Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 237: increase publicity

Just when Harvey Weinstein was depressed, Paramount Pictures, as the smoother party, was very relaxed.

In the early morning, before the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles was awake, in the spacious mansion, Shirley Lansing, who woke up early, sat on a chair on the balcony, enjoying a delicious and nutritious breakfast, while thinking about the next shock of the chainsaw. Release operation.

As a North American distributor of films, Paramount needs to make appropriate adjustments based on the daily movement of the film.

Moreover, the final result is likely to directly affect Paramount\'s performance in this quarter. There are projects with substantial profit potential, each of which is extremely important to Paramount.

After all, sometimes, the amount of profit is not more beneficial to the stock than the percentage of return.

Looking at the time casually, the next day of Chainsaw\'s screenings across the United States should be almost the same, so I called the assistant and asked her to print out a report in the company and send it over.

About half an hour later, the assistant drove downstairs.

After the housekeeper opened the door, he walked all the way to the balcony on the second floor, in a hurry, but there was a bit of joy in his eyebrows.

"Have the statistics come out?"

"Yeah." The assistant nodded, took out the document report from the briefcase and handed it over.

"A total of 4.9 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 30%." The assistant said happily.

Shirley Lansing nodded, with a smile on her lips, but she didn\'t respond. She put down the report, got up, went into the room, took out a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses from the storage layer on the counter, and poured a glass for herself and her assistant.

The assistant quickly took it, feeling that her boss should be in a good mood, Shirley Lansing usually doesn\'t like drinking except for socializing.

In good spirits, Shirley Lansing took a sip, put down the wine glass, and said with some emotion, "There\'s another young director."


Based on this increase, as long as it does not collapse, the market will explode properly.

"Notify the management of the company and hold a meeting at 2 o\'clock in the afternoon to discuss the announcement." Shirley Lansing was instructing when suddenly the phone rang. She was one of the management of Andrew David\'s propaganda department.

After answering the call, Shirley Lansing smiled and said, "Good morning, David. Is there anything?"

"Last night, in Chicago, a 17-year-old girl went into cardiac arrest and passed out while watching Chainsaw."

It\'s obviously a serious matter, but Andrew David said it, but he seemed a little... happy?

Of course, Shirley Lansing also knows why she is rejoicing. After all, such news hype is good, it is the best promotional material, and it is also the most suitable hot news for horror movies.

"How are people?"

"It\'s nothing serious. After being sent to the hospital, I was rescued."

"Why faint?"

"The girl had some problems with her left ventricle. She had undergone surgery and couldn\'t bear too much stimulation. Then, while watching a movie, her heart beat too fast, causing disordered and rapid breathing. ."

"Is that so." Shirley Lansing thought carefully, thinking about what could work. Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

As for Andrew David\'s call, he naturally saw the propaganda value in it. Seeing that the president was still silent, he first stated his plan: "I have already sent someone to contact this client, and then discuss it with the hospital. Well, find the media and TV station to broadcast the news, and both parties will conceal the premise of heart problems. After all, a normal person watching a movie and being frightened unconscious is far more necessary for hype than a person who is not in good health."

"Well, just do as you said, I will ask the board of directors for approval, and mobilize a batch of funds to be used for the fermentation and speculation of this event. Oh, yes, there is also the Internet, and I will also find a public relations company to drive the topic, just say Chainsaw is an excellent horror work comparable to The Shining, and it is not recommended for general audiences to watch it. If you must watch it, you must be prepared to be intimidated."


With a solid plan, a big company like Paramount can move quickly.

At around 3 pm that day, many tabloids started to report that Chainsaw almost murdered a young female audience. The content is also miscellaneous, but most of them revolve around the main line of the matter, and a little criticism of today\'s movies, large-scale footage More and more, the audience\'s affordability is not considered at all.

Then, another TV station "actively" rushed to a community hospital in Chicago to interview the parties.

The girl talked about the process in detail, and sang and sang with the host at the scene. It was basically a movie. It was too sudden and scary, and she also felt when she fainted.

The attending physician also showed up, proving from a medical point of view that if the movie is too scary, it will indeed bring unnecessary physical load to the audience.

As for why these people cooperate so much, of course, Paramount\'s "hush money" is enough to pay 1.5 million US dollars~www.novelhall.com~ and also signed a related confidentiality contract. If you dare to disclose it, you will be reported to your family in minutes.

For the sake of money, it\'s just a simple unified rhetoric, it really couldn\'t be smoother.

When everything is in place, it is the viral promotion that Hollywood\'s six majors are playing badly.

It only took two days, and the newspapers and TV stations were all overwhelmed with the news that "the Chainsaw movie almost scared people to death".

The gossip souls of some melon-eating people were directly ignited, and in an instant, they joined the news media, and this incident became a gossip for many people to brag about.

Countless movie fans and audiences have their eyes set on it, and what they can\'t avoid is the movie that happened in the event of Chainsaw.

For a time, there was also a craze on the Internet.

The Yahoo community even has a dedicated discussion column on the home page, and you can enter it with one click. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

Many people ate the melons and watched the many navy soldiers hidden in the middle wantonly taking the rhythm of the film discussion and expanding their momentum.

The post is full of reviews of the Chainsaw horror movie, saying that the voices of horror in the movie account for the vast majority.

For example: "It\'s really scary, and I highly recommend the courageous to check it out."

"I can fully understand that the girl was frightened and fainted. I took my girlfriend to see it, and she fell over from the seat in fright."

"If you have a bad heart, never go to see it. A solemn warning."


Originally, there are still many passers-by viewers who didn\'t pay attention to this kind of movie originally, but such a publicity felt it was a challenge. They wanted to try their courage, but they were aroused by the movie viewing interest.

Many people also make bets with friends or classmates, saying that whoever has the worst viewing performance at that time will be the most timid.

As a result, more and more melon eaters are going to the cinema to find out.