


Kate Beckinsale smiled, observing Eva\'s expressions and movements carefully.

You must know that since Lehman didn’t want to hide the relationship, many tabloids have pointed out about the two of them, but because Eva is a newcomer after all, and she is not well-known, not many people will pay special attention to such reports, but, Not including her.

It would be a lie to say that she had no thoughts in her heart since that day.

Actions are arranged, just encounter a fool.

However, she was very smart and did not show this kind of careful thinking. Instead, she showed an appearance of being close to Eva in front of Lehman, but she was actually observing the enemy\'s situation from a close distance.

While Kate was chatting with Eva.

Michael Bay came over with Will Smith.

"Director Lyman, hello, I\'m Will Smith, I like your movie very much, and I hope to have the opportunity to work together."

Perhaps it was because of his racial talent, it was a normal polite communication, but he smiled, but he gave Laiman a very sincere look.

"There will be a chance."

Although there was some coping, Will Smith didn\'t think about getting any promises at once, but he made good friends first, and he had a chance to talk about it in the future.

At this time, Michael Bay also took the initiative to shake hands and said: "There are really many nominations for "Bad Guy" this time, congratulations, Mr. Lyman."

"Thank you." Lehmann didn\'t know much about Michael Bay, but his style was very impressive. "Bombshell"?

He said jokingly: "Actually, I\'m not interested in nominations, as long as the audience supports it. I make a movie in the hope of earning a little more at the box office on the premise that the audience loves it."

Michael Bay didn\'t expect Lehmann to be so straightforward. His pure popcorn style was always ridiculed by film critics. He also said that watching his movies, he couldn\'t take his mind at all, otherwise he would be stunned. Your IQ will drop, and you will naturally dislike those directors who are rushing to win awards.

But right now, what he said seemed very sincere.

Saying that making movies is just for the box office is also quite to his appetite. Moreover, this fellow has won the golden man, and with "Bad Guy", it is a big hit in the world, ranking third in the year, but he has an inexplicable domineering, which is even more convincing.