Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 238: so-called media

Two days later, the incident was further fermented at the same time.

The dignified industry hegemon, Paramount Pictures, even took the initiative to issue a statement saying that it would hold an apology conference for the film.

Of course, this is by no means a scene of bowing your head and admitting defeat, but a catalyst for further propaganda.

In terms of marketing, there is no better way to play than these film companies that have mastered the media resources.

Think about the past 7 or 8 years, first published and then little-known "Harry Potter" series of books, not also led by Warner, has today\'s influence.

October 15th, in the morning.

A black Cadillac drives smoothly, and the scenery on both sides of the road rushes past.

In the car, Shirley Lansing put down the newspaper and watched the front page headlines still discussing, very satisfied with the company\'s execution.

"Is everyone ready? When the press conference is held, it must be a little bigger."

"Well, please rest assured, President, we have invited more than 30 media, and they will all send reporters to participate." The assistant sorted out the speech and nodded in response.

On the other side, in Lyman\'s mansion in Beverly Hills, Wen Ziren was extremely nervous.

After the movie was released, he was taking the main creator of the movie to promote it on the road.

Suddenly received a call from Lehman, saying to let them come back.

Then I heard on the road that a lot of media were criticizing "The Chainsaw", and I thought that after this incident, my work was likely to face the next painting.

Lehman was naturally amused by Wen Ziren\'s speculation.

Will Paramount let go of its profits? How is that possible? It\'s as funny as the very socially conscientious words of capitalists.

Although he was notified of these hype promotions, he really didn\'t expect Paramount to play so many tricks through such a trivial matter.

In his opinion, watching a horror movie with a bad heart is not a rational expression. Besides, the movie poster clearly stated that it is not recommended for pregnant women and those who are unwell to watch, and due to the classification, it has already been Put an end to the minors, that\'s all, this kind of thing can still happen, who can be blamed?

Anyway, it\'s impossible to blame the movie entirely.

But the amazing thing is that Paramount seized on such a trivial matter and came up with a very clever "negative propaganda". Deliberately saying that the movie is scary, it\'s their fault, I want to apologize, but it also arouses the competitiveness and interest of potential audiences. After all, a horror movie that can scare normal people into the hospital, how about a man who doesn\'t want to prove himself? .

Moreover, this is the best work of Chia Tai Guang Guang inviting female friends who have a good impression to watch movies together to promote feelings (don\'t ask why, just ask that both parties have such mental preparations, otherwise, who will watch horror movies with you? If you go to a movie theater at night, you will find that single dogs really rarely watch horror movies alone.)

And Paramount\'s brilliant point is that first things were hyped up and attracted the attention of many people, and then they couldn\'t stand the "pressure of public opinion" and had to hold an apology conference.

If at this time, the main creators of the movie show up together and give a very sincere bow, it is estimated that many people will be so victorious that they think they are relying on the keyboard or the media to speak out.

As everyone knows, Paramount Pictures has already planned with the media to fool together.

You must know that in the world of capital, many "truths" who think they are the truth are just little girls who have been slightly dressed up.

What kind of news is valuable is not trivial anyway.

"The Truman World", is it bad?


At 3 o\'clock in the afternoon, the apology conference was held on time.

A group of reporters who were ready to watch the excitement stood up according to their positions.

You must know that all the reporters and free media people present at the scene - most of them are "paparazzi", all have red envelopes, how can they not show a good attitude.

At the same time, Lehman was wearing a formal suit, sitting backstage in the lounge of the press conference, watching Wen Ziren recite the manuscript - an apology speech.

Huh, are you well prepared?

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the door.

At the press conference, the host had already started to briefly introduce the viewing situation of fans after the movie was released, and then invited Shirley Lansing to speak on stage.

The flash keeps flashing.

Shirley Lansing looked calm, saying that she was willing to bear all the medical expenses of the frightened girl and the later maintenance and nutrition expenses.


Countless journalists and freelancers are stunned, why is it so hypocritical?

If it is not communicated well in advance, who will believe it. Oh, the audience letter, it\'s going to be alright.

Shirley Lansing continued to be hypocritical, and after she said a lot of official rhetoric, finally let the film creator come up.

The flash began to burst again, so that people could not keep their eyes open.

The creators of Wen Ziren, Jason Statham, Hugo Weaving, JK Simmons, etc. are lined up—well, there is no Lyman, he is the producer, it\'s none of his business, and he doesn\'t have to come up to cooperate with the show. .

After expressing a general apology, everyone bowed to the reporter together as if they were discussing it.

It is conceivable that this main creator bowing close to 90 degrees will definitely become the focus of the media and newspapers in the future, and perhaps this photo will be published countless times.

Next, it is a free questioning session for reporters.

"Excuse me, Director Wen Ziren, when you were creating, did you ever think that the scene was too scary, which would cause such a thing to happen?" No. 1 Red Envelope reporter asked.

"No, but if something like this happens, no matter what, we will shoulder the corresponding responsibilities." Wen Ziren said bluntly, cooperating with the opposite question.

"So, have you considered re-rating the movie? Nc-17?"

"The film is reviewed, there is no redefinition of the rating, and the film does not show too much blood and violence."

"So, how were those killing mechanisms designed?" No. 3 Tuo stepped forward.

"From the perspective of the characters and the actual situation, all the behaviors of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com jigsaw are punitive, so he will design those institutions to let the victims choose..."

"So the jigsaw is a good man?"

"No, he\'s a bad guy, a total revengeist."


Offstage, Lehmann was stunned.

Paramount\'s inadvertently conceived publicity rhetoric is full of sincerity on the surface, and it apologizes. But in fact, there was no effort at all.

Instead, I took this opportunity to promote the movie a lot.

It can only be said that in a society driven by capital, what you see and hear is designed by others and is willing to let you know.

And the "active" cooperation of the parties has sealed the way for this hype to fail.

As you can imagine, Paramount really made a good move.