Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 217: Negotiating conditions

As dusk approached, a Mercedes-Benz parked at the foot of the ranch.

A middle-aged white man in formal clothes got out of the car. It was Mason Robert, the manager of Jake Gyllenhaal who had come from afar.

He set out from Los Angeles early in the morning. Although the drive was very hard, he looked good.

After all, his client has taken the path of Lyman Rattles. If the movie can really become popular, it will also be very good news for him.

But the premise of all this is that the negotiation needs to be successful first, and he is here for this.

Standing outside the car, he immediately called Jake Gyllenhaal.

"Yes, I\'m here."

After a while, Jack came down from the mountain.

The two chatted for a while, followed the address to a homestay, and kept knocking at the door.

Laiman opened the door and immediately understood what was going on. He smiled and said, "You two, come and sit first."

After Mason-Robert entered the door, he took the initiative to introduce: "Mr. Ryman, hello, I\'m Jack\'s agent, just call me Mason."

Well, Mason is affiliated with the old brokerage firm William Morris, but he still has some connections with the CAA where Lehman is.

To be more precise, the founder of CAA had defected from William Morris to start his own business.

"Jack\'s image and temperament is very in line with the character in my movie. You are his agent, what do you mean?" But Lehmann didn\'t have so much time to be polite, and went straight to the point.

Well, everyone likes to hear it. Although Jake Gyllenhaal has heard it since he was a child, he has to tell who said it. At this moment, I could hear Laiman saying that he fits the role very well, and I couldn\'t hide my excitement. I stared at the agent next to him, as if hoping that he would agree sooner.

Mason, however, ignored Jack\'s eyes and said, "We are naturally willing to be able to star in the works directed by Lehman. We are also very sincere to promote cooperation."

The flower sedan chairs were carried by everyone and counterattacked.

Seeing that this person is so professional, Lehmann stopped talking nonsense. He directly took out a printed contract, as well as the budget plan sent by Ryan, the tentative shooting schedule, and the rental contract with the location, and put them in front of him, saying: "Since Everyone has the heart to cooperate, so let’s talk first.”


Seemingly seeing the other party\'s doubts, Lehman explained, "I am the director and producer of this project, and I have the right to determine the actor\'s performance contract."

It is said that as early as the filming of "Bad Guy", he began to lead two positions, but he is only now beginning to exercise a little bit of producer power.

In the past, if Ryan helped him, or George came to negotiate, he didn\'t need to worry about it.

But now, one is busy on the set, one is flying all over the world and checking the overseas box office share of "Bad Guy" with theaters all over the world, including some offline copyright operations.

He couldn\'t get away, he couldn\'t, he had to do it himself.

Mason understood in his heart, but didn\'t say much.

Look at these things one by one.

Based on everything, and then according to one\'s own judgment, to determine the next striving efforts and preferential conditions.

Every qualified broker should strive for the best contract for his client.

He still has this professional ethics.

Read it slowly, and organize the documents carefully. When he looked up again, he was smiling again.

"This project seems to be almost ready, and we are also very willing to play," Mason sorted out the wording: "And Jack\'s schedule is completely coordinated, and there will be no trouble, but... ." He frowned, did not speak immediately, but first said to Jake Gyllenhaal on the side: "Jack, you go out first."

Jack also understands that the next step is the specific salary negotiation, and if he is still here, it will only get in the way. Nodding his head, he greeted Lehman politely, "Director Lehman, I\'ll go first, you can talk."

Lehman waved his hand and said, "Yeah."

After the people left, Mason stopped being polite, pointed to the contract with a smile and said, "I also thought about related issues on the way here. I think $2 million, paid in one lump sum, is very suitable."

The other party raised Jack\'s worth a bit. Lyman was not annoyed by such nonsense, and slowly retorted: "He\'s just a supporting role, and the price is inflated."

"The crew\'s plan is to shoot for a month, right? For us, it\'s based on 30 days, and it\'s less than $70,000 a day. Comparing Jack\'s current performance, I think it\'s very reasonable."

Lehman was amused, although he didn\'t hate actors fighting for a reasonable salary, and he never thought about being harsh - Logically speaking, Lehman participated in the project investment, but he was not the big burden, Jack\'s Whether the salary is more or less is none of his business. Perhaps Europa Pictures and Paramount care more than him.

However, the production budget of the film is only 10 million US dollars, and I have almost set aside a salary space of 6 million US dollars. If Jack wants to get 2 million US dollars, how to calculate the expenses and expenses of other cast members? What if the cost of shooting exceeds the upper limit?

It is very, very troublesome to know that the production cost is not enough to make additional investment~www.novelhall.com~ This means that the distribution terms previously signed with the two distribution companies need to be renegotiated. If it really gets to that point, and the crew runs out of money while filming, do you want him, the director, investor and producer, to pay for it out of his own pocket?

Thinking about it, is it impossible? He is not a saint, he is obviously taking advantage of others.

"Mason, as far as I know, Jake Gyllenhaal didn\'t get such a high salary for his role in "Brokeback Mountain", and his role in this drama is even heavier."

"It\'s different, Director Ryman. Isn\'t it considered a qualification for him to act in this work? As long as the response is good, his salary increase should be a matter of course, what do you think?"

"Of course, this is an industry rule that Hollywood abides by. But now I don\'t know when this movie will be released? Maybe my movie will be faster, what do you think?" Lehmann laughed.

Li Press is slow in filming, and editing is even slower. It is normal to drag on for a year or two.

Mason still didn\'t give up, and continued to fight according to his reasons. "He started acting in movies at the age of 11. He has made many works and achieved impressive results. Is he more suitable for the role than him?"

When Lyman heard this, he didn\'t want to give a good face anymore.

Sometimes, some people just need a little deterrence.

Or in other words, directly cut off their "acquisitiveness".

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