Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 254: crew consultant

Jerry\'s full name is Jerry Boyd.

The short story collection "RopeBurns" was the first he wrote when he was 30 years old.

His writing is not very good, and the subject matter he tells is only the stories of ordinary people. In the 40 years after the completion of the work, because of its lack of market value, his collections have been rejected by major publishing companies.

He didn\'t give up, and in the end he saved a lot of money by himself and launched it on the market at his own expense in 2000, when he was 70 years old.

Unsurprisingly, those publishing companies with a keen market eye read it very accurately, and this book is not sold at all.

However, Jerry Boyd doesn\'t care, this is the dream in his heart, and he has realized it. As for whether it is successful or not, that is something that God and his old man should consider.

At least, he has put in action.

It is difficult for people to understand the word feelings now. Only in the changing and legendary era can such idealists be born.

On the contrary, in a society with stable material and impetuous spirit, if you talk about feelings and the like, in all likelihood, you are farting or deliberately pretending to be coercive.

And like Jerry Boyd, he is a very emotional person.

Just as he tells his own creative story, he is a person who has been engaged in the "cutman" profession for more than ten years (that is, the staff who deal with the boxer\'s injury, during the rest of the boxing match, run up to briefly deal with the boxer, so that the boxing Better Hands), he has experienced countless boxing matches and witnessed too many little-known bittersweet heartaches under the ring.

People are always looking for winners, they pay too much attention and cheers to them, everyone will remember boxer Ali, boxer Tyson, remember Joe Lewis, but who pays attention to those losers, those who love boxing, but What should life be like for boxers who have never enjoyed the glory, and have been dragged down due to long training and intense competition? Who knows?

Therefore, he really feels very much and wants to share with others, those people or things that are not as well known as they are.

Therefore, he wrote this collection with this original intention, not to describe the winners, but the real stories of the losers.

Of course, he also knew that there was no way to make money like this. He was not stupid, or he knew that he was willing to invest most of his accumulated wealth to do such a thing.

It is also because of this that when a producer ran over and told him that he wanted to adapt, he decisively gave it out.

In fact, he quite wanted to appear on the big screen, which meant that more people could know about it.

And in order to make this thing more likely to work, this product took some buy-out fees, no box office share, any peripheral copyrights, and did not ask for any excessive requirements, such as participating in the adaptation, participating in the shooting. .

Therefore, in another time and space, apart from the material he provided, there was no other participation from him in the creation of this film.

As for Warners, it is the top film company in the industry, and it is even more eager to have no author\'s instructions, and certainly will not take the initiative to find some trouble, and decisively exclude Jerry Boyd.

When the movie is released, the industry reputation is very good, and the original author can only be remembered when the media gossip.

It\'s even more brutal.

Along the way, Lehman was still thinking about how to communicate, but now, the chat atmosphere is excellent.

Jerry Boyd is quite a talkative, humorous and optimist.

As he said, "He is also getting older, and he sees some things very openly."

On the bar in the bar, Josh wanted to be funny.

Jerry Boyd ignored it, turned to Lyman, and said, "I read the news some time ago, and I saw you, but I didn\'t expect you to direct this work."

"Not satisfied?" Lyman picked up the glass and continued to touch it.

"No, I\'m just thinking, it\'s kind of weird. Your "Bad Guy" has invested more than 100 million yuan, right? Can you still focus on shooting such subjects and works?" Jerry Boyd asked curiously.

"Don\'t you think that directors look at the investment budget? I\'m not James Cameron. As long as it\'s a good story, I\'m willing to shoot." After that, he laughed himself.

A man like Uncle Cameron, whose production budget is higher than the other, also likes to spend a lot of money on researching new technologies, which is indeed rare in the circle.

Jerry Boyd nodded. He was very unfamiliar with people like directors. After all, isn\'t he in a circle? But he has a good sense of Lyman now, and he can talk.

He glanced at Lyman, and suddenly asked, "Hey, who do you want to play for your role?"

"As for the heroine, I don\'t know who is suitable, but I want to ask Mr. Eastwood to play your prototype character."

"Is Eastwood, your vision is really good, I like to watch his "Bad Man" trilogy, and his temperament is just like me, all as handsome." The old man put gold on his face without any shyness , Immediately, something came to mind, and he asked worriedly: "But he hasn\'t acted for a long time, and he is always a director. Will he be willing?"

"I don\'t know either, but is it human? In short, let\'s ask first." Lyman was not completely sure that Clint Eastwood was willing to play, but in his previous life, he also took the initiative to participate after reading the script. Come to think of it, he did not give up his desire to perform.

Also, the transformation from an excellent actor to a director is more of a self-directed and self-acted role (but most of the roles are suitable, and if they are not suitable, he will not insist on acting).

"Oh." Jerry Boyd continued to clink glasses and drink, apparently agreeing with Lyman\'s casting idea.

Today\'s interview and appointment, although a little inexplicable at first, things went very smoothly. Jerry Boyd is not as old as he looks on the outside, he is more like a young man with a hot heart and action, and he is also very concerned about his work, so all topics about shooting will always make him sensitive stand up.

"However, I still need a little help." Lehman said actively: "I don\'t know the rules of boxing very well, and I don\'t know what the training of the boxing gym will be like. Even some scenes in the script I want to be more perfect and more Are you willing to help me?"

In the previous life, Jerry Boyd was not invited into the set by Warners because they didn\'t need such a character to interfere with the filming. Although Lyman is not sure what opinion Jerry Boyd can give on the shooting, it is undeniable that, as the author of the original book, Jerry Boyd is undoubtedly the most profound about the plot structure of the story. It was what happened in front of him that was part of his life experience.

In today\'s film industry, a large number of works adapted to movies emerge every year, but the authors are usually separated from the specific shooting work, which also leads to the situation that after many works are released, the market is very satisfied, but book fans and authors are not very satisfied (" The Harry Potter series is a good proof, don\'t look at what everyone is talking about in the extreme reduction story, but it is precisely the die-hard book fan, the voice of doubt and opposition is the loudest).

And after this conversation, Lyman realized that Jerry Boyd wasn\'t a pedantic person, and he didn\'t feel like shooting the story he wrote.

He even gave an opinion~www.novelhall.com~ that it is to make "Maggie" not so smooth, you can give it a failure at the beginning, the effect of wanting to be suppressed first may be better, and it will be more able to win the audience. pity.

Yes, that\'s exactly what he said. So, Lyman can be sure that he can really use Jerry Boyd to help.

"I not only hope that this story will be very touching, but I also hope that it will become an inspirational movie. Who rules a life of failure, which is failure?" The words were a little confusing.

But Jerry Boyd understood it, and this is exactly what he wrote for: Is success characterized by the public in the eyes of the world the only success?

Those who challenge themselves, put in the effort, and fail to reach the top are not just summed up as a "loser".

Jerry Boyd was delighted, and asked Josh to pour them both a mug of draft beer.

It\'s hard to meet someone who is compatible with him, and his alcoholism will inevitably rise.

"So, Mr. Boyd, hiccup..." Lyman burped and continued, "Would you like to work on this work with me?"