Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 253: small talk

The next day\'s newspapers really broke the report that Lyman-Last intends to cooperate with Warner. The content is true and false, and some unwarranted details are added. For example, the two sides are because of "Chainsaw". The profit sharing was unfair, the Paramount store was bullying customers, and director Lehmann turned to Warner.

Although this report did not arouse much attention from readers, in the eyes of those who are interested, they do not know who this good drama is sung for.

Today\'s newspapers are full of good news about Warner: "The Matrix 3: The Matrix Revolution" premiered with a box office of 48.47 million U.S. dollars, and after landing overseas, it has successively triggered a movie-watching boom in various places, with a total of nearly 100 million on the first day in the world.

This is the overseas distribution capability that Warner Pictures relies on. There are really few film companies that can achieve simultaneous global distribution.

It is not difficult for an international distributor like Europa Films to achieve simultaneous release in France and the United States, but it is very difficult to contact so many countries and regions, negotiate the theater chain and determine the release date.

I have to say that Warner is Warner. As a film company that can compete with the peak of Disney in the future, its production capacity and strong publicity ability are really not comparable to ordinary film companies.

Even if it is the Big Six in Hollywood, there are highs and lows.

And there is no doubt that Warner at this time is the top one.

The day after the banquet, Ryman was running business at the company.

After finally clearing the company\'s internal personnel situation, the second business is to recruit people.

The job advertisement has been posted a long time ago, and Leiman also asked caa to help and release news in the circle. However, most of the people who came to apply for the job were not very reliable. When asked about their qualifications, they were all new to the circle and asked about their work experience. Yes, most of them don\'t. Ask about the ideal position, but they all want to be an executive. Who can agree to this?

When it comes to cultivating talents, you have to start from the bottom, so as to know if there are real materials. When you come up, you want the management. If you don\'t have any job qualifications, Lehmann just makes a few words and sends him away.

There was no progress all morning. In the afternoon, Johnson called first, saying that he had found the author and communicated the meeting place.

"Million Dollar Baby" is actually a story in a set, and it has undergone some artistic processing to make it more dramatic.

After all, the movie is not reality, if there is no story, it is too bland, and the audience has always been unwilling to buy it.

As for the author, it was because Lehman wanted him to help polish the script, or the script adapted by Warners was not very satisfactory to Lehman, neither the dialogue or the background of the characters were very interesting, and the rules of boxing were not very interesting. On the other hand, Lehmann also has something to ask.

Johnson was very measured, and the scheduled time was three o\'clock in the afternoon.

Lehman drove to a bar called "Josh\'s Cabin" and looked at the unrestrained decoration style in front of him. There was not much that could be seen as a bar, so he shook his head with a smile.

True to the name, this is probably the kind of place where you can drink and relax between neighbors who only greet regular customers.

Of course, the meeting place was decided by others. If Johnson\'s style was his, he would definitely choose a coffee shop.

Pushing open the door of the bar, there is not much space inside, and the seats are next to the bar ring cloth.

At this time, it was working time, and there was only a bartender in the bar who was wiping the glass, and a customer sitting at the bar, chatting with the bartender while drinking.

He was wearing a white and blue plaid gown, simple loose trousers, thick boots, and almost half a hundred hair on his head.

Hearing the voice, he turned around, saw Lyman wearing a black suit, and came to meet him. He couldn\'t help but smile and greeted politely, "Mr. Lyman, please come and sit."

Although his attire is out of tune with the surrounding environment, who knows what this will be like when he comes?

It was the first time he met, and the meeting place was arranged at a bar, which was really interesting.

Hearing the greeting, Laiman did not hesitate, adjusted his pace, and walked straight towards the bar.

The bartender was also smiling brightly, wiping the wine glass in his hand without any pause, and said quite comfortably: "Man, I\'m not a serious place to talk about business here."

"What\'s the matter, Josh, I think you are very good here and suitable for chatting."

The bartender Josh in front of him is obviously the owner of this bar.

And the two are very familiar.

Lehman took his seat, Josh put the wine glass in his hand, raised his chin at Lehman, and said, "Sir, what do you need?"

"A glass of draft beer."

Then, he turned his head to look at the man next to him, "Actually, I\'m also quite surprised that the meeting place will be a bar, but in fact, the atmosphere is really good."

"Of course, if it is at night, it will be more lively. Everyone is acquaintances, so there is no need to be so cautious."

Ryman fixed his eyes on his face and smiled, "Yes."

This is an old man with an air of roughness - it sounds contradictory, but it is. Judging from the age alone, with a wrinkled face and mostly gray hair, he must be very old.

However, people are very spiritual.

The slightly messy silver-white beards seem to have not been taken care of, as if they were allowed to grow savagely at will. His cheeks were slightly red due to drinking alcohol, which also made the age spots under his forehead look discolored.

The pupils of the eyes are not dim, but have a strong taste. At this time, there is a smile on the corner of his mouth, which subconsciously makes people ignore his age~www.novelhall.com~Draw beer is coming.

Lehman raised his cup, raised his eyebrows, and touched him, "Meeting is a predestined relationship, cheers."

"You are an interesting person." The man said, raised his glass, took a sip, and then showed a satisfied expression.

"Jerry, can\'t you live without wine in your life?" Josh said helplessly.

"Why do you want to leave the wine? This is God\'s reward to the world, and I can\'t live up to God." After speaking, he took another gulp.

Lyman was listening next to him, and he also knew the man\'s name - Jerry.

The episode published by this product is under a pseudonym, called Fx-Toure. Johnson asked for a long time before getting the contact information from the publishing company, because the script adaptation rights were completed by Paul Haggis. Strictly speaking, Any copyrights to the film are no longer with him.

Of course, it seems that he doesn\'t care either, otherwise he wouldn\'t take the initiative to sell the copyright of video adaptations of his works.