Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 233: Classic cult film (thanks to all my friends who supported me…

"God, this movie is so...cool. I got nervous watching a few episodes."

After the show, the fans exchanged their thoughts with their companions in twos and threes.

"The last reversal is really the finishing touch. I never thought that the mastermind of everything was an old man lying on the ground. By the way, who is the actor who played the jigsaw? It\'s really charming."

"Adam is the worst. Although Lawrence lost his calf, he still managed to escape. Look at Adam, I guess he will starve to death inside."

"No, I want to vomit after watching this movie, but I really can\'t appreciate it."

"This director is also a talent. Really, this drama is so cool."

"Several actors did a good job, especially the part where Lawrence sawed his leg. I once thought he was really sawing. That expression and gesture were so perfect."



The voice of the discussion reached Lyman\'s ears, and he was not surprised by these very polarized comments.

"The Chainsaw" is originally a slightly depressing cult film, and the viewing experience must not be compared with mainstream commercial films.

For those fans who can accept it, it must be a good movie and a great plot design.

And for those fans who can\'t accept it, they can\'t watch it, and they certainly won\'t like it.

Polarization is justified.

But it is undeniable that the final reversal climax of Jigsaw is indeed the kind of setting that makes people shine.

In today\'s more and more fashionable film rhythm, that definitely stands out.

Just like "The Seven Deadly Sins" and "Bad Guy", in the history of horror movies in the future, the image of the jigsaw in "Chainsaw" is definitely a classic screen character that cannot be avoided.

What\'s more, after making up for the design flaws in the plot of "Chainsaw", the clue reasoning in it is also a rare movie viewing gimmick.

Feeling the satisfied emotions of the audience who left around him, Wen Ziren\'s pressure on his heart has been relieved a lot, he said to Lehman: "I hope this movie will do well at the box office, if it can pass 5 Just be fine."

"I hope to exceed 100 million." Ray Naval also expressed his own thoughts.

"Are you two so unconfident? I think over 200 million is not bad." Lehmann made a bold prediction.

Leiman said this casually, but he was startled by Wen Ziren, a little surprised: "Can it really exceed 200 million?"

"If you have 200 million, how much money will you make? At least 30 to 40 million, we probably won\'t be able to make so much money as screenwriters in our lifetime." Ray Naval made a small calculation. , could not help smacking his tongue.

"200 million is not too much. You will definitely have more than this goal in the future. Come on." Lehman stood up and encouraged.

However, Wen Ziren felt a little outrageous, shook his head and said nothing.

The main creators chatted and walked out of the theater.

Just as he was about to leave, an audience at the door recognized him and shouted happily, "It\'s a jigsaw, I saw a real person."

As soon as these words came out, many more viewers who had just watched the movie immediately turned around, and a dozen people gathered around, looking for autographs.

Poor J-K-Simmons has acted in movies for almost 20 years, and it is often not popular, but I didn\'t expect that the small supporting role played temporarily became inexplicably popular.

Lyman on the side was also a little dumbfounded, obviously Jason Statham and Hugo Weaving were there, but everyone\'s interest was focused on Jigsaw, and I didn\'t know what the two were thinking.

Well, there are still people who remember them and let them sign, but compared to the popularity of the jigsaw, it is not so good after all.

After the farce, there were more and more situations in the onlookers.

The group also had to get into the car and leave quickly.

Watching the creators flee in embarrassment, some people who have not seen the premiere of the movie witnessed this scene, and asked curiously: "Is the "Chainsaw" hanging on it good-looking?"

"Not bad, you\'ll know when you see it."

"It is not recommended to watch if you are not in good health."

"Don\'t try too hard, or you\'ll vomit. There was one next to me who vomited just now."

"so smart?"

With some doubts, some people who eat melon decisively bought tickets for the midnight show, intending to give it a try.


In the car, Wen Ziren was also a little incredible.

"Do so many people really like this movie?"

"Of course, didn\'t you just see it all?"

Wen Ziren, who seemed to be dreaming, smiled happily, extremely satisfied.

At this time, Lehman looked at J-K-Simons, who was still wearing a big bald head. In order to play a person who has cancer and has undergone chemotherapy, it is normal to shave his hair.

"Mr. Simmons, if the box office of this film is not bad, we will launch a sequel to the film immediately. Will there be a problem with your schedule?"

J-K-Simons, who had just recovered, nodded with a smile: "Don\'t worry, I will set aside a corresponding schedule, as long as you notify."

People are not stupid. Now the mainstream in Hollywood is the production of sequels.

After all, the jigsaw that I acted has become a special existence in the series of movies, how can I disagree.

Besides, the pay is also very good.

Although it is a supporting role and there are not many scenes, it seems that the audience is the deepest impression.

"That\'s it, after a week, you can see the general box office trend of the movie. If the results are good, I will discuss with Europa Films and plan to sign a three-part movie contract with Mr. Simmons. In terms of remuneration, except for one time Add 50% of the basic remuneration for sex, and each subsequent film will increase by 15%, plus 1% of the North American box office, and the next film will take effect."

Think about the later "Chainsaw" has made 8 films, each of which can make a lot of profit for Lionsgate.

How can they be more meticulous about the plots, maybe they can make 5 or 6 episodes.

Such a cash cow~www.novelhall.com~ Of course, it must be bound to the core actors first, so as to avoid friction between the two sides and the cooperation cannot be continued.

The three-part appointment is already a relatively common operation in the industry.

Going up, maybe Simmons is not willing to agree.

Simmons on the side listened, silently calculating an account in his heart.

His current salary is 400,000 US dollars, and if he can still participate in the next film, it will be 600,000 US dollars, not to mention the box office share.

No matter how you look at it, it\'s a good deal-after all, he is a supporting role, which is already considered high for a veteran actor like Simmons. If "Chainsaw" is a series of movies, and the core character Jigsaw is really attractive, otherwise there is no need to ask for such a price.

However, compared to "Iron Man", the soaring salary of Robert Downey Jr., his condition is nothing.

As the so-called series of movies, the issue of worth has never been calculated according to the normal Hollywood algorithm, or "one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer"?