Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 221: Filming (2)

Annecy, as a remote town, has always been difficult to have a sense of existence.

From the economy to the culture, from entertainment to sports, it is difficult to find any obvious characteristics or who have appeared in celebrities or the like.

Except for the locals, perhaps many French people have hardly heard of this place.

Therefore, when a film crew came here to shoot the scene, the residents of the town looked very surprised.

After the surprise, came the surprise and expectation.

In this backcountry, how can there be a chance to meet a star.

At the beginning of the preparations, it was fine, and the actors were not in the group, so it was over after everyone saw it, but when it was filming, it would be different.

"Hey, Alan, come and help."

Thomas, carrying the camera, said to the man who was looking at him while there was nothing to do.

Allen is a set designer. Although his work has been completed, he is still quite depressed at the moment and runs over to help with the transportation.

After placing the camera at the designated location, he turned to look at the surrounding residents who were probing their brains.

Each of them had a curious look on their faces, circling around the crew, and their eyes were full of exploration.

Fortunately, the mayor has said not to interfere with the filming of the crew, and these residents have also abided by it very well.

After a while, the actors arrived.

The most striking is of course Sophie Marceau.

This is the most famous star in France.

People\'s eyes fell on her, and all the opinions of Suosuo were considered, and those eyes were not malicious. After all, it was always a novelty for them to be able to see stars offline in another way.

For the parties involved, it is not an unbearable problem.

She has long been accustomed to this kind of gaze, and she takes the initiative to wave to people and greet them warmly.

It was in this atmosphere that "Micro Love" continued to start filming.

Residents of the town are also happy to act as passers-by\'s background boards to cooperate with the shooting.

In addition, there are more residents who did not participate in it and did not miss any opportunity to approach the crew. They took the initiative to help, carrying costumes and props, so they could observe how the film was shot at close range. , you can also talk to a real star, ask for an autograph or something.

As for the crew, as long as they pay a little labor cost, they can get a large number of laborers, so that the filming speed is much faster than expected.

Originally, I planned to stay here for half a month to complete all the main scenes, but it only took 10 days to complete the filming.

When the crew was about to leave, the residents of the town still wanted to let them stay for two more days. After all, they have never been so lively as they are now, not to mention filming. Many people want to watch the scene seriously. Ball games have to go to neighboring provinces.

After the "Micro Love" crew completely left, everyone\'s life returned to the calm as before.

But the mayor is not idle. He also plans to develop this place into a tourist area.

That old castle is their ace in development. It happens that a movie has been filmed. When it is released in the future, maybe it will be able to boast a wave and get some fame.

Alas, there is no other way. These days, the French economy is not very prosperous, and the welfare of citizens is too high. Comparing the two sides, the expenditure is not proportional to the income at all.

If you don\'t want to find a way to generate some income, what else is there to look forward to these days, you are all waiting for the state\'s relief?

Next, the crew went back to Paris in the opposite direction.

In the studio owned by Europa Films over there, they were shooting indoor scenes.

After the large troops were stationed, they immediately started to set the scene.

On this day, Lyman was directing the field workers to place props.

Ryan walked over quickly, "Lehmann, Luc Besson is here to visit."

"okay, I get it."

After finishing speaking, Lehman gave the team a few more orders, and then followed Ryan to the outside of the studio.

From a long distance, I saw Luc Besson walking towards this side with a small belly and a cigarette in his hand.

"Why did you think of coming to see me?" The two shook hands friendly, and Lehman said with a smile.

"I happen to be fine today. Come and walk around."

This isn\'t the place to talk either, and Lehmann leads the way, back on set with Luc Besson and Ryan.

It just so happened that the venue had already been set up, and Lehmann apologized, saying that he wanted to shoot, and Luc Besson also expressed his understanding.

Taking advantage of the filming of a scene, the actors went back to re-make up, and the staff were busy re-setting the scene.

Luc Besson sat on a chair beside him, flipped through the script of the scene, pouted in the direction of the actors, and asked Lehmann, "Where did you find the actors? It looks fine."

"Just happened to meet." Lyman smiled. Of course, the other party was talking about Jake Gyllenhaal. Apart from him, the other Luc Bessons had already known each other.

And the speed of filming now is inseparable from his outstanding performance. Of course, the same goes for the cast of every crew.

The reason why he is mentioned separately is that Jake Gyllenhaal is a new actor who joined the cast, and Luc Besson doesn\'t know him either.

For his performance, I feel more emotional.

Although the core of a movie is to tell a good story, it is undeniable that the actors are also the most important part of it, even more important than the plot itself under certain circumstances.

For example, Luc Besson\'s "This Killer Isn\'t Too Cold"~www.novelhall.com~ The story is a good story, but the superb performance of the actors also adds a lot of color.

Of course, Jean-Renault has always been Luc Besson\'s ace partner. The two of them did not know how many works they have shot together. It can be said that they would find him to play a suitable role. The relationship is just like the current Lyman and Heath Ledger, who have known each other since the end of the day and established a deep friendship.

As a director, Luc Besson watched this scene with enthusiasm, and thought about the purpose of coming today, and asked interestingly: "Lehmann, if you have time, can you come and help me take a look? ? I recently prepared a project."

"Why, have you made up your mind to seal the guide tube?" Lehmann teased.

Haha, it\'s funny to think about this. This guy once made a big rant in front of the media, saying that he would only make 10 movies in his life.

As a result, when "Interstellar Agent: City of a Thousand Planets" was released, Du Nima was the 17th feature film.

He slapped himself in the face.

This also proves to us that making movies is really addictive and can\'t be quit.

"Why, this is still my ninth movie."

"Taxi Express doesn\'t count?"

"I\'m just a screenwriter and producer, not a director, so how can I be counted on my head." Luc Besson was speechless. It\'s just that I was stupid in the beginning, and I had to talk nonsense, and now I undoubtedly regret it very much.

Well, you can still play.

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