Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 218: Big stick and jujube, the effect is really good

Anyway, Jake Gyllenhaal is not here, and there is no need to care about face.

The smile on Lyman\'s face gradually turned cold, and he stated slowly: "I remember that since 2000, Jake Gyllenhaal has not acted in any mainstream commercial production, so far, the highest box office film. It was 1999\'s "October Sky," and he wasn\'t alone in that movie."

Hearing this, Mason-Robert put away his relaxed posture and immediately tightened.

Lehman continued: "As for the audience\'s popularity, he has not appeared in the mainstream market for several years. Are you sure that he still has too much appeal? You should know better than me, fans are always forgetful, maybe everyone is now The eyes will be more focused on Tobey Maguire."

Toby Maguire starred in the first three films of "Spider-Man". With the super popularity of the little spider, he has become a new generation of idols in the youth group.

Mason-Robert subconsciously wanted to refute and gain an advantage in negotiating for his own side, but when it came to his lips, he didn\'t know what to say, because everything the other side said was the truth.

Although this is a bit cruel, it is the law of the market that a new generation replaces the old.

Just like the idols or superstars that their generation worshipped when they were young, they have all been abandoned by the times.

Lehman took out a related signing document from the drawer of the desk, wrote down a number, and handed it to Mason Robert opposite, "Of course, I don\'t really pay much attention to market appeal when choosing actors. After so many years, Jack I\'m looking forward to what kind of charm he will explode after returning to mainstream movies, but before that, he first needs a chance to return to the public eye. I think my movie should be good. You watch it first Look at the conditions."

While Mason was reading the relevant treaties one by one, Lehmann did not relax, and continued to chase after the victory, drawing a big cake.

"You can also think about it from another angle. If the movie he collaborated with me this time is released, and the results are just good, even if he can\'t rely on this to become popular again, at least his performance record will look better, right? At that time, His worth has the existing achievements as the basis, will it be more confident to increase the salary? And if you are still unwilling, I have nothing to say, I can only sincerely hope that the next time there will be Opportunity to collaborate.”

Good things and bad things have been said, the big stick has been given, and the rest is to see the power of sweet dates.

He said so much, of course, he wanted to lower the price.

Oh, no, that\'s not called price reduction, it\'s called reasonable salary conditions.

After all, the agent Mason, like all qualified agents, has always been serious about maximizing the benefits as much as possible.

Mason-Robert silently looked at the contract and never spoke.

All of Lehman\'s arguments have refuted some of the advantages he said, and now his mood is not as calm as he seems.

He just wanted to rise first, then slowly, step by step, drop down, and finally get a relatively good salary, that\'s all. As the so-called face, he wants everything.

Besides, there is nothing wrong with his negotiating method, but he underestimated Lehmann.

Maybe he couldn\'t understand why a rather young director only had the talent to direct, how could he be proficient in negotiation.

It\'s like an old fox that has been "hardened in battle".

With all the coherent words, I don\'t know how to answer what Mason said. At first glance, it seems that they should sign the contract immediately, but think about it carefully, the conditions are all the other party will come out, and they have no leeway to fight for it. Isn\'t that his dereliction of duty? Mason thought to himself, forcing himself to calm down first.

After the big stick, sweet dates and cakes, Lehman played another rational card, "The salary of $1 million seems to be a bit low, but the budget of this movie is also limited. Let\'s add an additional condition, as long as the movie The box office can exceed 100 million. We can take part of the profit as a box office reward. I guarantee that this part of the money will not be less than 500,000 US dollars. As for the final amount, it depends on the height of the box office. But no matter what. , we have this intention."

Well, the salary condition given in the contract is one million US dollars.

Mason was of course dissatisfied after seeing it. He was still thinking about how to increase the price. As a result, when the box office incentive came out, he found that he was actually a little moved.

After all, what he originally thought was only 1.5 million US dollars. Perhaps in order to cooperate smoothly, it is not impossible to drop further.

He thought for a while, and finally nodded and said, "Okay, let\'s talk about it this way."

Finally, after another half-hour of tug-of-war, the detailed actor contract was determined.

The basic salary for Jake Gyllenhaal\'s participation in "Micro Love" is 1 million US dollars, which is paid in two installments (before and after the filming), and an incentive clause is added. After the film box office reaches 100 million in North America, a reward of 50 10,000; for each additional 20 million thereafter, an additional 100,000 will be awarded. But there is a limit of $1 million. In other words, after the film\'s box office in North America reaches 200 million, no matter whether there is room for growth, there will only be $1 million as an incentive.

After the two parties negotiated the remuneration, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com did not end here.

As for the treatment of actors, there are still many things that need to be determined.

For example, studio problems, accommodation problems, travel problems, cooperation with publicity problems...

After all, in most cases, the fixed remuneration paid by the production company already includes the remuneration for all promotional activities related to the film.

This part is also closely related to the actors.

Because reasonable publicity is conducive to expanding popularity, and popularity is linked to future remuneration.

Let’s just say, for many things, Hollywood has its own set of industry rules.

Those so-called super-a superstars, A-level stars (first-tier), second-tier and third-tier young actors who are not in the mainstream, and supporting roles can all be calculated on the basis of performance.

By the next day, Lyman finally negotiated a contract with Mason-Robert and its guarantees.

This speed is also considered fast. Some Hollywood blockbuster projects can take more than half a year.

Then he struck while the iron was hot, and called Jake Gyllenhaal and several industry lawyers. Under their witness, Jake took a pen and signed his name in the contract.

Even if this matter is a certainty.

The contract is made in two copies, each received.

Lehman then smiled at Jake Gyllenhaal: "If there\'s nothing wrong, you can join the group early."

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