Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 232: Finish

The changes of light and shadow in this film are very clever, and they both set off and contrast the atmosphere.

From time to time, the low and mysterious drum beat sounded more like a poisonous snake secretly spitting letters, looking wanton.

With the promotion of the plot, clues are presented in front of the audience little by little.

Various montage techniques are interspersed like dots, maintaining the rhythm of the whole movie.

One after another, the lens and the picture continue to impact the audience\'s heart.

on the screen.

When Hugo Weaving heard his wife and daughter\'s cries for help from his mobile phone, he finally collapsed after being tense.

Eyeballs stared straight at the handsaw on the ground, and a touch of ruthlessness slowly emerged from the hollow.

"No no no no... There is still a chance, don\'t do this." Jason Statham seemed to understand something, howling to stop Hugo Weaving\'s movements.

All the audience members were also shocked.


Hugo Weaving let out a depressing cry, but the movements of his hands were non-stop. The hand saw was pulling back and forth towards his ankle, and the sound of crunching and sawing the bones was so crisp, but inadvertently made the whole body tremble.

Switch back and forth between close-ups of faces and medium shots.

The subtle display of Hugo-Weiwen\'s madness also made the audience feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.


In the end, he still did it.

Hugo Weaving lay on the ground, his whole body twitching. However, he looked back at his broken ankle and the **** ankle that fell to the ground. His teeth were shaking, as if he was enduring the pain, but a smile appeared on his face.

The camera turned to a close-up close-up.

The solitary sole of the foot was lying on the ground, the scratches on the wound were so conspicuous, and the flesh was blurred, and the white marrow was still emerging from the ankle bone.

The camera pulled back, Hugo Weaving dragged his body forward with difficulty, and the blood at the wound became a **** road - like a **** demon.

He looked at the pistol in the corpse\'s hand not far in front of him, took out the bullet from his pocket, and slowly loaded it.

With Jason Statham\'s constant begging for mercy, he pulled the trigger.

Gunshots, is it over?

At this time, the background music sounded low again.

Hugo Weiwen lay on the ground weakly, and the door of the bathroom was suddenly pushed open.

The assistant of another branch in the movie, the man who kidnapped the doctor\'s wife and daughter, walked in slowly.

Seeing the embarrassment of the two, he couldn\'t help but smile.

Just when all the audience thought that the mastermind behind the scenes was in control of everything, Jason Statham, who had been shot, suddenly stood up, raised the toilet lid hideously, and smashed the assistant in the face one by one - it turned out that Lawrence just hit him shoulders, and did not kill him.

The assistant\'s **** face smeared the camera again with blood.

saved. Everyone thinks so.

Hugo Weaving crawled out hard, and after promising Jason Statham that the police would come to rescue him, the figure slowly disappeared behind the gate.

Jason Statham, who was still trapped in place, gasped violently and calmed down.

But before he could relax, fear and despair gradually emerged in his eyes.

The very mysterious music interlude "hellozepp" sounded at the right time.

The music is getting louder.

The corpse that had been lying in a pool of blood slowly stood up and twisted his head, as if he felt that the sleeping position was too much torturing his neck.

In the theater, all the audience members showed incredible eyes.

A strange atmosphere pervaded. After they went through more than 90 minutes of the plot, they didn\'t expect the ending to be so shocking.

At this moment, everyone was overwhelmed by the mystery behind the scenes.

The narration sounded, and with the memories of the jigsaw, the complete chain of clues finally emerged.

"This man\'s name is John, and he has an inoperable anterior lobe tumor," the assistant said to Dr. Lawrence.

"I am being attacked by a disease, and I am slowly waiting to die." Jigsaw\'s self-reported, "I hate those who live in happiness and do not know happiness."

"Most people live without gratitude, and you won\'t, Adam."

"Ah..." In Adam\'s desperate cry, the door was closed again.


With a loud bang, the jigsaw slammed the door shut, taking away the last trace of light on the screen. The screen was dark, but Adam was still screaming in despair.

The shouting faded away, and the cast and crew began to emerge.


The movie was over, and the theater was still very quiet.

The final climax reversal, especially the jigsaw played by J-K-Simmons, whose every move not only destroys Adam\'s heart, but also makes the audience ups and downs.

Not to mention that this perverted killer has been lying there all the time, every time I think about it, I think it is an incredible design.

Watching a movie on the spot is different from watching a movie alone at home. Some terrifying and shocking plots may not be so dramatic if you are alone. But when you go to the cinema, you will be unconsciously affected by the emotions of the people around you.

So everyone was silent.

This is also the charm of live viewing.

Slowly, the audience reacted somewhat.

A wonderful film, worthy of their applause and encouragement and support.

"Clap clap clap..."

Immediately afterwards, everyone spontaneously applauded.

Some of the frightened and pale-faced female audiences also did not hesitate to applaud themselves, which was considered a forced laugh and a heartfelt reward for the film.

Laiman watched all this happen with interest, clapped his hands, and looked at Wen Ziren who was beside him - he seemed to have water mist in his eyes.

Wouldn\'t it be crying. Ha ha. Lyman laughed mercilessly in his heart. As everyone knows, when this product was affirmed in "Buried Alive", its performance was not much better.

Lyman patted his shoulder and took out a tissue in his hand.

"Maybe you need this?"

Lyman raised his brows, his eyes teasing.

Wen Ziren couldn\'t take it anymore~www.novelhall.com~ awkwardly lowered his head and took it.

He didn\'t know why, but after seeing the movie, everyone\'s applause made him feel a little sore in his nose. Come to think of it, he is not an emotional person.

But he had waited too long for this moment.

After three or four years of hitting a wall, preparing, and studying hard in college, he finally directed a movie of his own. From the preparation to the official shooting on the set, to the final editing, "Chainsaw" contains too much energy and hard work he paid for it.

Even so, he still felt it was worth it. It\'s worth it to make a movie. This is his dream all along.

However, Wen Ziren is not a particularly sensitive person.

After a little touch, she took back her tears.

In the applause and thunder, life has to continue to bear the burden.

Maybe this movie will not be a subject that the public will love, but it is definitely a horror movie that is above the standard line and worthy of the ticket price.