Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 220: shooting

On closer inspection, Eva Green has always been a talented actress.

In her previous life, her debut work "Dream of Paris" immediately stunned Cannes. She was originally a professional, and she also lacked acting skills and methods.

And to be honest, the characters in "Micro Love" don\'t have much challenge. It is meant to tell a very ordinary story, and it sells the plot, tears and heart-warming.

In terms of acting skills, there is not much outburst.

So, when the actors got into the state a little bit, they were not nervous, and the filming was very smooth.

In addition to the time for the set, make-up and scheduling, the whole scene in the castle\'s bedroom took a total of 4 hours, which was faster than the scheduled shooting plan.

If it continues at this speed, it may take less than a month to complete the whole drama.

Don\'t think that a movie will always be shot for several months. That\'s because there are too many scenes, too many characters, or too many shots that require special effects.

Generally speaking, a normal drama film lasts for one or two months, or even less. For example, the "Chainsaw" filmed by Wen Ziren in his previous life, it only took 18 days from the project approval to the start of shooting to the completion of the shooting...

After the filming of the castle, the crew immediately went to a homestay in a small town under the mountain to continue filming the scenes of the Eva Green family.

Before it got dark, I quickly shot a few more sets. After dark, there were still two night scenes.

At this time, it was the end of August, and the temperature in Annecy was around 25 degrees during the day, and only over 10 degrees after nightfall.

But including Heath Ledger, all the actors who participated in the show were all wearing single shirts and short sleeves. Because they were filming a midsummer scene.

Especially the two girls Eva Green and Sophie Marceau, they were still wearing off-shoulder skirts.

Although the dress is very beautiful and eye-catching enough, at this temperature, and there is a breeze blowing around from time to time, people like Laiman who wear two clothes feel a chill in their necks.

But they had to pretend to be indifferent to their normal heart. Even if the cold goosebumps arose, they were indeed extremely calm on the surface, and they could chat happily and drink cold drinks.

In the end, he ran outside, took a walk, and blew the wind.

As an actor, you should be dedicated to your work, and there is no saying that you should not endure hardship.

As for Lehman, it\'s not deliberately cruel. Almost every ten minutes of filming, I will take the initiative to call to stop, and then ask the field worker to bring a coat and hot water to warm my stomach.

It wasn\'t until the evening when everyone ended filming again and went back to the studio for dinner, leaving only a few of the on-set managers who were still here guarding the filming equipment.

After a simple meal, he immediately returned to work.

Night scenes are a test of lighting engineers, and several experienced lighting team members finally had the opportunity to play.

When the lens is swept over, the image still appears to be very clear.

Heath Ledger wore a pair of glasses, his hair was brushed back slightly, he wore a tie clumsily, and picked up a briefcase as a clerk who had just graduated and went to work.

"Photography is in place."

"Recording is ok."


The field recorder\'s voice just fell.

Heath Ledger stepped into the camera.

"Good morning."


He kept saying hello and lowered his head slightly.

The people around me are all employees of the company.

As a newcomer, he is still a little reserved.

It wasn\'t until he got to his seat that he breathed a sigh of relief, sorted out the messy documents on the table one by one, and took a cup to make a cup of coffee.

"Crack. Pass."

Lyman nodded, very satisfied.

Heath Ledger is still as stable as ever, showing the young man\'s unfamiliar workplace temperament vividly.

Also added many small details, very lifelike.

Whether it is the constant bowing of the head to say hello, or the comfort after sitting in the seat, there is a shadow that promotes the character of the character.

Filming continues.

"Hart, the manager called you."

A dragon spoke the lines. Hart is also the name of Heath Ledger in the play.

"Oh, well... well... well, I see." Heath Ledger stood up in a panic, and accidentally knocked over the glass. The coffee dripped onto his pants and shoes along the table, and Heath Ledger was busy wiping it with a tissue.

After a few seconds, he was speechless again. It\'s over, here are his new trousers and shoes.

The slides moved slowly, and the lighting engineer, recording assistant, set, cameraman and other staff kept walking outside the shot composition, following the actors.

At this moment, there is a real workplace within the scope of the crew\'s camera, and Heath Ledger is the center point here.

His gaze followed his footsteps, and the camera pan followed.

Thomas held up a separate camera as a close-up camera for close-ups.

He walked to the office with the manager\'s sign and tapped twice.

"Come in." It was a female voice.

Heath Ledger didn\'t think much, and immediately opened the door.

A woman in formal clothes with only light makeup sat behind a desk, heard the voice, and smiled at the camera.

She smiled very shallowly. She knew it was a polite and polite smile, but she was so charming.

This role is naturally played by Sophie Marceau.

Even though she is 37 years old, the years have not taken away her beauty, on the contrary, she has become more charming and temperamental with the passage of time.

Especially this workplace dress, I have to say, it\'s really beautiful.

Hart was surprised, his eyes moved slightly, and he immediately lowered his head.

"Excuse me... Manager~www.novelhall.com~ Do you have anything to do with me?"


"Okay, let\'s go."

Lyman\'s face was very happy.

He has never been worried about Sophie Marceau\'s acting skills, but he is a little worried about the character\'s temperament.

This shot, or the whole movie, should be the two heroines who stand out the most. To successfully release their charm, they cannot be overshadowed by others.

Eva, the people who get along with each other day and night. Lehmann knows how to shoot her best, focusing on eye and half-length shots, zooming in on the angle of view a little bit, and avoiding or avoiding close-up shots of the face as much as possible.

But even so, he still felt that Sophie would be even more amazing. That frown and smile seemed to return to the feeling of watching "Fang Fang" when she was younger.

Naturally and frankly, it is difficult to escape from her figure.

In this shot, the former is dominated by Heath Ledger, but the latter is completely controlled by Sophie. The subtlety of the shot emerges.

"You two performed very well, keep up the momentum." Lyman stood behind the director\'s monitor and gave the two a thumbs up.

Heath Ledger smiled and said nothing.

Sophie came here because she saw the works, and she didn\'t know Lehmann very well. At best, she thought he was very talented.

She also smiled without embarrassment...

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